James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Just got home and may do a little trimming. Mains level one are big enough to go on their own now. They don’t need those big fan leaves.

In a day or two, second level mains will be big enough to go on their own as well.

Look at those roots!

Instead, did another foliar Fooping…

Will put off the training until tomorrow. Probably best anyway as those nodes are just starting to recover.

Well… not going to remove any leaves.

But I am putting LSD through a thorough “massage session”.
I don’t care for the way the main stems are upturning. Going to make things a little bit flatter.

One down…

It’s a little funny…
Trying to be very careful while doing this, but there’s a point while applying pressure… Then all of a sudden it just “gives” . It’s both relieving and a little disconcerting to feel the wall collapse on something this small.
I really don’t want to grow another flux capacitor😂

Good news! No plants were harmed during this massage session, but I did learn that LSD kinda likes to play rough! :heart_eyes:

Feeling pretty good about today’s LSD session. We’ll see what happens about tomorrow. Maybe I’ll give her another day or so to recover. Good News is, squeezing the walls kind of helped straighten out the twist that I need sorted for these new mains.

I think once the walls heal up this one is going to be STRONG, LIKE TREE :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


this one is comin together awesome

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Thanks Logan!

That one main stem is definitely shorter than the others, but that can be compensated for when they split.
I’m getting more excited about this grow.


I think by the time the weekend rolls around, this thing is going to morph into something resembling an actual trained plant :rofl:


Here’s in-tent cam shots
Day 15, Week 3 of Veg…


That mainline is awesome man. I can’t believe how fat the leaves are. When I cut the big fans from my run all the rest stayed a lot smaller and more narrow

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Too tired to post last night. Here’s the missed action…

Decided to remove fan leaves from the lower mains…

What thoughts does anyone here have on cutting off leaves and leaving a stump? Typically when I cut leaves or small branches, I cut flush with the stem. On these “new mains” I topped with a decent stump, but also with fan leaf. Not sure if it makes a difference or not. I know the topping does and helps stop splitting. Unsure of the fan leaves below :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

Plan is to take off the other mains fan leaves tonight. Even the one I Fubar’d is getting big enough to get light on their own.

Not during this trim, but the day before, this got nicked :arrow_down: :arrow_down: caught under one of my stakes, noticed it after I was done, but decided to wait til yesterdays look-see to decide what to do. I snipped the fallen leaflet off :roll_eyes: This is whats left.
Almost lost the stem - got severed by the plant stake during a stupid move (The only kind I make).
One reason I’d like fan leaves minimized…

She still has her head, but half the leaves missing :arrow_up: :arrow_up: and got into stem… I didnt do any kind of repair because she’s sofaking frail. Risk of tape doing more damage. I let her heal on her own, and hopefully that set of moves wont bite me in the ass later.

Lets see how she looks this morning with an in-tent cam shot or two :100:

Looking pretty damn good from what I’m seeing! I’ll see for sure tonight.


Might be bro science, but ive Heard somewheres that leaving a leaf stump that gets swallowed up by a bud could make it easier for bud rot to happen. I cut to the quick bc of that tidbit, but who knows if those deer whistle things on cars actually scare deer away?

(Maybe im the only person who remembers those things or asks himself that question routinely :deer: :postal_horn:)


In my experience they hear the whistle, stop walking and stare in the direction of the whistle. But I also am not a scientist and maybe it was just a couple dumb pa deer.

As for lead stumps I’ve got nothing. I usually clip them back at the branch but I’ve no reason why it’s just how I’ve done it since new.


I used to go deer-dodging when I was stationed at Travis AFB, CA (between Sacramento and San Francisco) years ago.

Sport riding my Honda VFR750 and CX500 Turbo through Napa Valley and Lake Berryessa. Had a deer whistle or two on my bikes, for sure. Whether they work or not… Who knows?
Thank you, JC Whitney catalog!

I have vivid memories being leaned over, 75mph in a 35 zone - decreasing radius turn, thinking … “I hope that fucker doesnt jump out”. :roll_eyes:
Deer LOVE making last second decisions to fuck shit up.
If you look closely (and quickly), you can see the indecision in their eyes, and the twitch in their hind quarters as they make the decision to stay or go…


Decided to do a little bit of training, removed fan leaf from one of the newer mains, but left the gimpy main that is now recovering well. New Growth is appearing :vulcan_salute:

Fan leaf stumps good for tying down, and trying to work out the main stem twist.


Here we are, day 35 from Pop! Sideways grower from the start. This ones never gonna be anywhere close to centered.

Lucky fin is recovering nicely. May take the fan leaf tonight, maybe tomorrow.

Looking good , young LSD!

Just realized I need to do a Stack foliar application tonight. If I’m doing that, I guess I’ll pass on taking the last large fan leaves until tomorrow. Jane says :100:


Tonights in-tent cam shot

Here she is all kinds of wet from the “Stack treatment” she just got.

Turned tent lights off and cam light on for just under an hour so she could fully dry out.

Will probably attend to her either Friday or Saturday needs more clipping…


Here’s LSD Day 18 of Week 3…

Fridays in-tent cam shots…

Forgot to mention, I bumped the EVO4 lamp to level 8 of 10.
At the height LSD is at now, that is mid-high 500s Ppfd. All good, and want her to really kick in…


looking good…

looking not so good… she’s missing a fan leaf. Nemo strikes again!

Gotta be some kind of genetic abnormality… Gonna ride it out.


Looks like she’s showing a root-line


Sunday projects…

LSD Tnt…

Getting Stan washed up!

Off with their tops! :vulcan_salute:

I didn’t take one due to the mutated node that didn’t have a fan leaf. Gonna let that one grow out a little bit more and cut her in a couple of days, most likely…

A few in-tent cam shots…

Got a good mixture of Vertical and Horizontal stems happening. Lots of massaging going on again… All are twisted where I’d like them, pretty much.

Oh, Yeah… For those who didnt catch it in the photos… I made a last second, executive decision to go 16 mains… :100:

That way, I should be able to maintain a canopy while giving each plenty of room.

No way I’m going 32 mains, at least on this grow.


Day 38 from first light…

Nice roots!

Making RO water all weekend as well as today. Gonna do a couple more gallons for LSD and Mix full-strength. Probably feed Tuesday-ish…


Keep on cultivating, the plant looks happy!

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