Jones Organic Indoor Journal

Sweet I use that same blend myself ! I figure a three lb bag will last me for several years to come!


I used a half # in the 5x5 and it was perfect coverage although some of it spreads on its own


Day 29


Love the grow - been lurking since you started it!

Cover crop/scrog question: It looks like the CC is burgeoning up to the netting en mass, and that the gals are not much taller than surrounding foliage. How will you manage the relative heights of the CC, weed, and netting? No doubt left alone the gals will far out grow the clover and such, but if their height is kept at the net’s current level as you grow them to fill the space the CC looks from the pics that it would overtake (“Overgrow”?!?) the gals.

I’m sure you’ve thought about this and have a solid plan, I’m just interested in where you’ll go from here.

As a general question, I wonder is it would make a little more sense to wait until the gals have a couple of nodes and are well established before seeding with CC.

Never used cover crops myself, but I’m fascinated with the idea of using the approach to a secondary grow consisting of useful herbs and such - doubling down on efforts, as it were.


No, the plants will outgrow the cover crop, then it will die back because it is shaded. The only thing to watch out for is the vetch in there, it is viney and will try to choke out the bigger plants.

I generally chop the clover a few times during veg, this takes the nitrogen they have produced from the air and gets it into the soil.


First time doing this im just going for the ride and I just assumed the flowering plants will shoot up vertically and take over the rest of it didnt know how tall this cover crop actually gets was just testing the waters


You just go in with a large pairs of scissors? Still tryna figure out the easiest way about this


Yeah scissors or trimmers, snippity snip.

Don’t chop it to far down, leave enough for it to keep growing, an inch or two off the top should be good.


Yea, I get that, and really like the experiment you’re doing.

I’m sure @ReikoX is right that the gals will easily outgrow the CC foliage, I’m just wondering if it would make sense of raise the net a few inches, and make the point at which you bend for training just a little higher than the little plants beneath. Thinking airflow as much as anything.

Also, if the net seems a little slack, you can use zip ties to tighten at the four corners. Grab a square at each corner within the loop as large as a zip tie can make, then tighten evenly at each corner by cinching the loop smaller or tightly around the tent pole as in the pic.

Zip Tie Scrog|666x500, 100%


Very interesting :ok_hand: looking like a mixed bed jungle


Ah good idea never thought of that i already placed an order for a couple trellis nets that actually look like they’ll fit my 5x5 so ill be swapping them out and I’ll take your advice and raise them a bit


Day 30 really need to do some maintenance just haven’t had time with people over tomorrow I should though



Oddly enough, the little bit of plant you can see in the zip tie pic is a new strain to me called “Dutchie Jones”…I’ll assume there is no relation!


Haha no but I looked it up sounds really good what exactly does “haze” taste like though?

EDIT: @Vesti forgot to tag you

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Day 31 trimmed and removed trellis some of the cover crop was wrapping around so ill take your advice @Vesti I’m gonna bump it when I get the new trellis in. Also noticed some my two west coast og have yellowish tips just those two specifically oh and the one crystal meth in the center had this yellow kinda looking spot only one I could see. From what I gathered from Google it seems to be a possible boron deficiency maybe?


Are those the tallest plants? How high is your light? Sometimes that is caused by being too close to the lamp. The yellow tips are they only on the top growth?


Tallest weed plants yeah the cover crop was starting to take over until earlier it all got chopped and I gotta thought maybe a light but its literally the 2 west coast og that have the yellowing tips the others are all fine the light is at the very top of the tent still maybe 4 feet apart from canopy?


I wouldn’t sweat a couple of off leaves. If it becomes a chronic problem, then maybe take action. That being said, EWC foxes everything. :grin:


I added a nice layer right after planting the girls. I haven’t watered in over 2 weeks and not quite sure how the whole nutrient cycling thing works but maybe I should give the stuff in the dirt some water. Wondering maybe its a potash deficiency from the cover crop idk.

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When I run no-till I usually spray the surface every couple of days and keep it moist. Like 5% of the soil’s volume of water.