James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Hump days out the effendor pics…

She’s looking good!
Fed her two gallons at 50% yesterday. No roots to reservoir yet, but should show soon (say that three times quickly).

Bumped the light to level 5. That puts ppfd at 400+

May just Top & Train her this weekend…


I love those fat bottom (leafed) girls!! Looking great man good job!


Thanks Gadarien! They make the Rockin World go round, you know… :vulcan_salute:


Here’s my living/Family room. My wife says I’m too tents… :100:

Girls are all looking good!

This is my two tent “perpetual grow”. If I keep this going, I should have a harvest of no less than 8oz (half pound) dry every two months. Im figuring an average 1.5 - 2 lbs dry every four months. Should be able to keep myself and those around me in weed…


Lets do some ppfd measurements!

Stable base to set up meter

Ppfd at light level 5 door open is 357

Ppfd at light level 5 door closed is 401

Bumped up to light level 6, we hit 461…

Here’s some in-tent cam shots…

What do you guys think? Should I leave at level 5 for another day, or move to level 6?


Thursday mornings out the effendor pic…

Someone’s going topless soon… :100: …and it aint me. :point_up_2:

I seem to gravitate towards a psuedo-mainline type of grow, but I’m gonna need to keep LSD “vertically restrained” more than Ive done in past or current grows.
I think I’ll be repeating this phrase, or a variation every grow… “I really need to keep on top of things better this grow”. I may cut & paste that for later use :vulcan_salute:


Jacks it’s cheap and very effective


I see that. I may try Jacks at some point, but still feel like I really know nothing… even though this is my 4th grow.
Athena has been working really well for me. I just follow the chart, pretty much. Make a few minor dosing decisions…But pretty much stick to the schedule.

Im a creature of habit and comfort. Ive seen mention of me being very daring in my grows, which I can see, as I always like to reach a bit further.

But right now Athena Blended, Coco-Loco, and Octopot are my foundation. Next grow Im moving to Promix Hp, and I’ll be hitting you up directly for instructions on how to proceed.
Ive gotten pretty comfortable with the Fox Farm built-in nutes and sliding into half-strength feeding,etc. Its worked really well for popping seeds so far (3 for 3) and seedling to Veg transition.

Already stressing writing about it, lol.

I’m about 1/2 to 3/4 finished with my Athena Blended stuff. Some bottles go faster than others. I just passed my 1st Growversary(?) on the 9th of this month and into my 4th grow, I’m still good for nutes, Should be able to finish both the money pit and lil burner and have more for next grow. I think total spent on nutes when I first started was around $300 or so. I dont have to worry or learn about ratios 10/30/20 ,30/10/10, etc.

No doubt, Octopots and Jacks are a great match. Its proven effective.
Athena Blended may be a great “minimal thought involved” match as well.

The Electrify grow pulled 10oz in the 2x4 with a Sludge-filled reservoir, but other than a weak GLS ProGrow 320 and the Blackstrap incident, the nutes were working really well. Want to see how everything goes with this and the current Money pit grows.

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That’s the vast chasm of nutrients

I don’t do the 321 formal

More of a custom blend

20/20/20 slow long veg npk =1/1/1
10/30/20 early flower 1/3/2
Equal parts 10/30/20 and 5/12/26 = 1/4/4
Used mid flower
5/12/26 late flower to finish 1/3/5

Also need
15.5/0/0 cal net
Epson salts

Using all to make custom blends

Totally still cheaper then bottle fertilizer

Also use for root development mycorrhizae


Thinking of trying this out for my upcoming harvests both in this tent and the 2x4 Money-pit.

Got it and so many other things when I was in a buying frenzy getting my grow going last year.

Hand-trimming isnt terrible, but this could help.

Anyone using them? At what point do you say “fuck the hand trim” and go the machine? Doesnt matter whether its like mine, or a high-priced type…


Happy friday! Today’s out the effendor pics…

This girl is getting BIG.
Day 28 from seed.
Day 22 from seedling
Day 4 of Veg.

She’s looking green and healthy

She’s practically beggin for it…

Dont see why I wouldnt top her this weekend either tomorrow or Sunday. Going to choose my two favorite nodes to start this Psuedo-Mainline grow. Everything above gets chopped, and taking whats below as well.


Some in-tent shots…

Humidifier is empty, so decided to see how she does today on her own without any additional moisture added.

Haven’t done a root check for a few days, so I might open up and peek in tonight or in the morning


She has no idea what lies ahead…

Haven’t checked roots in a few, at least.
Well… Here they are!

They’re coming down through the bottom of Rain Science bag… All along the edges. Love it!

Added the rest of the Half-strength veg nutes I mixed up the other day.

Might be a good idea to fill up the reservoir a bit higher now to attract more roots through bottom of bag as well as through Hydro-Wick Cup?

Really relieved that the roots have made it through the cup into the reservoir. For me, this is huge.

I’m expecting great things from LSD :vulcan_salute:


Gimpy leaf. Didn’t notice til after cuts made


I would think raising the level in Rez will have the opposite effect
As pot will be wetter so roots no need to leave the bag insearch of more
The humidity in low level Rez will keep roots happy and keep them searching
Air doesn’t prune roots , low humidity does it


I’ll go with what you say. I think you know more about the physics of growing and Octopots than this newbie. Or maybe you’re just a “Root Whisperer”

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Nah I just love chatting
Shootin the breeze : )


I judge watering by the two day rule ( watering standard pots )

2 days worth is good
1 day is ok but you will get caught out sooner than later ( as plant mass grows )
3 days is boarderline too much , unless rootmass can handle it

I assume it’s the same for Rez level

But I’m not an octo grower , we just bouncing ideas till the octo peeps jump in


Why did I assume you were!? :crazy_face:

Goes back to what dad taught me about making assumptions…


LSD Day 31 from seed. Day 7 Veg. Remember, she spent 6 days underground.
Here’s the weekends action…

Great shots of Gimpy above :point_up_2: and below :point_down:

Maybe I’ll name her Nemo!

In-tent can shot

Starting a little training

Mondays out the effendor pic…

Forgot to mention, gave her a weekend Foop spraying… Just because. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Doing an Athena Stack foliar spray tonight. Going to do stack twice weekly, I believe. Dont have near enough plants to need much, so I mix at 2 mL per 1000mL or 1/4 gallon roughly. I may even bring it down more to 1mL per 500ml or 1/8th Gallon.

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