Joboo's bullpen - ongoing grow diary


Amen to that!!


Well guys and gals Iā€™m feeling very nervous right now. Iā€™m supercropping for my first time this go around. On my larger plant I just bent a bunch of branches and I hope I didnā€™t screw this whole thing up. I guess one thing about itā€¦you canā€™t do 9t right if you never do it. We shall see in a few days


Okay so like I said I did some supercropping last night and I didnt take any pictures but every branch so far is showing signs of pushing forward. Still have some worry going on but she seems to be taking to the abuse okay. I didnt do any bending on the other one. The smaller one is drooping because it is almost bed time for them


Very nice! I think youā€™re doing a great job. Iā€™ve never really learned what super cropping is I know the name and thatā€™s it, gonna search the forum youā€™ve got me interested.


. I appreciate it @rob0781 Well you are basically squeezing the branches to break apart the inner plant material and then laying it over. Like the plant looks dead but then it heals itself and trains the plant to not just go vertical but also horizontal. Im new to it too but being in dwc I donā€™t want to do a scrog because you have to change the water so it is a real pain. Anhways Iā€™ve heard great things about it so figured Iā€™d give it a go. But I can already see how it is going to really form more tops and bushy. I wasnā€™t going to do my second plant but im leaning more towards doing it with that one too


Iā€™ve super cropped the odd branch here and there accidentally a time or 2 I guess lol so could you do some LST like just tying them down and than super crop afterwards? Iā€™m doing some research but curious if it can be paired with other methods?


Well id imagine you could pair it with other methods like that but Iā€™d think it would be best to do like one or the other because essentially the end game is the same. However, I bet it would be a good plan to lets say tie down (lst) until they start getting larger and then supercropping and then supeecropping again. The only other training Iā€™ve coupled with this is just regular topping but it is looking like a promising technique imo


Hey joboo. First timer in the bullpen. Looking good.

With your dwc experience, coco should be a cake walk.


I appreciate it. Well see my new set up comes with air pots so I was like screw it im going to give it a shot. Plus you know in Texas with these plants Iā€™ve been having root issues because of the heat. Ive got it more under control now but considering just doing coco in both tents if Iā€™m able to get the hang of it. Iā€™m just confused because I see most people mix perlite with it but the guy I was talking to on the other thread said dont bother with the perlite with coco. I mean the dudes got experience and good results so I figure ill just listen to em lol. Thanks for stopping by. Iā€™m hoping to start flowering in a few weeks depending so maybe have some bud shots for yall here somewhat soon


Iā€™ve tried with and without perlite.
Read and heard many pros and cons.

When I do use perlite, Iā€™ve learned to wash all the fine perlite dust and crap out before mixing with coco.


Well see i was considering buying the mother earth 70/30 pre mixed. Ill probably buy that and then just get some straight coco and run some of both and see what i like better. This game is all about experimentation to find your own groove you know


Picked this up for fall.


High five! My style as well.
But Iā€™m fortunate, no pressure to produce and harvest. Well, except for personal meds. I gotta produce those! Lol


Same for me man Iā€™m not growing g for anyone but myselfā€¦thats not to say I donā€™t want to find what yields great with high quality as quickly as possible but absolutely not necessary. Ive been around a lot of growing but very noob when it comes to doing it myself so just messing with different stuff and enjoying the ride you know?


yeah the stuff Iā€™m looking at is basically the same . You know a good 50L bag of 70/30. Figured give that a shot and then once the ones I have in dwc right now finish ill give just straight coco a go in that tent and see whatā€™s what


Alrite dude thought iā€™d drop in and have a look. Your coco choices are up to you the grower and most will work but there are a few things to consider besides the obvious ā€œis it pre bufferedā€. Iā€™ll try to be brief but itā€™s not easy lol.

Coco comes in different grades for a reason.
Some like to hand feed a few individual plants once a day (me) in which case I want a fairly fine coco like the premium stuff cos it retains more moisture.
Some like to auto feed several times a day, especially in bloom so a course version like coco chips is better, it drains faster so doesnā€™t saturate for too long.
Some take fine grade coco and mix it with perlite (horrible stuff) so it drains faster.
If you struggle to get temps high enough the evaporation rate is low so coco stays saturated too long to allow frequent feeds. Itā€™s more of a problem in cold climates.
In a warm climate with no A/C and hand feeding coco daily in airpots you probably donā€™t wont want a coco that drains too fast so use the fine stuff and donā€™t mix it with anything.

Iā€™ve tried various mixes/ratios and they obviously work but in the end I got better results with straight coco. Roots cant grow through hard medium like perlite or hydroton, they have to grow around the stuff so you lose density. They can achieve an amazing density in straight coco :+1:


right on. Thanks for the info. Im just going to have to research the stuff I buy like anything else. I appreciate it @Albannach !! Ill probably have to bend your ear in the future about all this once I get set up and ready to start so youā€™re just gonna have to deal with it :joy:


lol no prob Iā€™m on here quite frequently. Think youā€™ll like coco once you get used to it. Most folk do, especially if you have grown in compost a lot. Another potential bonus is plants hand fed in coco can stand more heat than in any other medium. Itā€™s those pump feed systems that tend go badly wrong without a chiller in high temps.


Yeah i think ill do alright with it. Just like anything else you just gotta mess with it. Im a textbook overthinker so I tend to psych myself up


This is what makes OG so valuable to us. The cooperation you get from experienced people who really care about cannabis. I donā€™t need negativity or criticism. I just have to walk into the next room for that! :rofl: Show me how it works. Tell me why. Explain a little. Two minutes of reading and now I have a better understanding.
I can handle things. Iā€™m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb. - Fredo Corleone