Joecool's second year the good, bad, and ugly

As promised here are more pics.
These are the autos from @Mr.Sparkle that are outside.
The first pic is of planting day on the 7th and the second pic is from today

They are loving my soil I made years ago and are thriving so far.
Almost makes me want to switch to soil for my indoor plants.


Well hell since the most recent pic the varmints have been in my plot. Had one topped but going strong and the other , well I’ll let you see for yourself…

Otherwise they are doing great.
The biggest are 12 inches tall and finally starting to branch.
As long as everything goes according to plan I’ll have a nice harvest the first part of July.
Flipped the switch on the closet last night so around July 25th which kinda sucks cause my birthday is 5 days later so I know I’m going to rush drying on some of the harvest so I can have that birthday blunt.


Oh I also bought some bubble bags. Omfg fresh froze bubble is just as good as actual flower for me… Normally extracts don’t do much and I call em weed crack lol.

This was just from one bag. (Scale for size comparison)
Edit: the big blobs were from the first run and the 3rd run is the little greenish lump by my thumb.
For comparison between the two rinses.
I should have used parchment paper instead of cardboard but ya macgyver when you have to all told when dry I got a bit over 12 grams of amazing clean burning mouth watering hash form about 2oz of plant material that i froze soon as it was harvested…
I did 3 washes and used 3 bags per Frenchy.
Never would I ever think that I could make hash that was good enough to use my dab straw to imbibe… Haven’t seen such a clean straw after it was all said and done wasn’t hardly anything to reclaim.
Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world.
I hope everyone has an awesome day and that the grow gods smile upon you with favor.


Well had a light failure in the first 2 weeks of flower in the closet so have to move them outside for their 12 hours of daylight.
It rather sucks but gotta do what ya gotta do. It’s a pain in the ass but they are liking the natural sun.
The autos from @Mr.Sparkle are all doing really well. One of them decided that instead of one top bud it’s growing 2 tops.

That’s a pic from right at sundown last night of the 2 headed beast.

Then here’s an overview of the full plot. Had to weave the tops under the wire on a few of them to keep them from getting to much taller than the wire that’s over the plot.
They started budding right around the first of June so I expect them to be done around the first part of July.
As to the closet I ended up having a sneaky herm in the mix I was able to catch quick. It was throwing hairs like no tomorrow like the other females in the bunch but then I went to water and it was starting to fill up with male flowers all the while still throwing hairs so off to the compost bin it went.
It’s almost time to haul what I have inside outside so I’ll get a pic once they r outside for the day and post it up a little later this morning.
All in all I’d say things are running smoothly for this run even with the equipment issue. A lot better than my last 2 runs anyway so I must be pulling outta my funk cause I barely kept plants alive the previous 2 runs and yield wasn’t anything to write home about.
Well that’s it for now, thanks as always for looking into my little corner of the world and hope everyone has a productive and stony day.
Edit: here’s a pic of the 4 from inside.