James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Quick peek inside…

No Problem getting roots to the reservoir with the tall Rain Science Autoflower Grow Bags!

Even Stans left speechless… :rofl:

Look at the roots just popping out along the edges.
This is gonna be… Legen… wait for it… DARY!

Knocked out the Stack foliar tonight, for the record.

If the rest of the grow goes well, I cant see ANY reason to ever go back to the Octopot bags. These Rain Science bags are wildly superior, and easily modified with a 4" hole in the bottom.


Look what showed up this weekend @BobbyBudz

They’re gonna make it into these tents soon enough!

Looks like Bobby sent some Powie Wowie, Powie Pineapple, and slid in some Powie Poison as well. Love it! Thanks again, Bobby!


Tuesdays out the effendor pic…

Along with a couple of in-tent cam shots…

Planning to remove the 2nd node large fan leaves tonight. I think theres enough to catch rays without having them now. Gimpy is gimping right along…


Tuesday April 16. Day 26 since she popped.

Root growth is starting to reach insane pace. I’m getting really excited for this one! Just came home to see this in my reservoir. Each day changes significantly.

Looking at Blue Dream and Skywalker OG, the roots werent quite as aggressive as these.

Electrify grow was full of roots in the reservoir, but that was a cutting in Octopot. From planting cutting in Octopot to the below photo, was 49 days. Lets see how LSD looks on day 49 from day seedling popped. LSD is on Day 27 from first popping up. Another 22 days… Someone remind me to get a photo of the roots on that day. May 9th.

Probably not a fair fight since cuttings should root more aggressively than seeds, I believe.

Wondering if I should go full strength nutrients next feeding? Definitely going to keep up with weekly dual Athena foliar treatments as well as occasional Foop spraying as a treat.


Couldnt sleep, so up way too early this morning.
Here’s LSD lookin like all that…

Strutting her mutation like its the latest thing…

Missed todays out the effendor pic, but here’s 6:30am in-tent cam shot…


Looks absolutely fantastic!

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Thanks Stoner! She’s doing all the heavy liftiing…

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Here’s Wednesday night…

A few close-up shots

This one is struggling… :point_up_2: :point_down:

From last night… :point_down:

To this mornings :point_down:out the effendor pic. Quite the difference

She’s REALLY trying with Nemo’s “lucky” fin…




Mainline nicely done

I love the way that looks
I fined it easier to prune and maintain

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Thanks! Then you’re really going to like what’s coming up next :vulcan_salute:

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Hope to do this one right…

Started out moving a few things around, then decided to just clip the gimpy leaf.

Then one more…

Ended up taking off a bunch! Saving the ends for later. FIrst mains level is just about there, but second level needs at least a few more days, I think.
Should happen by this weekend. At that point, Its “off with their tops!”

Plan is to run 8 mains with possible side branching.
For those who’ve followed my grows so far, things just… DONT go to plan, But, there is always hope :vulcan_salute:.
I think this should work out.

At least the deformation didnt go crazy and I was able to work around it. In fact, that kinda pushed me to go more mainline.

Couple of youtube shout-outs…
Gotta mention this guy - https://youtu.be/3vWL756OrMw?si=lbmo-G2_tpprPf75
Hyperactive Highs. He does some cool grows, and has the “Modified Mainline” thing down. Lots of good info in his vids.

Octogrower is a good one as well. Pretty much the only guy who shows “how to” from start to finish. Made it easy to follow a from seed germination in Octopot.

Here we are, Day 34 from seed. Day 28 from seedling. Day 10 veg.
Looking… Well-groomed :beers:

Gonna give her a feeding this weekend. May go full-strength.
Big RO Water makin weekend coming up… :roll_eyes:
I really gotta try a side by side from clone Tap water vs RO water grow in the 2x4. Really.


So, I fucked up after last nights T&T session, and left the light in ON mode :roll_eyes:. Turned her off this morning around 6:30am. Gonna leave her off for at least a couple of hours so she gets some rest :vulcan_salute:

She ended up having a 24 hour light cycle. No biggie, but she probably needed a rest after the butchering I gave her last night :100:


Wake up, little one…

LSD got at least a few hours of sleep :vulcan_salute:


Did a morning Athena Stack Foliar application. Lights off for that

There’s my 8 baby Mains…
I’m having to force them to twist the right way. The mutated growth crushed my groove. This one is vertical and needs to lay horizontally.

Gave LSD a feeding today. Mixed two gallons at 1.9EC and Took her to 1.4EC after mixing with the gallon or so left in the res. Still a bit low, especially compared to the 2.1EC Full-strength recommendation. We’ll see what happens. She’s up to 3rd line on reservoir.


Looks like LSD is rebounding. A little bit of a stall yesterday after I topped the two nodes Saturday. They are starting to grow out now

Today’s out the effendor Pic…


Does the res have air stones? I saw a setup similar to this, it was more like net pots and dwc but the bubbles caused the surface to sort of fizz and splash up onto the bottom of the pots so they got some moisture but they weren’t sitting in it.

@supersecretjim your user name reminds me of someone who signed up on the original Overgrow but didn’t really understand how it worked. His real name was Dave Collins and he signed up as Dave Collins like it was Facebook and he started posting grow diary pictures with his face in. Then he freaked out when he realised what he’d done so he contacted the mods and they changed his name to “Not Dave Collins” and somehow he seemed happy with this. :rofl:


Blockquote Still a bit low, especially compared to the 2.1EC Full-strength recommendation. We’ll see what happens.

I think it can work well to keep them hungry when they’re this size. Then when you hit them with full strength they guzzle it up.

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No Air Stones. Straight-up RO water & nutes.
Ive kinda thought about that as well… In flower, its not an issue. Water level moving too quickly. In Veg like now, Ive heard of people putting hydroguard in it. I took my first by cutting, no prob. The two in my 2x4 from seed, no issue. Everything seems good in this 2x2… Thats the beauty of the Octopot system… No power needed.

Dont over-think it :crazy_face:
Thats a user name I came up with many, many years ago when I first created my online yahoo profile. I was pressed with having to come up with a user name, watching Secret Squirrel at the time…

The rest is “Mess with womens heads forever without even trying” history.
Why do they read so much into an innocent name. Why, Stanlee? WHy???

Oh, and I’m definitely NOT that other guy… Or anyone else thats ever been on OG before. :vulcan_salute:

Better watch out if someone starts posting as “Not Supersecretjim” :rofl:


I’ll let her get past the toppings and get back to shape. Maybe next week drain and give REAL feeding…

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