James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

So, I made the executive decision to swap Powie Poison from the 2x4 into the 2x2 and move Tiki Hawaiian snow Cone to the 2x4 because she is just starting in Flower and will fill this space fairly well

Powie Pineappe Is a bit small, and on Day 14 of Flower. I dont think she’ll get much taller. Tiki Madman Hawiian Snow Cone is going crazy, so made sense to swap

So to wrap up the past few days…
Powie Poison decided to “go male” on us. He’s out.
Tiki Madman Hawiian Snow Cone in this 2x4 Money-Pit
Powie Pineapple is now in 2x2 Mini-Pit. Find her over here…


Mondays in-tent cam shots…
Tiki Madman Hawaiian Snow Cone

Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone livin large in the 2x4!


Full-strength feeding for Tiki HSC

Full-strength feeding with Athena Blended. She’s on Day 5, Week 1 Flower. She should do ok with full-strength, as she was on same during last of Veg stage as well.

This is a supposed 12 Week Flower strain. Gonna be fun with Nutes come mid to late Flower. I’m pretty much syched up with my buddies grow, I think I may be one day ahead of him.

HLG350R Diablo is 18" distance from canopy bar and hitting 1000Ppfd. Anything above that level is hitting 1200-1300+. Got UV bars in the mix as well. They are on level 3 of 10 and DO affect Ppfd numbers.
Lets see what happens

Going on that last thought, I think I might take measurements of lights with differing levels of UVA light added in :100:


Nothing much happening yesterday. I do notice that I need to mover her to the left, just a bit.
Tonights project :vulcan_salute:

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Tuesdays in-tent cam shots…


If youre asking about IPM, I dont use anything other than sticky yellow traps. They are empty. Using Octopots has reduced need for sticky traps, to be honest. Prior to Octopots, I had five 5-gallon plants in my 2x4, Sticky trap full of pests.
Now, its like a ghost town.

If youre talking triggering the plant, then not much other than lots of light, and Im now using UVA , but thats not going to do much. Maybe help with bringing out some additional colors. Possibly help terps and thc minimally… or not. High-stress wont happen without UVB spectrum. UVB is also better at helping with possible mold & pest issues.


Some of Tuesday nights Day 6 action…

Getting her a bit more centered and spread out. She’s growing up and out in a hurry as she enters Flower Week 2 tomorrow…

The “other” girl…

Leia is coming to work with Bill this week. She’s doing well, but addicted to her new daddy and a bit of a shadow… We love her here!

Such a good girl :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Loving the bed uncle James gave her!

Today’s Day 7 in-tent cam shots…

Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone lovin life in the 2x4 Money-Pit! Plenty of room to roam…


Leia’s looking great!
(so is everything else :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Wandered into the right shop for sure :+1:

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Thanks Bud! Really appreciate it.
Leia’s a real sweetie. She deserved something better. I just wish the wife & I were able to take her, but really happy she’s made it into a family with Bill.

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Didnt really do anything in the tents last night. Just opened up and checked water level. Its definitely low, and will be empty before I top off tonight.

All going well on this Tiki Madman HSC.

HLG Lamp at 8 of 10.
ACI Bars at 10 of 10.
ACI UV Bars at 5 of 10.
All on 12/12 schedule
Ppfd over 1000 at canopy, and she’s just eating it up.

Only 28 Day Veg on this one…

Will bump up UV Bars to 10 after maybe Week 4, once HSC’s really going, then back off again towards end of run.

Current in-tent conditions with lights off…

Cant even get into the 60’s at night. Its pretty sad. House thermostat set to 73° at night.
Tent is right up against, and blocking a large window… much to my wifes delight :rofl:
Is what it is…

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Some of Thursday nights action…

Definitely running on fumes… Lets get this gal fed

Added the balance from Sundays 5-Gallon mix and around half gallon of leftover Veg mix.

Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone full of Nutes…

Stans full of Drama…

Look at those Day 8 roots!
Sweet :100:

Today is Flower Day 9. Couldnt ask for Tiki HSC to look any better at this point.