Jaws Fruity Pebbles OG

Thanks @JustANobody - keep those plants cool over there!!!


When you say you burned them, how hot for how long? Or was it nute burn? Fans will burn the buggers too @BasementGardens . It’s strange when I get just one that’s sensitive to something, and the rest of the same strain is fine.


So I mostly run spider farmer LED in my tents, but one light is an older LED light (dragon) - that light is fancy in that it points the LEDs in different directions and is full spectrum. But it has blind spots and hot spots that have gotten worse over the years.

This one was right in a hot spot (intensity, not heat but there’s that too), I measured it at 1300 or so with my light meter, way too high.

The hairs never really came back, she is bulking well though, very frosty and getting nice and smelly now. She’ll be good, but you can see she wasn’t treated too well!!


I’m not sure if I have any hot spots. Never had much of a meter. My plants get pulled in and out for foliar, defol, etc. They rarely hit the same spot going back in. Maybe a tall one will dictate location. Seems to work well enough.


Yes, and that should work well-enough! Something about the way this light is designed and how it is aging/failing is causing it. I will say though, I like to have a light meter, as an educational tool and for troubleshooting.

It’s a good exercise to raise and lower the meter in your tent to see how drop off is too, at least it was for me.

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Update time.


A couple lowers here and there got a bit chewed up - mostly snails and such I think - so they got a mulching with Larch chips that seems to make a big difference, of course raising them onto the cart helps too. Two in the back showed some male bits, I’ll keep them around for a while but cut them a little shorter to stall them a bit.

Two have very nice smells going on, one a lot like sugary breakfast cereal, and the other more candy, something like Nerds maybe? Others are nice, but so far nondescript.

Super nice plants, really robust, so pretty much on par with the other accessions of the line in those regards. Enjoying your work, @JAWS, and what everyone else is doing with it here too.


Hey I didn’t have time to read this thru yet so sorry if this is already come up and been anwsered but did anything come from your search for green ribbon??

I’m the kind of person that’ll always eventually read the last page of the book no matter how much I try not to…

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looking good my friend, and please remember from BREEDER -2-GROWER you have the green light to keep work this line in ANY WAY you want.

thanks for the interest …


I’ve been working up a plan for my first pollen chucks and the next step is asking all the folks for permissions.

Is this your general stance on your gear? I was going to shoot you a PM when I worked up the courage but I have two strains from you I have hybrids planned for. Banana OG for one and the WarDawgs for another. The chucks wont take place till this winter if this is acceptable. :v:


I plan to pull my FP OG IC1 plants out today for a photoshoot for documentation purposes. They are really taking off in the coco, I will top them in an attempt to slow them down while I flower out my dirt mom’s.


yes if i have released it they are yours to do what ever you want with them, i have so much here and im constantly making new genetics so ya anything i have released any one is good to go with them.

peace …



@jaws FP OG IC1 Cereal Pheno
A little late on the promised update but here they are. I’m not going to top them like I had mentioned because this is going to be a seed run.


come on KARMA give this man one of the three most wanted.

hoping for ya brother …


Oh I’m hoping! I’m curious about the runts the most. On my Peanut Butter Dream run that’s the stankiest one of the bunch.

If I find any of the goodies they are headed straight to you.


Who created FPOG btw? Which dummy abandoned such a great collection of genetics lol?
Either way looks like yall doin some great things with it, thanks for doin what I’d like to be doin but lack the experience/time/resources


Really depends who you ask. But @jaws has carried the line the best imo.


Fruity Pebbles OG was a cross created by Alien Genetics.


duh lol agree 100% sundae driver is a great cross, real good relaxing high

thank you sir, that answers a lot. makes me appreciate @JAWS work all the more. this threads made up my mind bout pickin some up…

yours are comin along nicely by ur pics. @JustANobody