Jetdro's 1st run here at the new Overgrow

you gotta remember where I am - things dry way too fast here


Do not know your weather. Here, now, it’s near 100 degree’s every day, average humidity about 70 % but it only lasts like 5 months…ARGH!!!


Why magic will be found in Ole Reynard’s 90’s AK47 and White Russian X AK47 seeds he gifted me. About as close to the “core” as anyone can get.
THANK YOU ole man, they are appreciated sir!!!


“Razor” is loving her Octopot. I have NOT touched her, bent her, nor topped her. She is doing this all on her own. About the best structure I have seen in years. She keeps impressing me, I have yet to even sample her however, lol.

Amnesia Haze digging her Octo too. She started later, she will catch up. Starting to spread her wings, she will be beautiful in here.

The Dark Sparks starting to look like plants finally. Forgot how old, not very. 3 of them are stronger than the 4th, but still too young for me to tell anything on them, never run one before

Ole Reynard’s Ak47/WR47’s doing fine. Needing an up pot, not sure what I shall do yet. Thinking I may just take cuts, let the plants go outside to finish, see what I got. Not sure just yet.

Flower room on track closing in on day 30




Papa’s Punch is a breeze to trim. Still has model glue smell, and coming on stronger .





Decided what to do with the AK47’s and WR47’s. ALL the WR47 were female!!! Gave away 2 to a friend, kept 3 and up potted them today(why looking sad, they r fine) .

Got 1 confirmed AK47 Male…he got up potted too, going outside to get his flower on…NO WAY, just NO WAY I am not gonna make some seeds with these. None of the other AK’s are certain yet, but 2 of the 4 look to be ladies. As long as I get at least 1 female straight 47 I’m good, would like 2, but 1 will work. Only had 4 total of the AK, 5 of the WR47’s

The male going outside to collect pollen from, the ladies will stay inside a bit longer, may just pull out my light mover and run them along side the 4 in the Octopot’s, they are 1-2 weeks out from getting flipped. Give me some time to “work” the 47’s, I did NOT yet, as it slows down sexing a bit. Wanted to know what I had so I could make a plan.

The male is nice looking, got BIG balls already!!!


Thank goodness the trim is over, and to think I use to enjoy trimming… :fearful:


You mean like the very first crop😊


PREZACTLY!!! You KNOW dont you… :sob:


Uhh Huhh! :scissors: :sob: :dash: :joy: :scissors: :sob: :dash: :joy: and so on.


I did THAT 3 years ago, quit growing for 1.5 years going through it. I trimmed for like 5 days in a row, I was SICK of it. ANYTHING smaller than my big finger went into the “Bubble Hash pile” . By the 3rd day in, the Bubble Has pile was getting silly, lol. Got sick of trimming nd said F it…I like Bubble HasH.

Made a mountain of bubble has, spent 10 days drying it and micro cutting it, to produce fine white 'SAND".

Filled a Mason Jar…then next day…dropped the jar in my living room and it broke on the carpet!!! Lost at least 1/2 of it in the carpet.

Typical stoner day for me…


Yes days on end get tiring. Man the carpet thing :sob::sob::sob::sob: but been there with other similar things myself.


This last run was pretty easy, no larf, great Bud to leaf ratio, great strains to trim if you HAVE to trim.

Yeah, I was bummed, but still had 168 grams of it left, so…

I did the same damn thing to a huge pile of kief, laid it out to “show off” , then promptly stood up, nicked the tray with my knee, and flipped it over, spilling the kief everywhere.

HAD I PAID (guess I did in time) for all that, would have been sad day.


Holy shit I cant keep up. looks like things are turned up over here. I’m glad to see you cooking along Cheers!!!


Dark Sparks at day 12 from breaking soil

They have only had their initial pot soaking, pot still heavy, looked a mite pale to me so I gave them a slight shot of N in a small drink for each right down the middle. Couple more days they will get a good feeding and hopefully show me what they got. 3 pretty similar, 1 smaller .

Ole R’s White Russian x AK47 ladies were all topped today, slow 'em up while I figure what to do with them.

“Razor” kicking some ass , like she does…lol

Flower room , ladies not happy with me 'cause I sprayed them for mites an hour before. Did not have any choice. Organic and not gonna hurt anything other than burn pistils a bit and not be super super pretty anymore. Hated to do it, but could not risk an outbreak, so they got hosed, lol. They will get sprayed clean tonight with fresh water, be over it by the morning.


Those slight pales turn out to be the dark purples​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::wink:

Looking good and don’t seem to see any crinkle mutants! Woo!


COOL…when planted I soaked them with 1/2 strength “veg” food, was surprised they looked a bit pale to me. Hit them a tiny bit with another 1/2 strength shot today, as it has been 12 days since they were watered! Pots still heavy, they have been making shit ton of roots hopefully, and then in 3 or 4 days when the pots are light I shall whack 'em with a nice veg dose and they should take off.

No crinkle mutants, no mutants at all. 1 is quite smaller than the others, but no signs of it being a retard yet. One is very pale, another pale, the smaller not pale.

So the “light” ones generally go dark huh…cool . Gonna be interested to see what they do. SO FAR they seem like any photo plant. They are a bit slow out of the gate, BUT, any of my photo’s, stuck in gallon pots when 1 inch tall would do the exact same thing, explore the pot. Growing 90 % under soil level, setting themselves up for an above ground rush. My photo’s might go another 5-7 days before going vertical at a good rate. Be cool to see when the Autos here decide to go.


Yea… usually the ones that grow looking pale or yellow turn into the deep purple flowers… can usually tell right out of the shell but @Mr.Sparkle know them better than I lol

I’d expect by this time next week you’ll have 1’ tall or better bushes… looking awesome lol

But yea… usually when the pots go light for the first time and they get a real veg feed, that’s the day before they blow up


Then they “work” just like photo period plants in that regard…prolly do everything else like a photo plant too, other than flipping when THEY want to.

Gonna be fun watching them run , hope to get colored ones.


Time to make some Bubble Hash today…