Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

lol Hard to believe as a kid, when it snowed, we’d run around playing in that stuff. Barefoot even at times (fresh dusting, nothing serious!)lol Now I don’t want nuttin to do wit it!


Yup , me and cold weather don’t get along well, when it starts snowing and cold I don’t like going outside. My outside activity in the winter is running from the house to the barn. Unless the driveway needs cleaned.:wink:


My better grows have been in 5s. The plastic pots I just cut off. Tape them back up with duct tape. It’s easy on the roots.

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If the driveway here ever needs clearing, lol it gets done by the sun! From the house to the barn ( a whopping 50’) is more than enough for me!

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We find that if ya give em some water before hand. They usually slide right out with turning the pot upside down (cupping around the stalk with one hand) and giving a few pats on the bottom. No need to destroy a pot. lol
Although, there have been a time here and there, where cutting it off was the only way to get the plant out!


Hee ,hee Good Friday to all! Gonna fish a bit today.


Gone Fishing, huh? Good luck in landing the ‘bigun’!
I once caught one so big, the picture weighed in at 8lbs! :scream: :lying_face: :crazy_face: :+1:


Last one I pulled in,the water dropped a couple feet!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: good one!

One got away last trip , 12lbs 9 ozs.I know the weight because she had scales on her!


Here’s a true story for ya, cuz lol
Down at the Houston Dam, I hit on a bigass catfish, fought that sucker for a few hours, he finally BROKE my Ugly Stick (medium duty) Man! Was I pissed! BUT, lol I saw where he bedded down…
I told the wife I was gonna get that mofo! She, like a few other said ‘sure, yeah, ok’… about the size. lol Well I went down to the Bass Pro Shop, where i had bought the ugly Stick, they replaced it, no problem. per the warranty. The next morning I was out there on the bank trolling right past his nose when the sun came up… waking up, and being hungry, he bit! After another hours long fight, about 4 hrs. I landed him! Drove home with him in the back seat… tail up in one window, head up in the other! When I dragged him out of the car and pulled him up onto the hood, he hung over both sides! Rose believed me… THEN! lol I gave him to some friends to cook up on the grill and we all had catfish fillets that day!

This was a Channel Cat, no idea how much it weighed lol just took it home and had it cooked up!

edit… I did catch a lotta flack about ‘the one that got away, yeah sure’ lol but they were eating crow later…er, I mean eating catfish!


Good morning everyone. I can’t keep up with you all!


One time there was a big catfish living in a flooded truck.We would catch him quite often.Then low and behold we never could catch him again! Son of a gun learned how to roll up the window!


Yeah them big cats can be sneaky mofo’s lol

All BS aside though, there have been some awesome fish pulled out of the waters at that dam. I’m talking some prehistoric mofos!


Yeah, that’s what I said!
It rained a lot yesterday and last night. Soon as it cleared, I looked up at the mountain tops. Oh shit, already? Lol, meh it’ll melt.
…I hope.


Morning errybuddy. Hope you’uns have a good day.


Morning OG. Fish stories. Good. Some circles I’m the Crown Poodle. Another crew I’ve been Catfish, or just Fish for 30 years. Had “Fish” on my work shirts
A woman I knew was a Capt on Rock Cod part boats out of San Simeon. Rita Gartell. I fished with her husband. Anyways, here goes.
They had a guy puked his dentures overboard. Bummer. A few days later they fished the same spot. On the way in the crew fillets the fish. Well…the guys dentures were in 20#'lincods guts when they cut it open. White and pink dentures floating down likely looked like a fancy jig. Hook up! Frigging awesome. Dentures were returned but not usable. Saltwater is hard on stuff.
True story.





Well, did I make anyone smile? Maybe even chuckle? Possibly a guffaw or two?

Good morning my ganja growing family!


lol that def got a smile!
specially the last one! lol


I’ll keep trying for that guffaw then. I hate leaving a job half done.