Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Scary stuff, yep.
With Rose, it was especially, with her almost full term pregnant

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Damn! That’s baaad!

Dang brother. That’s no good at all. She carry a shot now?

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We did for all these years, and still keep one handy, it’s in the medicine box.

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I couldn’t believe how they kept going at it…hundreds of them until I pushed it away with a long stick.


I found out a while back to not kill a yellow jacket. They release a pheromone that sends all the nearby wasps into a defense frenzy. They are tenacious about the attack when they get going. I have had a fear that those “killer bees” would move up this way but so far they have only moved up North as far as Arkansas. I’ll quit beekeeping if they get up this far.

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I’ve always wantd bees, since I love honey! But not with Rose having the kind of issues she does.

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Yeah, not worth taking the chance for a fact.
I’ll catch you guys later. I’m burning daylight.

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lol I’m burning too…a doobie!

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Hugeee! Thanks for those shots!
I will have to pinch those main stems/bend over to combat her height and “try” to keep her contained.

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This guy I used to be friends with in ark. He ran several bee boxes.
One time my brother and I were over there to visit. While my brother was in the bathroom, Todd pulled off his baseball cap and scooped up a hatful of honey bees. Then he eased over to my brother’s truck, threw the hat in there and shut the door.
When it come time to leave, brother opened the door to his truck, let out a holler and took off running across the field, screaming like a banshee. Those bees where chasing him too. Dam that was some funny shit.


There are two distinct phenos, cuz. The shorter/fatter one and the taller/lanky one. No idea as to which is better just yet. lol but once we harvest, then any more we grow will be trained proper. We let em all go natural in order to see exactly how she does.

edit… Damn, i just realized I didn’t put a pic of the 2 shorter/bushy ones up. But there’s a pic of em in the update I did a couple days ago

found it, here ya go. The other pheno I mentioned… the two up front in pic

We had 8 dropped and 8 popped. 3 were boys, killed off 2 and put the 3rd one into veg to collect pollen, the other 5 are girls and all in the budroom.


Now that was a crappy / funny trick to play on a guy. As long as you knew for a fact that he wasn’t allergic to stings. lol
Otherwise it could have ended very badly.


This is hanging in the tree about 10 foot away, it’s about the size of a red dodge ball.


I think, to some extent, we are ALL allergic to bee stings. Need proof?
Get stung by about ten of them and see if it don’t drive you out of your mind.


Went out to the barn for the mid-day misting of the clones-to-be, checked inside the box to make sure all is getting wet down good, etc. Looks good to me!


Oh I’ve been there. I got hit over a dozen times when I ran that loader bucket into a monster nest. My buddy said it looked like a cloud came out of the ground right under the rig and covered it. I pushed through the pile of dirt and brush and opened it up right under me.

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Ok my friend called me saying he has rot on his Frankenstein, I don’t but I’m not gonna chance it. I brought my Frankenstein in the barn.


No idea about that, cuz. Tell him to try using that Hypochlorous Acid, if he wants to save it.