Jaws Fruity Pebbles OG

Cruising along. Full strength nutes and 600 watts on them. Noticeable growth daily. @medmanbrand Not much on stem rub currently kinda just smell green like vegetation . They are just now starting to take off, I figure another week might start to get some smell on a stem rub they are only 5-7 inches tall currently :v:


2 FPOG F4’s of @JAWS have broke ground. Excited to see how these do outdoors.


FPOG f3 cruising along. A little droopy needed some water and up potted.Hopefully get it done next couple days. Lol :v:


I’m cracking open my last @jaws FP OG F4 flower run. This is the Sowah Pebbles Cut that has a nice lime/citrus flavor and smell to her. I harvesting this plant about a week earlier than the first run to try to preserve the mouth coating lime/citrus flavor. This has been in a grove bags for about 6 weeks I think.
The Sowah Pebbles Cut is a heavy producer. And I believe she’s going to be a mom to some @jaws FP OG F5’s.


she is my brother but sadly there will be no release of said f5 seeds, just not enough to even think about. pretty sure it was the older pollen i used in the making of this round of fpog even the ones of mine did not take. good and bad i suppose, at least i know i can throw out several containers of fpog pollen. this was in the thought process any ways so ya sad but useful at the same time.

the entire alien cookies projects i was working on went to shit as well and all the wreck hybrids also no go.

it happens, on to the next …


Damn dude. I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully we have some good pollen coming your way in the next few months.


ahh its cool brother no sorry needed at all, i knew going with the older fpog and alien cookies pollen there was a risk, how ever not trying it does me no good either. it just sit there getting older and older. good way for me to clean out some of this old pollen’s i have in the frig, shite some are 10 years old.

really learned not to go all in with the older pollen, if im going to test it out just maybe on a single branch as to not mess with my yields so much. way way way more bud then i was wanting for-sure, no idea what to do with all this. its a issue for me and thats not a joke, i really hate having this much dry bud in house.

peace …


We tend to liquidate it at a low but fair price where everyone feels like they win. That’s worked for us. I’m very excited to see what the kids from the Sowah Pebbles Cut x Mango Hashplant are all about.


hundred per oz is as cheap as i want to go and still keep doing what i do. 21 years ago i was getting two funny how thats working.

insanity is what it is …


ppl around here go to the dis and fork over 65 for an 1/8 i just cant figure it out.


That’s crazy low for good quality bud, not dispo crap. I was thinking 200ish


i dont even separate it any more, at that price they get mixed product.

if not hit the road …


Same here!
“I’ll give you a nice mix of the good stuff.”

Oh and we do 2 oz min. I’m not trying to dish out 1/8ths, that’s not what we do.


Wow that’s crazy! The delivery services here are between 50 and 80 an oz. 65 an 1/8 I’d still be in the game lol


If I lived closer I would help you out.


Somewhere in this mess are the FPOG IC1/F2’s.

A harrowing foray into the engulfing foliage reveals they are in the fifth row from the left, just slightly left of center.

The spoils of the expedition…

Some are a little stretchier than they want to be, but who can blame them for muscling through the mess to reach their fair share of photons. Overall everything here is a little under-lighted - I need to move the larger plants to the right in the proper pots to a greenhouse situation which will give everything here more room to breath.

Incidentally, in the group pic, immediately to the left of the FPOG’s is the row of @JAWS Soylent Green, also very nice plants.


Nice bunch a Solos! I’ve got that SG too. Bet it gets stinky.


Have you ever made any of it into bubble hash?


Hopefully! We’ll know before too long, these will be some of the first to be put into 12/12. The FPOG I’ll let veg a little more, and hopefully get at least a couple outdoors, maybe seed plants, maybe smaller clones - we’ll see.


never made hash or shatter with ANY ONE strain, im pretty small time over here and i usually never get more then an oz per plant in my one gallon runs. all my trim and de seeded buds all get ran together.

peace …