James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Here’s Monday morning In-tent cam shots…

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Thanks bud! Much appreciated!

Mondays out the effendor Pic…


Tuesday’s out the effendor Pic…

Today is Veg Day 22. First day of week 4.

Last night I decided to take the last top. Shes still kinda small, but will do fine.

Im thinking she will veg for another week or two. Probably two. Need to let these things grow out a bit and create a semi-even canopy before flipping them.

Also missed Athena Stack foliar application, so will need to do that tonight.

Here’s todays in-tent cam shots…


Hey Guys!

So, LSD got the royal treatment today! Or maybe too much at once… We’ll see.

Got rid of most large, space-eating fan leaves.

This is the only straggler :arrow_up: :arrow_down:

She got Athena Stack foliar treament today

Full-strength feeding today as well… Brought up to just over top line. Shes gonna drink for a couple of weeks.

Roots-O-plenty in that reservoir!

So, she got a full-strength feeding, foliar treatment, Trim & Train. Not Bad.
Made up 3 gallons of nutes for her. EC in Reservoir is 2ish due to small amount of weaker veg nutes left in res. PH in mix 6.3. PH in res after addiing 3 gallons of nutes right at 6.0

Veg hard, LSD. :100:


Thursday’s out the effendor Pic…

She’s looking great, AND she knows it. :rofl: Yeah, she’s a lil bit uppity strutting her 16 mains…

Lets see what yesterdays full-strength feeding does to her. Hope she takes it well. The past few days to week she’s been REALLY drinking. Think she wants a nute boost to match the light she’s getting. She wants to grow.


You can manipulate the growth on the canopy
When looking side on to plant , whichever shoot you want to grow more , make it the tallest and closest to the light , all the good stuff will be sent there first
: )


That was kinda my thought going forward. Just need the last two to mature a few more days, then its off to the races. Trying to keep the others low.

That reminds me…
Here’s in-tent cam shots…


I love learning something new. Thx!


So here’s Thursday evening with LSD. She’s drinking her nutes just fine.

So, the “abnormality” strikes again… Damn focus on the wrong one. Another node sprouted with no fan leaf…

Looks like shes doing fairly well. We’ll see today and tomorrow how she deals with Wednesdays full-strength feeding. Looks good so far!

Friday mornings out the effendor pic…


Happy to Educate! :crazy_face:
I’m here for entertainment purposes only…
Any knowledge gained by reading my posts is purely coincidental :100:

Be warned: Any attempt to recreate what Ive done here could collapse the fabric of the universe as we know it…
Proceed with caution… I know NOT what the fuck I’m doing.

But Im sure having fun… :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Doing another Stack Foliar treatment tonight. If not, definitely Saturday.
She also deserves a good Fooping, I think. Maybe this weekend. I’ll have to see when last Fooped.

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Athena Stack foliar application complete


She is looking awesome! I’ve definitely got to up my training game.

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Here’s Saturday afternoon! Day 26 of Veg Week 4…

Lets do some Tnt!

Tough to deal with the gimpy Main. Really throwing everything off.


Sunday afternoon…


Happy Monday!
Here’s todays in-tent cam shots…

She’s looking good. Full-strength feeding seems to have agreed with her. She’s growing faster, now. May turn lamp up a notch to Level 9. That would put Ppfd around high 500’s. At 8, Ppfd is sitting around 500 at her current height.

Root comparison on May 9th coming up.
LSD’s hydro roots compared to Blue Dream and Skywalker OG is no-contest… She’s got more in the res. Gonna compare her to Electrify hydro roots. Electrify started as a cutting, LSD is from seed.

Not sure if using the RainScience bag has anything to do with that or not, but I can say without a doubt, my Octopot grows will all be in RainScience bags from now on.

Both Blue Dream and Skywalker OG have more roots in bag, than reservoir, it seems. No problem, they both grow very well and have the advertised “two root zones”.
We’ll see for sure once they both harvest.

Electrify had at least 50/50, but heavy in the reservoir. LSD is looking to do the same… fully developed hydro roots complementing the soil roots.

Probably flip her in 2 weeks


Tuesday’s in-tent cam shots…

Getting thick in there. Gonna do something tonight or tomorrow evening for sure!
Gave her an Athena Stack treatment yesterday evening.


Here’s stats!

Didnt get home and settled in until 8pm. Nothing to her last night, aside from topping off humidifier.

Hit her tonight.

Lamp now on level 9 of 10. Ppfd should be just shy of 600. She will grow into the light. I think she can handle it now. Trim & Train tonight
More nutes in a couple of days…

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Wanted to put this out there. Im not selfish about genetics. If Im growing something, and its the right time during grow… feel free to ask for cuts. If youre local to Vegas, or close enough and willing to drive, I’m willing to share :100:

Not growing anything super-special right now, just LSD from ILGM…but who knows about later grows?

I know things can get tight, and just getting hands on a cut or decent seed can be tough. Some sell for so freaking much. $200+ for a cut?? Crazy…

Anyways, always here to help!