James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Never.Ive asked about it, but never used it.
Pretty much stick with the Athena Blended program, aside from using Blackstrap Molasses in prior grows. Spray foop every once in a while.

I asked if there were advantages to using it, but was basically told if my nutes are dong good for the girls, no need to do Epsom.


I use it a couple time outdoors.

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A few shots before the girls get their beauty sleep…


Thinking of trying this out for my upcoming harvests both in this tent and the 2x2.5 Burner…

Got it and so many other things when I was in a buying frenzy getting my grow going last year.

Hand-trimming isnt terrible, but this could help.

Anyone using them? At what point do you say “fuck the hand trim” and go the machine? Doesnt matter whether its like mine, or a high-priced type…

Based on what Im seeing in this tent, I should pull a pound dry. Fingers crossed!
Gonna Dry/Cure in the Cannatrol.

Wondering what, if any time savings may be had from using machine or auto vs scissor trim…

I’ll go ahead and utilize it for at least some of the harvest. See how it does


Look who’s ready to start the day!

Almost end of week 4. Need to make 12 more gallons of RO water tonight and tomorrow. Feeding Week 5 nutes on Sunday and will use 10 gallons for that. Going to mix a bit hot, I think. They can take it.

The rest is more Veg nutes for sister LSD in the 2x2 next door.

Girls are up and looking good!

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Here’s Saturday morning

A pretty fucked up looking canopy, if I do say so myself💯
I’m sure they’ll produce, despite my less than stellar training and management…

Hoping they’ll drink themselves dry for tomorrow’s week 5 feeding :vulcan_salute:

Too much green in there. Difficult to manage humidity

Not sure if I mentioned it, but I did raise the light up a couple of inches. Some of those colas were hitting 1400 and 1600 ppfd


Which machine is that? I get tired of hand trimming after a few ounces and bowl trim the rest.

The outdoor plants are usually over a pound so I only hand trim the best buds and machine most of them. Just a chinsey 19" bowl trimmer but works alright.


Week 5 Nutes ready! This was Sunday late afternoon feeding 4/14/24.
Mixed to EC 2.4 and PH 6-6.1…
10 Gallons total in 2 5-Gallon Hedpaks

Skywalker OG is BONE DRY. Blue Dream not far behind. Maybe half gallon in there.

Both girls filled to 3rd mark+. Lil bit left over for top off feeding around Tues-Wed…


Monday’s in-tent cam shots…
Love catching them as they transition to their working day… :100:
Skywalker OG stage right…

Blue Dream on the left…

Today is Day 30 in Flower. Day 80 from seed.


This is the one. I’ll try it during this harvest, just to see it in action. I paid for it, might as well put to use…
Looks like its a cut above the cheaper bowl type trimmers (like AC Infinity), but same basic design. I like how everything falls below to the silicone mat.

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Look what showed up this weekend @BobbyBudz

They’re gonna make it into these tents soon enough!

Looks like Bobby sent some Powie Wowie, Powie Pineapple, and slid in some Powie Poison as well. Love it! Thanks again, Bobby!

Day 31 in-tent cam shots…

I think these ladies have topped out. Dont think theyre getting any taller. Hope they’ll start plumping up now that the vertical growth has stopped.


Here’s Day 32 Mid-week 5 Flower

Now that vertical growth has stopped, its time to see how these things fatten up. I can already notice things “closing up” between buds…

Enjoy the show from here on…

Girls arent exactly needin a feedin, but went ahead and gave the rest of this weeks nutes

This should keep them fed thru at least Saturday, Im hoping. If thats the case, I can give week 6 nutes a day early.

Go ahead Stanlee… Say it.
Yeah thats one Thick-AF Canopy. Daddy doesnt know what the hell he’s doing :100:

Looks like a wave pool :rofl:

I can handle “Pulling a Homer” each harvest. As long as theyre plentiful and delicious… :vulcan_salute:

I make jokes, but overall looking good.
Although, they definitely need a shave. Always scared to REALLY defoliate. Maybe LSD…

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Thursdays in-tent cam shots…

I talked with the girls last night. Spring is here. Summer’s right around the corner… Its bikini weather, but NO slimming down allowed in this tent! I like my party girls plump. Put on that harvest weight… :100:



Looks like we’re looking good for Nutes!
Skywalker OG’s just above first line…

Blue Dream just below first line…

Hoping this will last through tomorrow to feed them both Sunday. If not, I’m making a shitload of RO water tomorrow morning anyway. Both of these girls need 10 gallons for next week, and going to mix some for LSD’s 2x2 Burner grow. Also need a couple of gallons for the humidfier. Probably 14 Gallons in all.


You can let the one go a day to catch up

No issues at all


Not sure what the deal is with this leaf discoloration? :arrow_up: :arrow_down:

5 Gallons of week 6 nutes ready for Sundays upcoming feeding. I’ll probably give 8 Gallons, with a bit leftover for later.


Happy Sunday! Or as we’re calling it around here, Day 36 Flower

Blue Dream is bone dry and Skywalker kush is a few drops behind. Going to fill them both up today. 4 gallons each with a couple left over for Tuesday or Wednesday, if needed.

This is week 6 nutrients

Stan and his “Babysitter”


Going to speak with Athena on Monday as their offices are closed for the weekend. Not sure what to do with these two strains. Blue dream is 9 to 12 weeks and Skywalker kush is 9 to 11 weeks. Need to see what to do as far as stretching out the nutrients. That’s one thing Athena does not show on their nutrient schedule. They show through 9 weeks only.

I’ve seen another nutrient company that directs you continue week 4 nutrients for as many additional weeks as you think you might need :crazy_face:. I guess that works if you know the strain.
Kind of reminds me asking directions to Redbud… if any one is a Chevy Chase fan. "How’d you know my name was Mac? " :vulcan_salute:

My lack of proper defoliation is going to continue to haunt me for additional weeks :roll_eyes: