Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

I forgot to post a pic of the Unicorn Poop boy n girl in their isolation (nuptials…shhhhh, be very quite, so they can concentrate on making babies!)


What a beautiful couple :grin:. :heart::heart::heart::heart::grin:


The boy is a bit worse for lack of tending/care/nutes… but, lol it’s not like he’s gonna live very much longer!
So all he’s been getting is water daily.

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Shhh you don’t want to disturb the happy couple. Hearing statements like that would definitely upset my mojo :joy:

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I typed really quietly! Plus they’re out in the barn. Sound doesn’t travel very well that far! :rofl:

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Excellent, don’t want to upset him :crazy_face::joy:


I’m gonna let them stay in there for awhile, lol at least until he slows down on spewing that magic dust!


That is a nice looking back brace. Damn bad backs suuuuck! Do you go to chiropractor at all? I twisted my back up really bad when I was 12 and been paying for it ever since. I feel for you bud. Back pain is imho the worst spot for pain. Even worse than ribs. Hope you heal soon.


I F’ed mine up when fresh into Nam at 18yrs old. Chiropractors don’t do me any good, been there done that, too many times… now I just ride it out.
Thnx for the well wishes, though!


Hitting your foot hard with a hammer will make you forget about your back for a little while….
Follow me for more medical advice……


WOW! lol now there’s a rather unique Rx, brother… I might give it a try, just not in the immediate future! :scream: :thinking: :rofl:


You should hear what I got for syphilis……


:scream: :rofl: :wink: :+1: lemme guess, use the hammer…elsewhere?!

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I can only imagine wait I only want to imagine :flushed:

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I don’t WANT to imagine, lol but his statement brought visuals!

True story:
When in the navy I was told they cured VD by Inserting a hot metal rod up inside your member. My dumb ass thought it was true until told differently.


lol They told me the way used was with one of them rubber mallets used for reflex testing, then after it was ‘broken-up’ they would take clamp rollers to yer ‘member’ to force it out! Very graphic and very scary! :scream: :rofl:
oh wait, lol yours was for VD, the one they told me used was for Syphilis…or it mighta been for what they called ‘bullhead clap’ been so long i don’t remember now, lol

Now just relax this won’t take long…….
Turtle up dude turtle up………. Ahhhhhgggh!


After hearing those two cures, I would be ultra careful were I stuck it!

I think that was their intent, lol to make ya think twice about messing with the working gals… not just there, but anywhere around the world. lol

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