Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

Very true.

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Holy shit johnny! Relax and take it easy brother, u have some good friends right there like oj and company… utilize them man… do they know what caused it?


They figure stress and pain


They gotta do another EKG and Xray before giving me an all clear


been a busy week. @Golfnutt let me know you had another fall @JohnnyPotseed
i’m sorry to hear that. came by to pay my respects and wish you well for a speedy recovery.

have you tried solfeggio frequencies for your insomnia?
i started using them about 3yrs ago. use them every night to crash out. i have the “military induced” insomnia and will happily vouch for some good indica mated with the solfeggios.

258Hz is one for deep sleep and tissue healing/regeneration. give it a whirl. hope you’re feeling better soon.


I do to much of that. Joking. I need some stress relief

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whelp, it’s free and can’t hurt to give a try.

there are 9 solfeggio frequencies. each select frequency has a unique healing purpose and have been associated with the chakras in yoga/meditation. they are meant to promote relaxation, stress relief, healing and overall well-being. they have been shown to positively impact mental, emotional and physical health.

the frequnecies range from 174Hz to 936Hz

174hz - physical pain and stress relief
258hz - tissue restoration and healing
396Hz - negative emotion (fear) deminishment
(417Hz) - there is debate between 417 and 432. both work similar IMO, but “purists” argue 417
432Hz - trauma healing
528Hz - relaxation / sleep improvement
639Hz - improvement mental balance
741Hz - detox of mind and body
852Hz - anxiety relief
936Hz - increased positive energy/clarity

good luck.

also might be helpful to note that my wife approves and agrees with using them to fall asleep to. took her about a week. it helps her sleep deeply and wake up refreshed. i put them on my computer in the bedroom, turn up the volume and let them run all night.
we also use choice/selected frequencies for abuela. 40hz and 70hz have also shown to help Alz/dem patients.


Listen to @Til_Valhalla on this, there’s something to this and the vibrations connecting with healing, back this up 100%!!!


All three of out sons are here along with Rose
The time is still fluid. They saying 7 now or even 5


Hoping for the best possible outcome! :mechanical_arm: I don’t pray, but I can always hope. :heart:


Well fuck!! Now the head surgeon wants to wait until tomorrow
He had EKG and sonogram ran but wants a couple more clean &green before they do it… sats I’m high-risk, don’t wanna roll the dice


I say listen to that guy. He probably knows a tad more about it than you, lol
At least they’re giving you the good drugs.


Better safe than sorry. Don’t want to rush things anymore than you need to. Good to know you’re surrounded by family.

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@JohnnyPotseed i hope everything is good man. Wishing you nothing but the best of health bro!


Yeah yeah yeah… Rose n our sons are saying the same. I told em if that’s the case, i want the dilaudid or fentanyl
Last night i only got 10-20 minute naps all night long


I don’t blame you. I would want something too. It’s not like this is recreational and daily for you anyway. You are in need.

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Hoping a pic of your Frankenstein cheers you up a tad bit. Please try to take it easy JP. Rest well and wishing you the speediest recovery possible :green_heart:


That did put a smile on my face


Aye brother. Hope things are feeling good enuff that you can at least tolerate it.
Unless you and Rose change my mind, im gonna just cull a bunch of these male plants. I might keep one or two of the nicest ones and collect pollen. And start over. If i do that i can give you some pollen and you wont have to grow them out. I only got two girls and i want to keep them. My jars wont last forever. I have been hitting them heavy. Need to slow down


That sounds good brother I’m outta action for awhile