Joboo's bullpen - ongoing grow diary


I’ve been at this since 1996 with only a few short breaks and in that time i have picked up a lot of knowledge. Used to have to buy books lol things have moved on & I’ve kept up but the basics still apply.

From personal experience i tell people to avoid using additives (except calmag which is usually essential in coco) until they can grow a plant that’s healthy from start to finish and yields at least 4 ounces dry. This is easy with a dialed in system so once you max out all potential you could carefully start using additives like boost and pk. Timing is everything there.


well i ended up doing some additional bending on the one but just a little bit. She’s healing up like a damn champ though. I’m pretty much going to be done trimming up unless absolutely necessary or you know big fans. On another note the younger one finally caught up for the most part in overall height and is also coming alo g nicely. They are both eating up the food leaving a fat boy starvin :joy: anyways here’s a few shots




Got my remo nutrient line in today…im so pumped


Nice! I been looking at Remo my preferred grow shop just started carrying it and from what I understand it’s decent and the price is really good. I am thinking as my general hydroponics runs out I may switch over. Would love to here your thoughts on these nutes after you’ve used them for a full grow.


Well i still have some gh but im going to go ahead and switch over for my next res change which will be in 2 and 4 days and I figure I will be in veg for another few weeks depending on a few things of course. The main difference and I didnt realize this when I bought it but you know how you do the micro grow and bloom at the same time with gh? Well not with this stuff. For veg you only do the MagNifiCal, micro, grow and velokelp and then in flowering you use, magnifical, micro, bloom, velokelp, natures candy and astroflower. Anyways follow along and check out the results. If I were you tho I would definitely spend the money for the whole 7 part lineup. I don’t know what they are charging at your shop but I got mine from Amazon of course for 125 tax and all


I’m gonna have to price it out to compare with Amazon.

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did a little haircut on both of the girls today. I’m excited to check out these new nutrients on my next res change and see how it does. Ive heard nothing but good. Anyways I decided to top the younger plant on the right even tho originally I wasn’t going to top that one. The side branching has been meh so I topped to promote the growth. As far as the supercropping goes everything is healing good on the one and I haven’t done any supercropping on the younger yet. The younger one has a couple little white ph spots on her but that was my fault. Lol it was early and I just shot some ph down in there and it was too much at once but she will survive just fine. I figure ill be going well into September before I make the switch. Guess we will have to see


BTW amazon was about 15 to 20% cheaper than pretty much every other online retailer. Maybe you could get a deal at a shop but we both k ow the shops usually don’t operate that way but definitely check it out

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Those plants are looking nice and healthy. Cant wait to see then in full on flower mode.


This is some great advice.

I’ve been running coco the past few years and reducing and reducing my pot size. I have an auto-water system, so I’ll add that if you’re going for really small pots, finer coco with perlite is the best I’ve found. Roots grow REALLY dense in a small pot with auto-water. You will not get drainage without adding perlite, and the plant will eventually suffocate itself.

But that is a special case where I’ve been trying to minimize my medium consumption as far as possible. I’d say in pots larger than 1 gallon, you need perlite less and less, especially with the coarse grades.

Also, for nutrients if you aren’t using coco-specific nutrients, you will need more calcium and magnesium. PPM of calcium should be based off of PPM of potassium, since potassium is already abundant in coco, and antagonistic toward calcium/magnesium. I think if your feed contains more than 2x potassium than calcium (ppm), you will definitely see calcium deficiency by mid flower. I think it’s best to have potassium at around 1.6x calcium. Magnesium is best somewhere around half the ppm of calcium, maybe a little more.

EDIT: I should also mention that my water is close to RO out of the tap. So if you have a little harder water that contains Ca, your calmag requirements might not be as severe.


I appreciate it!! Yeah im excited ablut these. This is only my second solo grow as I’ve only been around and helped with larger grows in the past. As long as you’re learning and improving that’s really all one can ask for. In comparison to my first grow these are doing much better


Lookin good joboo👌

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solid advice!! Hell from everyone I’ve been talking to about coco that ill be starting my next grow has been sound advice. Still nervous about switching but I think in the end it will be the right choice. My tent will come with 5 gallon bags but im going to run down to the shop and just run 3 gallon instead. I’ll save the big ones for legalization when I do skme outdoor. I’ve been reading so much on coco just like I did when I started dwc…it makes my head spin and can be a little overwhelming. Thanks to all yall!! I know I’m getting great advice here


thanks bud…figured I won’t switch for another few weeks but im betting for some sweaty fat buds lol

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Definitely. Coco holds something like 4x the amount of air as peat, and that’s a big deal. You can grow huge plants with way less media. But it also doesn’t hold as much water, so you have to balance it out with how often you want to feed.

I think 3-5gallons is good if you hand feed daily. You can drop to like 1 gallon or less and still get full size plants if you can feed about 3-5x daily.

I’ve been growing plants in 16oz cups with coco/perlite mix that still yield 3-5oz. At their peak, they need to be fed 5 times per day.


Damn man that’s freaking nuts lol…okay okay I’m excited again :joy:


What @lefthandseeds said. They love multi-feed once rootbound!

Pardon the retro 70’s bush…


Yeah like I said ill be running 3 gallon at first and see how that does. I’m planning on hand feeding daily and if needed I have enough home time daily that I couod feed a couple times if needed. I guess one of my biggest questions is how much nute water I should be mixing up weekly…i mean obviously when they are smaller they don’t eat as much but just something else ill get dialed in. I mean i love feedback and advice but for me figuring it out is half the fun. The other half is getting baked lol


Well did a res change for the one on the right today with my new nutes that I’m using courtesy of urban remo and will be changing out the other in a couple days. Nothing really new to report…i mean it’s veg so everything is eating good and coming along nicely. The younger plant took the topping like a champ but I figured she would because this strain is just a powerhouse. Anyways here’s a few pics from a few minutes ago