Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Thnx, brother!

lol naw, but I sure don’t mind the occasional male Ganja, gotta get the pollen for more dirty deeds! lol


Good afternoon all!
Worked this morning then shopping for groceries, gonna take a quick nap and then what I can get into.
Glad you are feeling better @MoBilly


Thanks @buck90 .

Ummm… Wasn’t it some old ganja grower that saw my training on three Frankenstein’s and said something like " You do realize you are creating a monster" or something very much like that.


If ya referring to the pic of my newest ‘monster’, lol if you only knew what I had to do to get Rose to agree to letting me do it! You wouldn’t be picking at me! Suffice to say, she now owns my soul… (oh wait, lol she already did own it… just don’t tell her!)

Yeah, i said it, lol and I meant it, too! :rofl: :crazy_face: :scream: :+1:
I have some members on the list for cuttings, so I need to generate a bigger plant, to serve a multi purpose. Give up plenty of clones, cuttings, and also more beans and buddage. With limits on plant numbers, I gotta make one plant do the work of 4-5!


@MoBilly the bad (?) part is, lol she’s going to be vegging for at least another month and more than likely a good bit longer! Hide and watch how big this gal is gonna get! :scream: :rofl: :joy: :crazy_face: :+1: :heart:
Byt the time she goes into the budroom, she’s gonna take up half the dang lights!
Half the lights is only one, lol those 2 DIY LEDs are 3’x4’ with a footprint of approx 8’ So I might need to trim her back by then. lol

I’m thinking this is gonna be a ‘sea of green’ grow, all by herself!


Brother, you know for a fact that I’m locked in for the show!!!


Well, she’s getting pumped with nutes on her own schedule. Which is gonna be twice the feedings of the other, smaller, plants. lol

Ummm… did we say ‘MONSTER’? Try BEAST!


And you’re using BBP right!?

Nope lol this is au naturel
oh hell lol if BBP was used, she’d become totally unmanageable!


That was a joke. I wonder if your barn would even be big enough.

Oh lol it would be and IS, lol I’d just have to turn on more lights for the floor space needed. I’m using less than half of each room

lol It’s the moving her that’d be near impossible!

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She’d be a sight to see. lol

Yep, lol I’d have to devote one whole room to her, and just change the light cycle when flipping.
Hell with even trying to move her!

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lol But… now that ya mentioned it. I might use some of the BBP I got left on her, just to ‘help’ her growth for taking a lot of clones & cuttings, you know… just a tiny boost!

Don’t have much of that BBP left, so been holding onto it to use in boosting the unicorn poop. They’re almost ready to hit with it.

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Bro, you are incorrigible man! I’m telling Rose you said that!

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I’ll deny, deny, deny!


Back to work. :slight_smile:
Catch you later.

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Be careful, brother!

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Yes Dad… :slight_smile:
You know I will. Thanks. :slight_smile:

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