Jerry Rigged veg light

I had 3 Olafus 60 watt blurple lights given to me today. They’re 60 watts each and the back casing is all heatsink and decently heavy. I’m pleasantly surprised with the quality of these. So not having a proper veg space, I decided to attach them to a board and guessed at spacing them 6" apart and will be hanging them once I get some more hardware. I suspect I’ll have to play around with the spacing to eliminate lighting gaps.


Good luck with that!
I’ve cobbled stuff together forever now. I started off buying an outdoor security light, gutting it, for the goodies, and trashed all the rest.
Then started buying HID parts and built my light kits. In 1999, a 1K hps and hood, was over $750.00.
Buying maintenance parts, and aluminum trays (mounting) cost me $75.00 and good bulb about a $100.00.
Well until I could save up some pennies for better stuff!!
All the best to your project!!

They will work in sure, was using some blurples myself until extremely recently. You got this :facepunch:t2: