Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Card board terps! Probably just another money grab! :joy:

Nothing like the smell of fresh cardboard first thing in the morning!

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Recycled, I hope

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Only 85% ! What’s up with that?

Damn halfassery! A sign of the end times!
( come back, Johnny):joy:

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So 15% new material cardboard? You planet-destroyer!
Well, not you, but them manufacturers!

Just think of how many clouds they used in the making!


I’ve spent enough time in the woods I stopped using camo for anything other than clothing and the ruck.
I’ve lost 2 wallets, a small pistol and several other small Knick knacks. :joy: Real Tree works! That’s no joke!

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I was watching the both of you’s disclosing hints of your respect for the Earth Mother sensibilities. Now we see NDNCHILD is only 85%. I’m gonna still go glass half full.

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I think the animals are getting in on that too… The last time I went hunting deer, I saw one do a freeze-frame against a tree… he was wearing RealTree camo too, same as me!


That was probably my buck dammit! Also lost a ruck full of spare clothes! :joy:

edit… thinking about it, that coulda been another hunter… might be why he shot back at me!

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Was it an Oklahoma deer?I read camo is trending on the Okie Deer thread

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Hey! No disparaging comments about the Okie deer! They just trying to get by too, ya know…

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For the record… the glass has always been twice as large as it needs to be.
As for this 85% thing…. It’s EPHEMERAL linen here folks! Some sacrifices must be made! Good news is it’s very durable and probably shouldn’t have to be replaced next year! :joy:

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Well that is a plus… how much were they again? I’m ordering 2 sets, so when one gets dark I can change out while laundering the dirty ephemeral…

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But, But, But…what if i just gotta have the ‘new-n-improved’ model!?

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I’m not sure but apparently the value is 10! Can’t beat that Johnny! That’s like 9 more values that 1!

Sold American!

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I was a vegetarian for 23 years. One day at work a guy had venison. I said, did you say a word acknowledging it’s spirit? He looked at me funny. I ate it anyway. That was 4 years ago. Now I eat ‘bout anything. I like deer. Especially if they have a well-developed fashion sense, which I take camo garb to be — well, on a guerilla grower or deer.

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Story of my life! Hey that reminds me…… those new drops!! :joy: