Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

back to the barn

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Check out this Frankenstein bud. Niiicccce.


Wow @BigMike55 ! You either have tiny hands or that is massive!


I actually have very large hands. Remember. At one time I was 6’2” and 260 pounds. I’m down to about 210 or so now.

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So I am where you were. LOL
I made the turn at 305 lbs. Now I’m bouncing back and forth between 250 and 265.

When I fell off that roof years ago, i went from 200 up to 275. I’ve gradually brought it back down to 210. But things have shifted around somehow! the chest is a lot lower! :scream:


That’s what happened to me. I was 6’2" and 195 lbs when I got hurt. Now I’m 6’1" and 265.
Gravity sucks.


I was 6’4" in my younger days, lol but the spine compresses with aging, as e1 knows… now I’m down to 6’3, or maybe even 6’2. Haven’t checked that in a few years.
I do know my pants used to be 36" inseam, I now wear 34"

lol although they were flared bootcut or bell bottoms and dragged the ground!


My dad, probably, lost four inches in the last ten years before he passed. He wasn’t all that tall to begin with. lol
He was one hell of a man though. I can say that for a fact.


Heck, lol I’m so stooped over anymore, I doubt they could get my real height!

I had one pair! My parents absolutely hated them! lol

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Most of my pants were ‘bootcut’ but I did wear bells now n then. Especially if i couldn’t find the bootcut. I wore a lot of riding boots (I had a horse(S)for many years) Also my work boots were combat engineer steel toed.
Those things lasted me over 20yrs! Not to mention, saved my toes/feet too many times to count! lol

It started out as a “hippy” theme dance in HS and I took a pair of boot cut jeans and split the seam and added material to make them bell bottoms. Dude! Jeff hooked me up with some patches his mom gave him from the day. These pants were decked out! It irritated my parents enough and I was not all that pleased with them, or the world as a whole for that matter, at the time so I wore them for a couple of years. lol


lmao I did the same damn thing! Took bootcut and added some material on the side! :rofl: :rofl: :+1: But it was in the early to mid 70s lol

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Great minds and all that. :thinking:

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75-76 for me. :wink:

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Not much luck, just an old tin can!


I reckon catching a can of fish assholes is bit better than catching a bottle of fish farts?


That’s how you find them with there farts making bubbles on the surface

If you light a torch like the natives did and hold it over the water,the fish have to come to the surface to sweat.You can scoop them right up. Or was that dynamite ,I forget!

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