Jinglepot’s Grow and Adventures

Quality aged black hash like that is my very favourite thing to smoke.


That looks beautiful! What’s your method for aging hash? I’ve tried to jar cure like bud but I seamed to loose a lot of the terpenes.


That was wrapped in cellophane and left in my cigar humidor, it aged so well, better than I couldve expected


No one’s talkong to you, get tf outta here iron fist, just leave me alone


I used to use the cellphones but ran into problem of the hash being too gooey and wanting to swallow the plastic.

All was not ruined, no plastic bits. But it was close.

Now I just aged them in a silicone vessel usually used rosin in a dark corner.

Once they develop a patina I figure it’s all locked away anyway.


It’ll go full cookie monster on the cellophane!? Lol, but I like gooey 🫠😆

I’ve got a ball of my Green Crack that turned hard as stone, I can barely even cut it, ive never had has turn into a rock like that


Outta likes, I’m only allowed a few if them these days


The best aged hash I ever made flattened itself out completely. It was like smoking coal tar in the best way possible.


That’s the amazing melt I’m looking for, ive got a ball of semi pliable SLH that just REEKS of citrus, it’s been aging about a year, i was a bit rough when washing and it’s got some plant material in it, but it smokes in joints so very well


I prefer mine in a pipe but I’m not going try cry over a few little bits of leaf.


Sounds like my dry-sift ball :rofl:


I’ve found the dry sift frequently goes rock hard, gotta heat it with a lighter to get it pliable enough to break off a piece. The pressed sift is the best stuff to use for the hash domes though as it’ll burn like incense, the full melt is better left for the three hole pipes, it’ll just bubble itself straight off the nail on one of those domes, learned that the hard way :joy:


So far I’ve cut off slices and layered it in-between ground flower in my glass pipe. I get an ember going on the top flower and it cooks through to the hash. I can taste when it starts to burn and go slow.

It’s been great so far but I look forward to making mini bricks in the fall.

Anyone press their hash into silicone moulds to shape it before storage?


Temple ball rolled by hand.

My OCS order gave me 2 hashes and I’m pretty sure they’re the exact same thing. Just one rolled by hand. I wouldn’t call either them a temple ball, or even good really.

Be careful with forming. The best hash will still stick a bit to silicone. I’ve had to flour them with dry sift before to avoid it.


Interesting. I find a screen to be the best move even though it does need to be changed often.


I believe our brother Jinglepot is taking a little break to prepare for a couple week fishing trip so may not be posting for a while. Have a great trip @Jinglepot and we will all see you when you get back. :v:


hello jinglepot. wanted to reach out and see how the catching / fishing went? show me them salmon pics or trout pics i know you caught em.
had some real shitty weather over here the end of may till mid june. lots of rain temps in the 40-50’s and cloudy when not raining. the cold temps and rain triggered some males. nevere seen that before. :face_with_monocle:
when life/time allows send me an update on the maine event. :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree:


happy 4th of july to you and happy canada day. what? no fish pics to show me? guess you will have to show me the pics on your maine event. hope all is well for you and family.
i’ll give you our weather update. so far it has only rained 3 times this growing season. first time for 47 days, second time for 32 days, and third time still in progress. i guess the up side is i have not had to water. lol
we could really use some sun heat and dry weather for sure. the mosquitoes are growing into birds this season. :grin: