JohnnyPotseed's Test of BudBusterPro

Your call Johnny, appreciate it…PM me if additional costs are involved…don’t want you taking any of the burden !!!

Thanks again Bob


Thnx cuz, you’ve done plenty already and this OGenerous offer from you is over the top! lol I won’t bother you for any additional, what you’ve sent is plenty enough to cover things.


Well I appreciate your efforts tremendously and look forward to the results !!!
I assume you haven’t cut your plants yet…will be interesting to see end of grow pics with the treated/non treated !!!


I’m. not cutting them until they let me know they’re ready cuz lol But I’ll take pics in the next day or so and also by the end before harvest, in a couple weeks or so.


No worries, everything in it’s own time !!
I may have those Az tests by early next week…


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@JohnnyPotseed do you find you have to do a lot more pruning/leaf removal since it increases the plants growth? Did it create more bud sites too?


I try not to prune anything on Autos unless the leaf is dying/dead. pruning autos isn’t recommended, you can move/hide the leaves and it’s less stress on them.
While still opening up the hidden buds to more light.


Here’s a small update for yas folks, first a group shot, can you! Can you guess which is which? lol trick question, they’re always in the same places!

Some bud porn of all 4

Sorry thought had grabbed shots of all 4 but guess not.
Still a couple weeks to go on them, but there is a very distinct difference in the treated and the untreated.
The 2 Bruce banner #3 on the left, the first is the untreated and the second is treated. As you can see it is a lot bushier/thicker.
The Blue Dream are the two on the right 3rd from left is the 1week younger of the two but it is a lot thicker/bushier than the older sister on the end.


Now I’m seeing a difference. :slight_smile: Lots more fade on the untreated one. It’s tough to tell on the buds, but it looks like they’re a little bit more dense as well. I’ll be interested to see what the final yields are in dried product, and if there’s any difference in cannabinoid profiles - if you’re getting them tested for that, not just prohibited chemicals? Or will the product be subject to testing automatically, since it’s going to the medical market?

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Nothing I grow is going to the medical market cuz lol I guess you haven’t kept up on me and the wife and things in general. I’m officially out of the medical marijuana commercial growing. License expires Feb 10, and I’m not renewing it. The yields per plant will be somewhat different, but not much. Since I didn’t pump any of them, but rather went
natural standard feeding same dosage on all.


Ah, ok, I didn’t realize you were out that soon; I did see that you said you were having trouble, and I’m sorry to hear that. Cold comfort, I’m sure; I can’t offer much more, which is why I didn’t really try. :frowning: Sometimes, life just sucks. Here’s hoping God decides to exist today after all, and that a good way to prove it would be miraculously healing your wife… I doubt it, but from what I know of you, you’ll figure shit out somehow, even if it’s not comfortable.


It’s important for us to confirm and reinforce our claim that BudBusterPro contains NO OSHA regulated Hazardous materals (see our SDS on webpage) and certainly NO PGR’s ( Plant Growth Regulators). In all legal states there are testing protocols established . The problem is the extent of testing varies widely.
Most states test the following catagories:

  1. THC/Cannabinoid Testing (Potency)
  2. Molds
  3. Heavy Metals
  4. Terpene Profiles
  5. Pesticides
  6. Residual Solvents (extracts)
    wow_arizona just completed a grow of his Blueberry, with one control and three treated plants… He was gracious enough to deliver a treated and non treated bud sample to Level One Labs in Flagstaff Az where the Pesticide analysis was completed. PGR’s ARE catagorized as ‘pesticides’. Two of the most common PGR’s misused in Cannabis are Paclobutrazol and Daminozid…you can see the results for yourself…
    scan.pdf (259.2 KB)
    scan0001.pdf (262.0 KB)

Thank You for your interest !


Now THAT’S a test I like to see! lol


I don’t know why but seeing solid columns of “ND” just makes me grin… :laughing: :+1:



Yeah cuz lol in this case a ‘NO’ means YES! lol


BBP. I can read through the blacked out portion of those. Just so you know.


Check this out if you haven’t seen it. :v:

Thanks Billy,
the scan lamp is pretty strong !
Lesson learned…use white correction tape while redacting !


Something tells me WOW Arizona might appreciate the “publicity”

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lol i didn’t pay it any attention until @MoBilly mentioned it, then i looked closer and sure enough you can read the addy and phone numbers, I hope you deleted that and re-did it Bob?