JohnnyPotseed's Test of BudBusterPro

Any time man. We gotta look out for one another on here. :slight_smile:

lol yeah i don’t think he minds the extra advertising, it seems he’s already getting it ‘out there’…

.It has his address as well as phone number on his site page


Johnny, you are correct, I checked with Chris before I posted anything…he said he was not that concerned about redacting. I took it upon myself to try and redact his address and phone number and apparently failed. My son, to his credit, recognized the problem before I did and had it properly redacted on our website.


I understand and commend your concern for your clients cuz! I truly appreciate what it says about you.

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Well, I wasn’t able so the wife did the chop on things without asking. Good volunteer that she is… She didn’t take any pics of label when she hung them, but I knew which was which,I’m pretty sure. Anyway, they’re in the curing jars… the BBP worked pretty good overall, we’ve seen the results of the commercial grower in AZ and here the test plants were obviously more thick with bud than the untreated plants. In the pics and also at the end.
I’m a believer lol

Bob @BudBusterPro, cuz you got my thumbs up for sure! :laughing: :+1:


Thanks Johnny!

Thanks for the comments. I believe in your future grows, you’ll be able to hit the treated plants with additional nuets from about mid veg through flower!


That’s the plan cuz lol

I want to pump them gals and see just how much I can get! lol
I will post some pics


Curious how the final bb3 ladies were for smoke, did yours change terp profiles through the grow? Was the final in jar profile like heavily buttered popcorn like their mom?

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I honestly have no idea cuz, those plants went into a mixture of strains/plants and got made into hash, then pressed for rosin


Wanted to post this as informational for the community…
Pete from Pulse happened to email me this morning so I thought I’d pass it along for any interested parties!

Hey Robert,

Just wanted to share a few quick facts:

  1. Plants prefer different VPD at different stages in their growth.
  2. Air VPD is different from leaf VPD — leaf VPD is what really matters.

As a rule of thumb, you want VPD to be around 1.0kPa, starting with lower VPD when the plants are young. Then, you’ll want to begin moving to higher VPD as they mature, and then let VPD get even higher as you try to keep humidity low before harvest.

These are some good targets to shoot for:

  • Clone: 0.6-1.0 kPa (0.8kPa target)
  • Veg: 0.8-1.2 kPa (1.0kPa is ideal)
  • Flower: 1.2-1.5 kPa (1.2 kPa is ideal for early flower, 1.4kPa for late flower. Be careful with humidity)

I also made a little infographic with that information here:

Also important, the VPD that plants feel is different than the air VPD. This is because the temperature of leaves differs from the temperature of the air. The pulse grow monitors let you set a leaf temperature offset so you’ll always know the VPD that your plants are feeling. Otherwise, you’re just shooting in the dark.

If you have any questions about the Pulse One and Pulse Pro, or want some help figuring out the correct leaf temperature, feel free to shoot me an email (

If you want to learn more about VPD, just check out our blog.




This is great to know Bob. Thanks! I’ve always wanted a pulse pro but it’s a little difficult on the pocketbook lol