James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Skywalker OG is awfully thirsty!
Fed to full mark (3rd mark) roughly 4 gallons Monday evening. I think she’ll be empty or close by the time Im home from work and VA appt late afternoon. Tonight will be 3rd full day. See how she is around 5pm…

Looks like roughly 2 gallons in there right now. I think first mark is 1.5 gallons. She definitely wont make it through tomorrow, and for sure drinking a gallon+ per day.

Below, Blue Dream is just a bit better off. Still drinking well.

Gonna have to up my RO game :100:
Maybe enlist the wife to get some gallons going while Im at work…

Just remembered, Ive got two gallons of week 3 nutes left in one 5-gallon container. That should be just about right. Hopefully carry these girls till Sundays week 4 feeding. Saturday in a pinch.


Gave the last 2 gallons of week 3 nutes to both girls… Mostly Skywalker OG

Canopy looking good… :vulcan_salute:
Definitely Skywalker heavy


Fridays in-tent cam shots…


From last night…

Still can’t believe how thick these things get…

Mixing up 10 gallons of full strength Week 4 nutes

Two Hedpacks filled, tagged and ready for Sunday feeding!

Got lucky and everything mixed up at 6.0-6.1ph. No need to further fuss.

Today is defoliation and maybe take a “sucker” branch or three…


Time to get wet…

This is final Athena Stack application for this grow


Happy Saturday!

Day 71 from seed, Day 21 Flower.

Going to do some defoliation and maybe remove a couple small branches.
I feel I’m getting “suckered”… :crazy_face:

Fucking jungle in here. I let Skywalker go way too out of control with too many branches. Removing a few of them, but Unsure how many is too many at day 21 Flower.

Looks like Skywalker is going to be taking up about 2/3 of the canopy. She would have done really well in this 2x4 all by herself.

Took off a few smaller branches from Blue Dream and several from Skywalker.


Nice job my friend well done :+1: :+1::+1:


Here’s Sunday

In-tent cam shots…

Decided to try out Sickies Burgers while we were hanging out at Town Square. Not bad, but not great either. Is nice to have a 7-Day lunch special which includes Burger, drink, and fries or tots for $10. Not bad. For the price, definitely going again. Put it on the rotation.

levels are looking good in Reservoir. Still plan to feed later today. Out with Stanlee right now grabbing lunch and hanging out…


Some quick ppfd shots. 18" distance at measuring points…
Obvously ,the higher they climb the more lit up theyre getting. :vulcan_salute:


To the Right

To the left

Skywalker is stacking up nicely

Forgot to mention, split 5 gallons of nutes between the two at lights out. Got 5 more gallons pre-mixed for later this week feeding. Probably Wednesday.


Looking good :sunglasses:


Thanks guys! I’m trying.

Its getting thick in there, for sure. Even after removing much more leaves and a few more branches, I could have went further. Yestereday was Flower Day 22, so cant push it too far removing branches, etc. Gotta live with whats there now.

From here on, just remove leaves here and there. They should still be producing leaves for a short time, I think, But not much now.


If you want to see crowded stop by my room damn I hardly can move in there

I’m running 4 large Octopot and 5 mini Octo pups lol

No room oh maybe for 1 more lol I love plants


One thing Ive noticed over my 2.5 grows is different plants want different lighting, nutes, etc. Growing multiple plants in one tent is challenging. I did five 5-gallon plants my first 2x4 grow (never again) but they all played pretty well together (4 wildly different strains).
Blue Dream doesnt seem to like the extreme light the way Skywalker OG eats it up. Definitely a balancing act.
Either way, the light is pegged to 10, lol.


Already up…
Really need these two to drink like Las Vegas ladies… Drink up, girls, Its Vegas!

Seriously, these girls need to drink, Drink, DRINK.
I can already see a decent harvest shaping up. Lets exceed that one pound mark again!


That just stresses me. My back and shoulders really not loving this weekend, lol.
Ive seen your stuff. Its outta my league.
I think implementing the 2x2 into my grow and going perpetual is enough to keep me busy.


Tuesdays in-tent cam shots…

Lost a top bud on Skywalker Sunday evening. Tried to tape her, but probably remove tonight…


Here’s last night…

Removed a few leaves on both girls. Not too many, just enough to let light in a few places

Things are really stacking up along the front and back walls…

Looking at the state of things on Day 25 of Flower, I can safely say I should pull a pound+ outta this 2x4 tent after harvest and being “Cannatrolled”. As long as I dont Fuck things up…


Hump day in-tent cam shots…


Forgot that it’s my one year Anniversary, 4/9/23. So today is Day 1 of grow year 2.

Plants nurtured and just transferred to 5 gallon pots and heavily watered with Athena. Ready for their new owner… Garrys exact words… “Just watch them grow”

After I picked them up and got the Nirvana twins to my place

The rest is growing history…
Two Nirvana plants turned into 5 plants and 4 strains…

Lots of sun time for the new girls while trying to play catch-up to the Nirvana plants in slow Veg.

5 plants in heavy Flower thanks to HLG 350R

Colors… pretty colors…

It was a great learning and succesful growing experience, but never again. I knew there had to be a better way…

Its what led me to alternative growing systems and utimately the Octopot and Overgrow community.
Definitely the best Octopot community online, and a pretty great grow forum (the only one that I frequent).


Man do you use any Epsom?