Joecool's second year the good, bad, and ugly

Your MWCB and fruity yum yum ? and looking great! :sunglasses: :+1:
What size pots do you have them in?


Fruity yum yum is what the wife calls it. It’s from 20 plus year old seeds I had found in a box of my old stuff from my mom’s house. It was the only one out of 20/30 seeds to pop. Was surprised to find it to be a fem so I’ve grown her out like 4 times now. Wish the crap earlier hadn’t happened or she would of been a mom… sucks to lose her but as Doris Day said
Que Será, Será
They are both in Vivosun 3 gallon fabric pots. I cought them on sale so decided to try them out. they are working well so far.


Just pics today being as everything is holding steady.
First up is the fruity yum yum, it’s got a distinct blueberry smell now. I’m not sure what I did different but this last cut smells like blueberries.

Next up is MWCB it’s got a nice metallic cherry smell going now.

Also up potted the blue god babies to one gallon pots till they are ready for their finish pot. autos are in flower doing their thing. Not expecting much out of them but I shall let them finish.
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your day


So the bottom pic is MWCB?

Sure is, it finally finished it’s stretch about a week ago. Next round with it I hope to let it veg a bit more than this one got to do. As it is this one has been topped about a week before the flip.

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Is that from Sebring’s site? How many days of veg did you give it and how many days of 12/12 do you figure roughly. Sorry for all the questions. I have some MWCB beans I would like to grow. Trying to figure out how to fit them in. :smiley:

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Your plants look great by the way. :+1:

Yes they are from sebring. I honestly don’t recall how long they vegged for but they are 35/40 days from flip, she easily doubled in size.
Thanks for the kind words.


One more question please. About how tall is it now? I cant really tell from the pic.

I’ll have to check that later when lights are on to be sure but easily 2 foot or better.

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Thanks Joe

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It’s just a little over 2 foot (27") at it’s tallest.


Thanks again Joe :+1:

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Time for an update. The fruity yum yum is getting ready to finish in a week or two. Hairs starting to change color, trichs about 50-75% cloudy so not a whole lot longer to go. The MWCB is looking very nice. I’m loving the look of her. She’s got a ways to go yet but it’s all good. The green headband or blue cookies in the one gallons aren’t going to amount to much harvest but for being 3 weeks behind the others they are getting super frosty. Going to have to run the rest of the pack soon.


Fruity yum yum

Either blue cookies or green headband??

The vegging Blue gods are going along well. Culled one male today. Have another possible out of the 5. Topped the 2 biggest back to the 3rd node. The 2 bubba kush one got put to flower early (ran out of room in veg, the other I was able to leave in veg) and it’s taking off.
The autos are doing meh should cull them but really need what I can get rn I’m out of my cbd tincture.

Well that’s about it for this update. Nothing much going on otherwise.
Well all who stop by, thanks and hope you enjoy your evening or day as the case may be.


Well I noticed something odd about one of the Blue gods. The first few nodes grew w leaves per node now though it’s formed 3 leaves per node and seems to want to keep doing it. Idk what’s going on but it’s rather neat. So here’s a good pic of the top as of yesterday morning.


That’s a good thing, you will have more bud sites Arriba|nullxnull. It also happened to me but unfortunately it ended being a male … :disappointed:


More for my notes rather than an update.
Put 6 Blue Tara F2’s and 6 of @lefthandseeds Everyday Haze in paper towels this morning.

Moved 2 blue god’s info flower last night.
Otherwise everything is going well.
Have a wonderful spring day.


Well this last week I harvested the fruity yum yum and last night the MWCB. The fruity yum yum is going to be missed. She yielded right around 3 oz dry and smells so good . The MWCB ended up throwing nanners so I took her a weekish early so I hopefully don’t get my other plants seeded.
All 6 of the blue tara’s are above ground in cups and 3 out of 6 of the everyday haze made it. So hopefully one is female.
I’m also incredibly sure that the mystery has been solved on the green headband or blue cookies. Being as they are finishing up and will b ready to harvest in a couple of days my best educated guess is they are the green headband autos from Mark. My reasoning is that since they are pretty much finished at right about 80 days above ground. Didn’t produce much but what’s there is looking like a frosty windshield on a cold morning.
Fruity yum yum harvest.


Have to get pics of the flower closet later when it’s lights on.
Have only 2 blue gods in there till either later today or tomorrow when I move the other 3 blue goda and a bubba kush into flower.
Also got the chance to run some testers for @GrumpyOldBastards it’s called oj. I don’t remember the info about it and I can’t find it on the site anymore so hopefully they pop in and maybe clarify as to strain info. They will be put into paper towels soon as I get more solo cups for them. So in a day or two all depends on when I get to the store.

I’m excited to run these for them.
Well that’s it for right now. As always thanks for looking around my world and have a great day.


This weeks update is post only.
Of the last 2 blue gods one turned out male. This run with them has been a sausage fest :relaxed: so the only thing in flower is the last blue god and the last bubba kush. So far neither has shown sex so I’m hoping that’s a good sign. The 6 Blue Tara F2’s are above ground and starting to take off. The everyday haze of @lefthandseeds
3 of 6 made it to soil and 2 of them seemed be slightly mutant. One didn’t sprout anything but one ragged leaf no little start leaves fresh outta the ground just a single straggly leaf. It’s seeming to come out of it as the next node grew out alright looking. The other had smooth wrinkly leaves with no aerations. It also seems to be pulling out of whatever funk it was in. Only time will tell.
Thanks for reading today’s update.
Enjoy your day or night as it may be.


We like pics frech|nullxnull. So with the MWCB you can get a male being fems and now hermie icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, do you know why it happened? :sunglasses:

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