Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Here ya go, @InTheWoods
To any of you good people that have obtained Thunder Rose from us…
BE WARNED! This plant is gonna be BIG indoors or out! We didn’t have any idea of how she’d grow, so left her natural to see… Well, lol We SEE! And it’s beautiful to behold! lol BUT, she will definitely need training hard, if you grow her indoors!
We’ve found there are basically two phenos of her, one gets very tall, while the other is somewhat lower/bushier, but also gets fairly good height.
In this pic of the budroom, you’ll see what I mean, the two in front are TR pheno #2, that tallest thing between the lights is pheno #1

The male in the veg room (pollen donor) is almost into the 8’ ceiling…

The only difference? The tall one was flipped on 8/23, the two new ones flipped on 9/9

Pics are a couple days old, they’re bit bigger now, lol


Thanks brotha and duly noted haha.
I’m looking forward to running her in a couple runs.


I just copy/pasted that post from last week, it was easier than retyping all and finding pics lol

Being lazy this morning, hell, lol i ain’t even made it out to the barn yet. But soon, lol very soon…as in ;soon’ as I finish this last cuppa joe!

First thing on my agenda today, is collect some of that magic dust from the boy Thunder Rose. lol
NOW… I’m out the door on my way to the ‘farm-inna-barn’


Whiie I’m out here, figured take a couple pics. @InTheWoods here’s 3 of Thunder Rose in the buidroom
tall gal in the back

Another angle of same

Another TR

and another TR (in the back)

Here’s the boy in veg room, isolated for collecting pollen… into the 8’ ceiling. l
All the cuttings in bubble cloner, taken yesterday around noon. Now standing pretty for the camera! lol

I see I neglected to put up a pic of the '98 White Rhino mother, so here she is

I know, lol I just did a small update yesterday, but these are pics I didn’t post then, taken just now


If she’s ready to take cuttings and you wouldn’t mind bringing a couple from that '98 WR to the gathering, I would appreciate it. I’d like to give that strain another try. This time I will try to keep the Spider Mites off of my plants.
Loosing those beauties still irks me.
Only if she is ready to take some though. I can wait if not.


Oh she is more than ready, cuz! You got it!


Thanks brother.


Gotta make it back into the house…damn, that’s a long ways for this hobbled up ol geezer! (50’ seems like a mile sometimes!)


Morning @MoBilly . Don’t ya hate when you remember something specific, like which plants the mites killed. I had mites last summer. Not bad overall. When I took the plants out, they were all in one plant. Rude Dog. It was the plant I liked too. My tent was plugged too, they could easily been on all the plants. Weird.

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I found out something last night. Hornets will wake up and chase you down if you’re wearing a head lamp and start picking pears that they have claimed. lol
We checked the trees and found them ready but there were a bunch of hornets eating on some of the pears. We figured that after dark them things would go back to their nest. Nope. I shined the light up in the first tree and saw that they were still on the fruit. “Oh well, they’ll probably just fly off into the dark when disturbed”. Right? You might think that but you would be wrong. Those things went right after my light!!!
I threw the thing on the ground and ran. After a while they left and didn’t get back onto the fruit and we picked around 3 pecks of pears.

That’s funny though. On another thread I just told @CanuckistanPete the story of a yellow jacket attack when I was running the tractor because he got into it with a nest of them. lol


Back to the house now, and feel like I just ran a marathon! lol
10 minutes to go 50 friggin feet.


Yeah. Those were a nightmare.

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Ouch! brother that was not fun, I’m sure! Been there with getting attacked, lol
One time or another, bees, hornets, wasps…

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Time to recuperate with another coffee and a nice long rip on a bong, pipe, joint… Dealers choice @JohnnyPotseed . :slight_smile:

lol I’m down with the pipe or joint… bongs tear me up!


I didn’t get stung and my wife went running when she heard me curse. Yeah, I let a few choice words that I don’t often use and I could hear her running down the path immediately toward home. Can you believe it? She thought she had to scream at me to run!!! Like I needed any more incentive!!


Did you call her ‘Captain Obvious’? lol She’d probably throw something at ya, if you did! lol

I’ve had to scoop Rose up on the way by, running from wasps… She swells up like Martin Short in that movie ‘Pure Luck’… had to take her to the hospital a couple times, one of which they were talking emergency tracheotomy

That was when she was pregnant with our first son.
She couldn’t do much more than waddle, and only got stung once!


She was holding a metal bucket… So no. lol


That’s some scary stuff right there.
I had an allergic reaction to a medicine the doctor prescribed. On the way to the hospital the paramedic called to the driver to pull a “tracheotomy kit” and then he saw my eyes go wide, I guess, so he said “Just in case, but we probably won’t need it”. “Probably” wasn’t what I wanted to hear at that moment though.

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Show Johnny your tennis shoe pic!