James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Blue Dream Harvest Part 2

Weighing out Skywalker OG…

Prior to Grove-bagging…

Skywalker OG at 64%, so sat in unsealed Grove Bag for the night.

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So here’s Tuesday…

Skywalker OG is in Grove Bags since Saturday. opened last night, trying to get them to stay in the 59-62 RH range, but been a bit high.

Easy to see, two bags have went rogue and are Skywalker OG “Darkside”…

Last night I closed the Grove Bags (3 of them now) with around 2oz+ of OG Kush in each, and holding around 61% RH, so Im feeing good about them while Im at work today.

Weighed each tray of OG on Saturday, and just over 6oz. Disappointing and disappointed in myself. Take this as a lesson, kids… Defoliation and training matter.
Direct result of my shitty training. Lots of larfy bits for edible, though. I didnt cheat. If its larfty, it got tossed into trim for edibles and not counted in any weight totals.

Fortunately, Blue Dream may still make my 16oz+ harvest happen. She had some big, dense nugs.
Skywalker may still lose a bit of weight, but not enough to matter. She weighed in at 178 grams, or 6.279 ounces.
I’ll final weigh her in the Grove Bags after a week or two, prior to moving into Cannatrol with Blue Dream for Storage… Until LSD finishes.

Blue Dream has some HUGE nugs and colas. Broke most colas down, some more than others and saved a few big tips. Blue Dream is bringing the weight with her. Hopefully, Ive got enough to make full pound with Skywalker added in.

Here’s Blue Dream going into sealed bag for later use in edibles or tincture…

Strains sitting in jars while Cannatrol is occupied…

BIt of powder to play with. Thats just from the Blue Dream edibles tray

Lots of edibles this round. Great for wife and friends, but edibles have no effect on me.
Ive got a huge bag from prior grows and decent Skywalker OG and Blue Dream bags, Need to start making some Canna-Butter, Tinctures, etc.
Think I may try a full-spectrum tinture with either oil or Vodka. Oil would be good for going topical for pains. Topicals do work for me with limited success.

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When I switched from fabric pots to Octopots, my average harvest jumped from 2-4 ounces per plant to around 6oz. I was stoked!!! Don’t be disappointed. This is your starting point and it only gets better going forward!
Since refining my technique I average 8+, with some bountiful crops weighing 12-13oz. It’s a fine line between vegging a little longer for increased size/weight, and getting plants that are unwieldy (growing into the light, crowding out neighboring plants). You’ll get things dialed in eventually!

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Thanks for the uplifiting words, B&B!
All said and done, Im honestly happy that I didnt find mold anywhere. That was my main worry, and having a 20" canopy chock full o leaves fueled that fire, lol. My first plants were each 3+oz totaling 16+ harvest, so I get what youre sayin.
My in-head plan or goal going into the Octopots was to replicate the 1+ pound harvest of my first grow with only two plants and much less headache. Was basically looking for the easiest way to pull a consistent 16oz harvest every 4 months or so. I think thats doable.
My technique has already improved on my LSD grow in the 2x2 tent. As long as I dont let her push me around, lol.

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Just checked all three Grove Bags. All holding around 60/61% :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Gonna try and just keep away for a bit and let Skywalker cure… :100:


Not sure how accurate this is…

Took this shot with all the wet trimmed Blue Dream bud that went into the Cannatrol. Tared out a bag on my scale, then all Blue Dream nugs into bag. Not sure how accurate the weight is… but assuming its accurate, my potential harvest is a percentage of this number…

25% gives 234 grams, 8.2oz
30% gives 281 grams, 9.9oz
Coupled with the 6.1-6.2oz of Skywalker OG, something to keep my mind grinding the next two weeks or so, until we know the real answer. :100:


Skywalker OG keeps peaking around 63-64%. Opened all 3 bags last night for a few hours, then sealed at 11pm. This morning 7am they are holding at 61-62%.

Blue Dream should be going into Grove Bags this weekend to consolidate.
Both Blue Dream and Skywalker will go back into Cannatrol in open Grove Bags for storage and further curing for the month.

WIll be easily accessible for daily “evaluation” :slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully, I can fit the other stuff in there as well. We’ll see this weekend

Just finished a bowl of Skywalker OG through my Mighty+ and its hitting very well.

Gave a few buds to Joe, so that comes off final weight. 3.5-5grams.
Good head and body hit so far


To achieve your goals : More lst training producing more tops, more defol under the skirt, and mostly, turn at bigger size. Looking at your finished plants they are shorter by a margin, than my plants PRIOR to flip. Gotta max plant height. a 2.5 foot plant will NOT bud out like a 5.5 foot plant will. 2.5 footers make lil buds, 5-6 footwrs make ounce sized buds , just way it is.

7 days cannatrol, 7 days grove bag’s, your bud should be tasty. Thats how i run mne 53.5 7 days, then straight to cannatrol. Sooner bud is too wet, longer bud is too dry. You will learn as you go.

Nice run for just getting into this !!!


Thanks @Jetdro !

Definitely words to live by. This one got outta control for many reasons. The 2x2 LSD grow shows me being a bit more in control.

Did almost 7 days with Skywalker before she got evicted. Blue Dream will go the full term and be joined soon by her tent-mate. I moved the DP to 54, but moved back down to 53.5 yesterday evening after evaluating my readings vs controller readings. She will be in cure stage soon.

I couldnt remember how you were doing yours, but thanks a bunch for the refresher on the 7 & 7. I’ll adjust my Dry and Cure time to 7 days on the Cannatrol.

One question… youre running fairly high volume, so I understand using Grove Bags to finish up curing. Ive got a bit of time to wait. At your settings of 68F and 53.5 DP, I could just run full-term and leave my harvest in cannatrol to dry, cure and store without need for Grove Bags?

Just want to be sure, since your SOP involves moving to Grove Bag after 7 day dry in Cannatrol.


Not a fan of Cannatrol for ANYTHING but drying. ALL my bud left in there , even at 53.5 will get to 56% in a week or two, i will not store in one, only the Groves @ under 70 F . Im picky, my bud stays 58-61 % for my liking. I find if i let them go 8 days at 53.5 they get too dry, once below 57 or so, YOU AINT brining it back. Sure can restore the water content to 61 but never restore the terps and thc lost when the bud gets under 57 or so. Had to learn the hard way . IMO, at stock settings, the Cannatrol will ruin buds in 10 days or less



Thats what I wanted to hear. I had gotten that impression, but always apprectiate a clear answer! :100:

Ive had no problem storing in the Cannatrol the past two months at your settings. Mostly kept the sponge wet, everything maintained very well. But I could see doing a bit longer cure in it. Maybe Dry 7 days and cure 10-14 days, then maybe store at same or 54DP?

Can always experiment a bit, while trying not to ruin my stash…

Thanks again!


Not sure how I fucked up earlier, but I’ve weighed each bag six times…
Broke 8oz with Skywalker OG Kush. Used two different scales and tared out a Grove Bag. Weighed each separate bag three times on each scale. Here’s grand total for Skywalker after 2 weeks in Cannatrol and Grove bags…

234 Grams or 8.25oz

Blue Dream weight coming up next weekend…

Speaking of Blue Dream, she is smelling much like hay as of last night. Big time.


Off to sleep with some Skywalker OG…

She dried for 6 days in the Cannatrol, and another week of curing in Grove Bags…


Sunday am pic. Getting big

Didnt realize I put LSD in the wrong journal… Three likes, its stayin! :rofl:


This number is WRONG :arrow_down:

Preliminary weigh-out on each tray shows positive numbers…

Numbers in Grove Bags…

Conclusion to be made…
Using the shelves to weigh is futile due to weight variances from shelf to Shelf :100:
8 shelves used came out to a difference of half an ounce+

Blue Dream pretty much has the hay/grassy smell. It’s all in Grove bags now. Will make sure humidity is good and place back in Cannatrol just for temperature control along with sealed Skywalker bags.

Cannatrol on Stand by 68F 53.5Dp, although everything is sealed for now…


Decided to utilize shelves to spread out the weight between bags. Still enough room to move the upper double Shelf up one space to support the jars :100:



Here’s Skywalker and Blue Dream roots.

Blue Dream still has the lower bag rootball attached that sits on the HydroWick.

Shifting gears to stuff in the Cannatrol…

Checked out the one Blue Dream bag that has a hygrometer in it, and its reading mid 50’s :thinking:.
Wondering what the fuck…

I’ll have to put hygrometers in each tonight. I’ll grab a couple from Skywalker since she’s stable at 61% in her Grove Bags.

Not sure how the RH could possibly be mid 50s if bud was in Cannatrol at 68F and 54/53.5 DP for 7 days.That should put relative humidity at 60-61%… My inside the Cannatrol Hygrometers were reading right around 61% RH.

So again, Im thinking what the fuck?


Here’s Official Blue Dream and Skywalker OG Kush harvest numbers…

Skywalker OG Kush 234 Grams / 8.254 Ounces

Blue Dream 260 Grams / 9.171 ounces

Total (smokable) for Skywalker and Blue Dream 494 Grams / 17.4 Ounces :slightly_smiling_face:

Was hoping for a bit more, but I’ll take these numbers. Lots of extra material not in this weight for edibles, etc.
Its my best harvest yet, but not my best single plant numbers. That goes to Electrify (grow #2 and first Octogrow) with 10+ oz from single plant - when she was doin time in the Money-Pit.

In the end, my lil Flux Capacitor edged out Skywalker OG by almost an ounce. She was down one main due to my stupidity, but made up for it with attitude!

Now comes additional cure and see how they both turned out over the coming weeks :100:


Heys guys! Happy Tuesday!
Checked everything last night, and again this morning before heading out…

After getting home, I checked the Blue Dream Grove bag that had hygrometer in it, and was still showing mid 50s. Removed hygrometer, because sometimes they can be finniky. Put hygrometers in each bag and let sit a few hours. Next reading was anywhere from 57-61% and add one or two to those, and Im happy with the numbers.
Sealed up and back into Cannatrol for the evening. Checked again this morning, and all is within range.
So Skywalker and Blue Dream are chillin in the Cannatrol along with the rest of my bud at 68F. All in sealed jars or sealed Grove Bags, for now. Once they are both fully cured, I’ll consider storing in open containers.

I’d really like to run a batch through the Cannatrol full term without using the Grove Bags. We’ll see what happens with the 2x2 Burner James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!
Maybe do partial full-term. Jetdro and other posts Ive read have me a bit scared to run full-term, but maybe devote a small portion of next harvest for that, and the rest in Grove Bags after the 7 day Dry Cycle…

As for the 7 days at 68F & 53.5DP, it seems to work so far. Both Skywalker and Blue Dream smelled like hay/grassy after a few days. Both REALLY smelled that way around day 6/7.
Skywalker has now calmed down and smells really “fuelly” and is moving along coming into her own. Blue Dream still smells like hay. See how she goes in the coming week or two in Grove Bags.

I consolidated a bit more, since Skywalker is stable RH and Blue Dream will probably follow suit.

Skywalker now in 2 bags from 3. Blue Dream in 4 - 3 bags of regular buds, and the one bag of bigger buds and cola tips. Ive found a bit more material in the Grove Bags is better than a bit less in bag. 2 ounces in 1/4lb bag not as good as 3oz in 1/4lb bag.


Time to start getting things ready for my next Money-Pit 2x4 Grow.

Think Im going to run the Powie Wowie and maybe Powie Pineapple. Got so many seeds now…
Bunch of ILGM Feminized seeds, bunch from last veterans giveaway (thanks again!), and seeds from Bobby Budz.

Gonna do at least do one Powie pheno, maybe Poison or Pineapple. or Both, lol.
Havent ever grown regular seeds. Any tips?

I may grow out in cups instead of the Octopots, just for purposes of sexing. I really wish they were fem seeds so just pop in and grow. Is what it is.

Or could just throw in two Octopots and hope for the best…

I’ll have to study up on sexing, ect…
Once the plant sexes, will it be too big to go in Octopot? Will I then have to go off cuttings?

If going in cups, I may go this weekend. If going in Octopots, weekend after.

Broke my brain trying to solve for an infinite variable “x”.
x being an unknown sex seed. If I took 1 each of Powie Pineapple and Powie Poison and planted each into its own Octopot, what are the chances of pulling one or both females? Can an unknown variable (M or F) be solved for in this situation?
I hate to say 50/50 chance.
Calculus is a fading commodity in my head. Not sure in my best day I could figure this one out. I was more Trig and Geometry-centric.