Joecool's second year the good, bad, and ugly

I’m not sure. The male issue is supposed to be possible cross contamination per what @Sebring said in his thread. And the hermie I’m not sure it was like week 9 so possibly just trying to keep it’s lineage going. Either way it would of lasted maybe a week longer before harvest. Early smoke test said it’s a very enjoyable smoke so I’m thinking it didn’t necessarily need the extra week anyway.


Hello all can’t believe I haven’t posted anything here since April. The OJ tester run I was doing turned out awesome a little over a half pound on one plant I let get large with lots of lst in a 7gal fabric pot. The rest of the 7 that finished gave me about the same amount but I kept them smaller than the one. Soon as I can figure out where all my pics are I’ll post some. The year has been rough here in the real world. Things are finally coming to a head but I suspect that the outcome will be shitty either way so I just keep my head down and keep on keeping on it’s all anyone can do.
Enough with the hoo-ha, right now I’ve got a uncle festers skunk #18 finishing up. It’s about 3 ft tall but I stripped the lower half of the plant to concentrate on the tops because it got over vegged because the 400w hps I was using took a dirt nap right after the last OJ finished and had to wait 3 weeks for a replacement cause I was broke at the time. Then I underestimated how much larger it would get during flower with the new 600w hps that’s in the closet now. I can’t believe how much difference it made so far compared to the first lamp.

From the 19th of last month.

And the 26th of last month.

And a couple of tops today,

A rather bad photo from a few days ago just to show size of the tops, almost every one is that size or a bit larger and talk about dense I’m looking forward to harvest to see how she turns out she’s been in flower since the last week of September.
Next up in the closet is a run of gg#4ril from the man @Tonygreen that he so graciously grew for the group buy. They are all vegging right now 3 are in 3 gallon pots and 4 are about a month behind the 3 still in solo cups. Will take pics tomorrow morning of them. Lost 3 to the seedlings not shedding the membrane thingy and me not catching it soon enough. I only checked on them every other day or so when they were in the dome so my bad. I’m going to go back and re read Tony’s grow thread so I can know what to look for in a good male because I’m finally think I’m ready to make some serious amount of seeds. I’ve been growing super old bag seeds and gear from the co-op boxes here. Don’t get me wrong I’ve enjoyed every bit of it but I have a keeper mom from unknown origins (well outta my super old seed stock anyway) that I’d really like to hit with some pollen to see what I get out of it.
Well I’ve taken up enough of your time for now with my rambling and few pics.
As always thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world and have a smoke filled day or night as the case may be.


Def that 600W HPS was a good buy, impressive nugs icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, always heard good things about the UFS18 … beer3|nullxnull


Yes i agree about the 600w being a good buy @George . It’s improved the flower by leaps and bounds compared to being under a 400w.
Also here is a shot of the GG#4 ril in veg

So far have the one super leggy one and 2 bushy ones the leggy one is running outta head room so it may get thrown into flower in a day or 2 when I harvest the ufs#18 and have room in the closet or I may just whack it back so I can keep it smallish till the ones in the cups catch up a bit . Need to uppot the ones in solo cups soon they are filling the cups nicely with roots.
Well that’s it for now hope y’all enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by.


Hello all, hope you are enjoying your day or night as the case may be. Harvested the ufc#18 about a week after the last update had a total of 7oz in the jar. As of now I have 2 gg4ril in flower has 3 but one turned out male so he had to go. Shits coming to a head here and I have to get flower stocked up to avoid the inevitable of going to a dispensary as idk how much longer I’ll be able to grow and not sure of the future atm. I started growing again to avoid that at all cost, but life happens and whatnot. Anyway here is pics of the 2 fems I have right now. The taller one is done with stretch and the smaller one is just starting to stretch.

And a closer shot of each

I have one more for sure fem vegging out of 4 waiting on it to get a bit bigger so I can get a couple of clones of it. But within the next 2 weeks all fems will be in flower maybe just maybe one male because I don’t want to lose the line and also I have a mother plant of a strain I made in a pollen chuck 20+ yrs ago that I got to pop that wasn’t a Mexican brick style tasting sativa, although I wish I had kept a clone of it would have been fun to get dna tested and see just what it was… oh well, anyway that’s where I’m at right now and I have to thank @Tonygreen again for the awesome genetics. I’ve not had such vigorous plants that wanted to fill the pot with roots so fast and the taller of the two right now grew so big in the stretch for being in a 3 gallon fabric pot it’s an amazing line you have good sir and thanks again.


Joe cool don’t know how I missed this thread
Just got caught up , great job if you don’t mind I’ll hang around and pull up a chair


@Papalag hey I’m here at least once a day and can’t remember to post in my log more than every 20 days or so :joy: or post much. I’d say that’s how ya missed it. Oh well could be worse I suppose. Hope everyone is doing well today.
Today’s update isn’t too much I just put 2 more of the gg#4 ril into flower a couple of days ago so a total of 4 are in flower right now. One has turned out to be a boy but I’m definitely keeping him I really like the looks of him compared to the other 2 that showed in the pack. Looking to be 4 fem and 3 male out of what survived seedling stage. The last two in veg seem to be a male and fem and if that’s the case the male shall meet it’s end.
Here is the male I’m keeping.

And node spacing on his squat ass

Soon as the last 2 are ready to flower off the male goes into his own space at the other end of the house under the Mars ts1000 to finish his maturation, I’m really wanting to mix this right noded bush to my bushy homemade strain and see what kind of majick I can make between the two. I’ll take pics of the flower closet tomorrow when I do their maintenance. I forgot to today and now it’s too late for it.
Anyway hope that anyone reading this has had a decent enough day that it can’t be called bad and smoke em if ya got em, I know I’m going to.


super nice man, keep doing what you are doing :+1:

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Yay less than 2 weeks between post in the ol grow log.
Well the male shot off half a dozen or so of it’s sacks early so I pulled him cut off the other almost ready to blow sacks and have them drying and dropping their loads. Going to pollinate the female I just threw in the closet a week or so ago when she’s ready.
I’ve got a major ph swings in the veg area there is a new water company who provides water and I guess they are playing with the chemicals again. In September when they took over the service it was the same way.
I’ll get em back to happy in a week or so and off to flower they go too…
Well that’s it as far as news nothing much else is going on with the grow
Now I just have to figure out what to run next. Only have the 2 and a mom vegging.
Well here’s the pics for this update
The tall one that took off and went nuts in the 2.5gal of medium it’s in.

The shorter one that’s about a week behind the first one.

I think it’s frostier than the first one. It’s for sure been the happiest one of the bunch throughout the whole run of the glue.
And lastly for the flower closet the one only been in there a week or so.

Now for the veg area.

The ones in the fabric pots are the last 2 sad at the moment gg4ril and my special mom is in the plastic cup. Waiting for clonex and rootriot plugs to get here so when these last 2 are healthy and ready to flower I can get come clones and fingers crossed one is a female lol.
Well that’s it for this update. I wish everyone luck in their endeavors and have a Stony night.
P.s. I’m loving my new phone the camera is awesome on it.


Hey all first of all I want to apologize to the growmies who were waiting on me to send the Paupa new guineas had some issues here and took me a minute to get them sent. Plus I finally remembered to add something to my journal. Actually been on enough and reading enough to run outta likes today haven’t done that in a long while. Haven’t really been doing much lately. Still problems at home but those are finally starting to get better. Edit(she just accepted into rehab she leaves today) Even have almost enough saved up for a new light. I’m excited for that. I want to make some seeds and it’s hard to do it with my current setup so I haven’t made many as of yet just some autos and a few ril seeds. Other than that everything is going well. Just the last ril and 6 or 7 clones of it going right now.
Trying my hand reveging on a ril dometop I just love the bud structure.

One of the tops

And now a shot of the closet right before lights on.

The clone mom

And the babies

And a side shot of the babies.

So far so good. Still using the same nutes and coco but will be switching it up soon. I’m getting ready to get some coco chips instead of the blocks I soak and perlite, trying to cut costs. Perlite is pricy for what it is around here if ya can even find it locally.
Well that’s it for this update. Hope everyone has a smoky day and thanks for visiting my little corner of the world today. Enjoy.


hang tough bro. dig those white square pots :slight_smile:

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Thanks on both counts. I got the pots from my neighbor when I started indoor. I do gotta say I love em. Makes it so easy to load down the closet when running a bunch of clones. Plus they sit so nicely together when in my small veg area.


Well dropped 6 ssdd courtesy of @HolyAngel. All of them popped within 24 hours. Only able to get 5 into the rapid rooters due to my fine motor skills being shot oh well I’ve still got more if need be. Also dropped 6 wolfpack still waiting on them to pop. Also decided to run a few mystery regs from a friend of mine in pots in the back yard this year. Got 6 of them put straight into my soil mix in solo cups. So time will tell about those. Everything else is chugging along fine. Only complaint is closer temps got up to 90 today, my place did get to 80 inside. Damn Illinois weather. Straight from pouring rain to summer in the same week. Oh well… I think I’m putting outside some autos. Think I’ll do that tomorrow after I get home from my weekly town run.
Well that’s it for now. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world. Enjoy your day or evening as the case may be.


Things are cruising along albeit slowly veg is kinda stalled they are alive but slowly growing. I gotta get my veg spot closed in better so I can control my vpd better. I can’t keep the humidity right set up like I am now. I think that’s the main reason for the stalling.

A shot of the veg area.
Have 2 ssdd bx seedlings left. Had an accident taking the humidity dome off to transfer them so lost a couple more.
All wolfpack are doing well as can be expected for the conditions. Have a non screen scrog plant in the back growing out I’m bending it to my will even if I have to "break some legs":rofl:. Just hst all the way going to enjoy it. Have 2 new moms in the making. One my regular keeper and a ril cut. Outta all the plants this one smells most like glue and is the stickiest one of the pack.
Here’s a shot of the ril mom.

I’m anxiously awaiting this to be done to see if the flavor is there along with the smell…
And a shot of the clones I’m running sog.

So that’s it for this visit into the grow. Have one random plant outside in a solo cup in soil. My girl wanted to plant some of her own. So I gave her 6 random seeds from idk what or where and 2 came up but only one is still living the other damped off in the cup.
Oh,… When the seedlings are ready for their forever home I’ve switched over to a different coco. I’m switching to chip coco to cut expenses some. For $10 more than my regular coco block I got the same finished amount without the added cost of perlite to add to the mix. So overall by switching I’ve saved $20 plus depending on the market price at the time. It’s a reptile substrate here’s the link to what I bought for now.

If it works out well they also offer large boxes of substrate for around $100. I wasn’t able to find anything cheaper for my use. Overall it’s a rather clean product outta the bag. After I buffered/expanded it the leftover run off was an ec of .9 which is between 0.1 and 0.3 of what my ec is out of the tap.
Didn’t think to repH till after I disposed of it… damned stoner suffering from C.R.S. (can’t remember shit) :sunglasses:
Here’s a pic of the new coco

Lots of chunks and strands and little fines in it less than a cup of fine material. Looking forward to seeing how this works out.
Well that’s it for this visit into my garden.
Enjoy your day or evening as the case may be and thanks for stopping by my corner of the world.


Hello all who read this. It’s been a long time since I been able to post. Life has gotten in the way.
Well enough of that on to new business.

The chip coco is a vast improvement over the fine coco bricks and perlite. The growth has been explosive using it and setting in a small container to feed. In all reality im doing flood and drain by hand… cause they get sat in the nute solution for 10-15 minutes depending on how heavy they are after 10 minutes. All the wolfpack I ran ended up getting a root rot problem late in flower my last run because I had forgotten to use any h202 in the res to keep things like that at bay and the harvest suffered because of it.
Oh well ya live ya learn.
Right now for the current run I’m re running 2 different wolfpacks clones from the last run to see how they turn out this time as long as I remember the h202 to keep the rot away. I also have 8 blue gods from Mark on Strainly it’s the last of it so I plan on keeping one male to pollinate so I have more to grow.
I also have one solitary Crashers runtz I think it was called from one of @NugLifeFarms420 Tuesday giveaways the other 2 immediately failed after popping up above ground. Im not sure what happened but I hope the one left is a fem but if not oh well I’ll keep some pollens from it and hit a branch or 2 of the blue god…

Just a quick shot of the closet
I really suck taking pics so apologies…
Still have a couple of moms in the veg area and that’s about it
Im still using the GH maxi grow and bloom… It’s done me good for almost 4 years now and it’s cheap and lasts me forever… plus I figured if my few friends who sample my smoke get excited whenever I break my own grown out and always seem to enjoy it very much.
So if it ain’t broken don’t need to fix it…
It’s looking like after this run I’m offering up my services to my family starting a garden crop who started a farm a few years ago and are branching out from just chickens this year. I’m excited for that because I get to throw down some of my growing talents and knowledge and also teach others how to do it…
Well that’s it for the first view into my corner of the world,
Thanks for stopping by and I hope your gardens bountiful overflow and also that y’all have a great day or night as the case my be…


Hello not much going on. Took me 4 cuts of the crashers runtz ast night being as it showed me it’s a girl.

Have 2 for sure males on the blue dream side of things. Waiting to see if any others show me what’s up this next week while I am waiting for cuts to root.
Since I’ve been doing hand spanked ebb and flow I’ve discovered that my ec had to raise a little from the 1.3 -1.5 I was running with the brick coco/perlite mix. I’ve been running almost 2 EC and also my ph had to come down from 6.5 to right at 6 or a bit under and they are loving it.
Just have to find something to keep the reservoir defunkified.
Im also thinking about getting some kind of house water filtration. My ec is .7 base and my ph out the tap is 8. Plus it’s winter time water management so the smell and taste has been wonky the last week or so. If not a ro system then definitely at least a 3 stage filtration system… I’m having to use way to much ph down for my liking.
Otherwise everything is chugging along and growing nicely. Will have to post some pics if I remember to take some next time I’m in the grow.
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your day.
Happy growing…


Hey all, been a long while since I updated my log.
Ended up losing most of the last 2 runs due to mental health issues.
Finally got back on track kinda.
Right now I have 2 of the sour bubble from the last box, a single alien og x runts bubble from @Oldtimerunderground . Well technically 2 I found a male in the mix and he was the sparkliest male I’ve ever seen and that was just as preflowers showed so I took a couple of cuts to get some pollen going because I lived the node spacing on it and I have 2 mom’s that could use a dusting to see if I can get them to stretch more because they are really tight internodes and I want to see if I can makes something that smokes like the mom but with more branching and a bit larger…
I also have a super slow vegging cut from a friend that he calls the retard rocket which takes forever to get it to a decent size to flower out it’s at right at 3ish months to get a low canopy of about 4 square feet If I didn’t know any better I’d almost say that it’s almost pure indica. Id love to put it outside and see how big it gets I suspect it wouldn’t top 3 or 4 feet fully grown outside
I also have 8 of @Mr.Sparkles Poisoned Rose x Cookie Devil , and Cookie Devil H2’s that I kindly recieved and then promptly forgot about until I was cleaning up the table in the grow room. I popped them all and proceeded to put them outside in my soil I made for just this purpose so no idea which is which lol surprises are fun… So far they are doing awesome outside they are all about 3 weeks along and a few are finally starting to grow nodes rather than just building root mass. I’m going to have to go back and read up on how long they take to finish so I can have a roundabout estimate for finish time.
I also won an insta giveaway from @ShitSeeds of midnight aphrodisiac. I ended up paying for shipping twice by accident (I’m in the states) and they kindly waited till I got paid to let me pay shipping and also they kindly offered to refund the second shipping I paid or offered up another pack of seeds so I said surprise me and well they sure did I received a pack of blurry nutbutter and a pack of nurse peanut. That was very awesome of them as I was just expecting a single extra pack. Can’t wait till the next run so I can pop some of them…
Damn my phone keeps saying that I can’t upload pics due to low memory so I’ve got to figure that out so I can share pics again…
Because I would really like to see what the more experienced peeps here think of the retard rocket and it’s slow growing…
Anyway thanks for visiting and happy growing.


We like to do nice things for nice people. Cant wait to see what you get from those packs. Have a fantastic grow season down there, and thanks for you patience.

Grow that Shit! :poop:


Good to see you back

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Yay I figured out the problem with uploading pics from my phone.
These are what I recieved from @ShitSeeds . The Midnight Aphrodisiac is the one I won in insta and the other 2 are to fix the mixup with payment. The Nurse Peanut is one I’m really interested in after speaking with ShitSeeds right after they came to OG.
I was surprised to say the least to receive such generosity from spidey and the crew there. As to the blurry nutbutter I don’t have much info on it so if they could maybe jump in and give some more info on it would be greatly appreciated.
That’s it for right now but I for sure will get more pics of the current grow later today when lights on.
On a side note Im super glad that the ballast I bought last does indeed run a 400w mental halide when turned down along with actually being a 600w ballast because my 600 hps died last week in the middle of the grow… gotta get a new bulb come payday if I can or just flower em out under the 400mh this run. Not something I want to do but it beats the alternative of having to move them in and out to get light or just shutting down until I can afford the new bulb.
Anyway thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world.
Happy growing my friends and enjoy your day.