Jones Organic Indoor Journal

Well change of plans since mephisto ended up doing a sale I scored a ton beans so I’m running them instead I’ve heard nothing but great things about this breeder and man those autos are just so fast id like to get some different phases of buds going before I do a longer grow and when do you typically trim that stuff I just never know when is a good time to start? Especially autos maybe preflower you think?



Most people don’t trim up autos much to keep from stunting them. @Joker has some thoughts on this I believe.


Ok I wasnt sure if a little bit of pruning would stunt them like the lollipop thing I’ve seen people do and I’m definitely putting that trellis up this time I got one thatll fit much better


Here are some ideas for a photoperiod plant. They thrive on this treatment, and it helps them hold up fat buds.


Classic I’ve seen this video before I’ve researched countless hours its just hard to remember everything after seeing everything and everyone has a certain way of doing things and I’ve come to find a lot of stuff is ‘outdated’ someone has usually found a better way of doing things and I’m behind a few years lol but now I’m staying on top of things from here on out before it was few and far between but I’ve looked around the ol’ noggin just ain’t what it used to be after all this green :v:t2::sweat_smile:


Practice, experiment, and go from there.

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Never had a place to do it now I finally have a place and plan on getting a legit greenhouse and paying my buddy to help me with this no till method as long as it goes good



3 days after the soaking and we have our first sprouting it’s a beautiful baby girl


And just like that 14 for 16 only 2 of the toofless aliens havent sprouted up yet :crossed_fingers:t2:


Early sign of variegation? Maybe something else idk it’s a toofless alien :alien:


Its sucking all the nutrients out of it to grow and put roots down…


Not sure what happened here it did look ok but growth stunted and looks like it died over I gave it a light tug it had some resistance so I didn’t rip it out


So it looks like a sign of damping off which makes sense kinda I do have them in a warm room with a fireplace and the rh is between 40 and 50% but I did soak them in peroxide for an hour then rinsed I wonder if plant probiotics would help against this?


If the stem is shrunken and brown, damping off is probably it. It’s a fungus, so high humidity, or un-sterile medium could be culprits.

I lost 2 to that on my current grow. I use living soils, so I plant to address the conditions next time as well as watering with hydrogen peroxide and labs.


How do you fix the soil? Light peroxide watering?



West coast og auto going into the jars just put it on the scale 152 grams probably a little moisture in them still but hell im happy with 2+ zips a plant not to shabby :v:t2::kissing_smiling_eyes::dash::dash:


Smoking a joint this stuff is a hair wet putting back into cardboard box for a couple more days


My wife gave them 1tbs to a quart peroxide water mix and she gave them a tablespoon when they got light and the soil seperated from the side of the pot. Morning watering as opposed to night should also be beneficial to avoid fungi.

As opposed to me, I’ve always been the fun-guy :joy:


Soil looks a bit dry, 40-50% RH should be ok for seedlings.

I have switched back to peat pucks for my seedlings, soil can be hit and miss for me I find. After 3-4 days when a root is showing through the puck, they go straight into a solo cup with soil.

Germinated these over the weekend. I had 2 attempts in the Sebs Rev cup with sprouted seeds, but they died in the soil, so went back to the pucks and its looking good atm. The 4 little OH and PAC crosses are all above the peat pucks this morning just had to pull the seed pods of 3 of them, they are like coconuts lol.


Is that a good thing lol and I usually water in the morning one of the first things I do is check the girls and I’ll try a little peroxide see what happens