Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Great to hear your experience with both those strains, @Natea. I’m about 5 weeks away from the cut on both, hoping they’ll be all I believe they’ll be— and your descriptions just up the anticipation!! Thanks.


@Butterthief1959 yeah man I have only had a few successful grows now but now I understand the importance of great genetics :dna:


A good start is always good genetics


Yeah, feels to me like since I started getting into what’s going on here, the possibilities for upping my genetics-to-work-with game has expanded significantly. I dig how the combination of grow-guru level knowledge with collaborative effort (like the ISS having pollen from @BigMike55, for example) winds up making killer genetics available to a cat like me who never even knew another grower. I mean, I’ve bought lots of seed company seeds through the years. But I’m lovin’ the community sourced process here so much better.


Careful there brother! :joy: It can get dangerous here! I went from a handful of poor herm prone strains to holy crap I’m a seed bank in a very short period! I swear I have almost as many of Johnny’s strains as he does! :joy: Not really, but I have picked up a couple myself! Yeah that’s it. A couple! :wink:
Have fun with that stash! I know I’m already enjoying mine! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3: 🪶🪶


Definitely! There are real people attached to these seeds. If you ever have a question or just wanna talk shop about a strain everyone is always so willing to help. There’s a dash of love that gets shipped with each pack of OG beans! :green_heart:


EXACTLY! You touched the essence there!


You’ve been touching all the essences here lately, I just wanted to see what they felt like too! :joy:
Kinda fluffy! I like it! :grin:



11minutes?! gimma a break! lol
Yep, lol i tested that… gave a like to @NDNCHILD post then it disappeared! ok, so here ya go brother. Let’s see em take these :heart: :heart: :heart:


Too funny! :joy: yeah, the essence is always like holding a cloud. Ephemeral and yet the realest real.


I’m trying online to see if they make bedsheets outta the stuff! :joy:

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They Do! And with Affirm you can make four easy payments. I try n find the link


Ah, bro, I so regret to inform: they’ve been discontinued. Due to lack of demand, it says. OFW, like Johnny said, of lemons, lemonade.

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As long as they’re not the combustible type!

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That’s cool my friend! I found the material. I just gotta do the work myself. This is nothing unfamiliar to me, I should be sleeping on a cloud shortly! :joy:

They had it in camo. Just in case I ever get back to the woods!


The VOC list is long. And I can’t pronounce a single one. But hey, they’re fluffy. And they make me feel pretty. I feel pretty! (See Jack Nicholson here😂)

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Oh no! There’s an image that I need to delete from my brain…it burns!

If yas need me for anything… I’ll be over here in the corner, curled up in a fetal position


I’ll cover you with my ephemeral linen. You’ll be good as new in no time. @JohnnyPotseed :joy:

Brother, I could tell some woods stories! Lordy! Got me with a prodigious affection for camo, for life. But ain’t tryin’ to go back — so I really like that lovely blue shade. And it does look fluffy and non combustible. How does Amazon describe the terpenes on the etheric sheet? Are they dank?:joy:

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AAAAAGH!.. Mommy, Make Him Stop!!

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