James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Damn, I love these two

Even with the tent door open, I’m getting measurements of 1200 to 1400 ppfd in certain areas. Maybe I’ll get some photos tomorrow. Girls seem to be taking it.

Have no way of measuring CO2.

Here’s some pics…

I really like this one… It’s where Blue Dream & Skywalker meet.


Today’s in-tent cam shots…
Flower Day 38, Week 6.

Lets take a trip in the way-back machine!
Comparing buds/colas from today, going back to Day 24, I think…

Back on the 9th of April. 2 weeks prior. BIG difference


Two weeks ago…

Its encouraging to see the side by side progress of these two. They are definitely plumping up! No more vertical growth noted, just a few things moved around…

Im pulling over a pound outta this puppy! I KNOW it! Just a bit worried about my humidity. Been in 60’s still. Too many leaves.

Dont want to fuck things up or stunt her by doing a week 6 or 7 defoliation. Is it cool to remove a few leaves a day? So she doesnt realize she slowly being defoliated? Seriously…

Got lots of air moving around there, but stuff is rubbing…


Testing ppfd with door wide open. I believe light is at 20"

Im making sure the meter is right up against the bud/area being measured :100:

I attribute the lowish 633 Ppfd reading below :arrow_down: to the fan mounted just above these beauties :vulcan_salute: Blocking just a bit o light

For the most part, readings are just where I’d like them to be. A bit high just under each quantum board, but I see NO signs of distress from either girl. They both seem to be loving what theyre getting :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, and that makes me happy :100:

I also know that as soon as these doors close, Ppfd rises and those numbers go up at least 50-100Ppfd. Thats a good thing!

I almost bought a CO2 monitor off Amazon last night. Missed the lightning sale.
Im curious what PPM im running in my tent.
I could go overboard and get the Pulse Pro. Its still 10% off. Down to ONLY $449.
Pulse Pro could be useful, although my automation is controlled by ACI. Could be a nice addtional tool.

Just need some convincing…


Here’s a few shots. Some decent trichome coverage so far.

Looks like its snowing again in Vegas!

This one’s wildly out of focus, but shows of some really nice snow… :arrow_down:


Here’s Skywalker OG

And Blue Dream

I believe Blue Dream is now drinking more than Skywalker. I’ll have to look back at Sundays feeding photo. I thought both were filled to line 3+

Will confirm reservoir levels when I get home . Thats still another 6 hours or so. Skywalkers float was sticking the other day.

May use the 2+ gallons of leftover week 6 nutes tonight to top off both girls. hoping I dont have to make any more RO water til the weekend :roll_eyes:

Blue Dream is a longer Flowering strain, so maybe she’s just getting her legs. Both are longer than your average 8 week Flower stage.

Love the differences between the two. Skywaker is getting orange hairs and Blue Dreams pistils are still mostly white, but I do see some brown and brown tips.


Checked the reservoir levels… All looks good, and will do a top off on both tomorrow evening.

Looking healthy at 9pm bed time :vulcan_salute:


Here’s day 40 flower

Went ahead and put the rest of week 6 mix which came to just under one gallon each. Tested pH in the reservoir and was surprised to find down to 5.5. I had just checked pH minutes ago before dumping in Reservoir and it was right at 6.1. Tells me Reservoir water must have been down close to 5.

This is definitely no bueno. Wondering what is happening here. Only thing I can think of is maybe ppfd is a little bit high and/or plants aren’t in taking nutrients as completely/balanced as they should?
Did a bit of looking… Possibly both plants are taking in a bit too much of one or some nutes and thats throwing off PH? Possibly Nitrogen… Maybe boost my PK and/or Bloom nutes in week 7 feeding? Go into next feeding with a lil bit higher PH? Instead of 6.1, maybe go to 6.5?
I’m used to seeing PH drift up in the Octopot, but not down like this.

Decided to move lamp up today anyway to start lowering tpfd to the canopy level and widening the spread a bit as well

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Day 91 from seed and Day 41 of Flower…

Here’s Day 41 Week 6 in-tent cam shots…

I cannot get this tent to dry out… Fucking RH is too high.
Got exhaust fan on 7 moving to 8 as I’m writing this. Its constantly running because its set to turn on above 55% RH. Cant seem to expel the moisture fast enough. I know my defolitation sucks, but what can I do at this time?
Maybe open the vertical front door zipper to let even more fresh air in?
Got 4 fans going in there 24/7 to keep things moving around as much as possible, but I’m really concerned.

Oh, fan at level 8 feels like its about to take off and level 10 is just scary sounding. Does anyone ever run them at that speed constantly? Feels like something catastrophic is going to happen, lol.

Sitting in my family room last night, the 2x4 tent fan at level 7 is like a white noise generator, Gotta turn TV and everything up to compensate.


What’s the ambient humidity in the room the plants are in? Perhaps you need to invest in a dehumidifier for the room. I live in the desert with an ambient humidity in the low 20s most of the time. I still have to run a dehumidifier in my lung room once the plants really get pumping.


My whole house is the lung room :100: Tent is in open concept lower floor. Definitely not getting a dehumidifier for this one fuck up. I think ambient humidity is around 40-50%, but just sooo much moisture in that 2x4.

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Do you expel your out take to outside or another room ?


Only thing that worked for me was a large dehuey with pump for continuous operation for my lung room (basement) when I was having that issue late last summer into fall. Helped bring Temps up too in my cold basement.

Now I have the opposite rh issue! Lol… hoping the next 4 days of rain will allow me to remove the humidifier in my tent.


Everything is in my living/family room, which opens to the kitchen, etc. I think around 850sq feet downstairs and very high ceiling…
2x4 exits out RT top, and shorty exits at the LT top.

I’ve talked with a friend about possibly running a vent outside, but really dont need that. I was toying with the idea if I were to run a portable AC unit into the tent. My homes windows in the tent area dont open.


The weather today is definitely not helping. Getting sideways rain at the moment :roll_eyes:

Although my humidity problems have been going on for a couple of weeks. Just can’t seem to bring it down to a reasonable level (mid 50s)

Still, with all that going on, Relative Humidity is around 40%

Wife just confirmed RH in main floor 50% based off 2 Hygrometers

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Note to self:
Take Defolitation seriously from now on. Bet my tent would be at least RH -5% down from where it is now.

These are Stans “Shoulda taken Defoliation seriously” eyes…

If only I’d listened to Stan… See how serious he takes defoliation!? :100:


That could help, the temp shows 70°F, you could probably go as high as 80°F and that would both lower RH and raise VPD.


True, but that was temp with lights off still 11 minutes prior to lignts on. which is pretty bad.
Around 74F now. after light on and moved up a couple inches yesterday evening.

VPD is something I’ve incorporated into growing from the start. Once I knew what it was, I just dove in. Using the Controller 69 makes it easy to tweak.

But you have to choose battles. I dont want high temps with RH the way it is now. This is the first late flower RH problem for me, I mean, its always a bit of a battle to control it, but even with 5 plants in this tent, I had moch more space. This space is packed tight and MOIST.


Top of the Muffin to you!

Levels still looking good. Making water on Saturday. Hopefully wait till Sunday to feed Week 7 Nutes

Here’s a few muffun stumps…


It may be worth a try, maybe today while you are home and can reverse course if required.

Raising the temperature is actually going to reduce the humidity, that’s what @ReikoX is suggesting. Perhaps you already understand that but I’m with him I’d raise the temp. I have my fan always running at 4 now. Day/night there’s always air moving, that’s normal. I have a temperature-based fan speed rather than RH starting at 78 and increasing the fan one notch every degree above that trigger temp. Daytime temps range 78-80 which is about perfect for what I’m doing.

I know it sounds counterintuitive to run the fan slower but the way air holds water is non-linear. The amount of water in the air at 70F/60% is 11.1g/cubic meter. If you have the same amount of water in the air, at 80F the humidity will drop to 44%.

Looks great overall! Nice progress :cowboy_hat_face:


Was trying to find out last night, but somehow kept on getting off course. Really wanted to see what the maximum temperature I should be running around this time of flower is. Also wanted to see what I should do with feeding since these are both going longer than the recommended feeding schedule.

Going to come back this afternoon and make a decision…

Stan, the wife and myself are going to go have a morning out at dog park and grab some brunch.
We will enjoy it

Got a new buddy coming by this afternoon. Big Vegas grower. Gonna check out my stuff and hopefully give some tips, etc…