Joboo's bullpen - ongoing grow diary


Did some more bending on thebplant on the left and will probably do some bending on the other one around midweek

Nice work - spanking them sisters into shape.
Super nice looking growth - not too dark - not too light. :sunny:


Thanks man. Yeah im real happy with the supercropping. I just hope I’m not doing it too often. I’ve been doing it every week on the one on the left for the past 3 weeks and the other night was the first one for the one on the right. They just keep taking to it tho. Plus I started the new nutrient line and they sure seem to be loving it. I’m still thinking ill have trigger day here in a couple weekish…just playing it by ear. The one on the left is ready but im just wanting to get the other one where I want her


Looking great @Joboo following along!


Thanks man!! Good to have ya!! Hoping to trigger by Sept 1 maybe sooner…maybe later lol just going to have to see


They look very healthy @Joboo

Great job


I appreciate it. In comparison to my first grow I think I’ve improved so far. It makes me wish I had the knowledge I have for this one for my first one lol. The one is definitely ready but im wanting to give the younger one on the right a bit more time before switch


It’s how we learn every time we plant a seed the experience is priceless


Well i just did some cleaning them up and a little extra bending on one today but nothing real serious. I know it’s a silly thing to be excited about but im really happy with the canopy management especially in comparison to my last grow. I wasnt here for it but trust me it was a shit show :joy: im glad I’ve been able to pretty much get the one on the right caught completely up in overall height and just canopy in general. They are both eating like gangbusters. This is the 6th day since res change and ive topped off twice with ro water and they have still managed to eat through half the res which I only fill with about 3 1/3g but I figure in 5 days they have went through oh idk around 3 gallons of water each factoring in the top offs. Im being very indecisive about triggering. I was thinking Monday or next Monday…thoughts? Anyways here is your typical overhead shot and sideshot


I’d flip sooner than later… those girls will get big!
Nice and healthy and ready to go for it. :+1: Nice work


Flip Monday!


The tribe has spoken. Monday. :pancakes::pancakes: Flip them like pancakes!


the tribe has spoken!! Yall wish is my command…get ready for some sweaty fat fuc**n buds. Im going to go ahead and mix up the next batch of nutes tomorrow and get it all ready. Already been getting the tent ready you knkw taping over lights on the power strip and all that. Im hoping I won’t need the dehumidifier this go around because it has a little bit of a blue glow even when you tape over the light it bleeds through the resivoir…kinda pisses me off lol I mean they make these dehumidifiers for growing you know from certain brand names and they put lights on them? :joy: like wtf…alright anyways let’s do this thing


Can you give the tank a t-shirt or some other fabric wrap to cover the light?

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yeah i definitely could I didnt really think of that lol. Funny how sometimes a simple fox will just slip your mind. And like I said Im hoping to not need it. If I can maintain between 40-55% ill be alright because my airflow is on point so I won’t worry too much about rot but if it starts climbing much higher than that like to 60 ill need to use it. Thanks for the tip


Yeah! The closer you are to a problem, the easier it is to get lost in the details.


yep you’re so right. Thats why I love this community…people give their outside perspectives and that at times is what’s the word invaluable? You know what I mean priceless


Those look great dude


Thanks d!! All the internodes are alternating now and they are growing strong so ill be flipping in a couple days


Don’t make us come over there and flip for you. :smile: :pancakes: :male_detective: JKJK - you flip when you are damn good and ready!

Great. Now I’m getting a hankerin for some pancakes. :whale2: