Jones Organic Indoor Journal

Whats your secrets? Any special foliars to use going into flower o.O I got stuff lol just dont know how and when to exactly use it all yet.


My secret is LITFA!


That’s mostly all it has gotten lol


Day 32


Day 33 yellowing tips have progressed slightly and noticed a couple of leaves were folding in on themselves maybe early signs of thirst?


Now you have had a trim up on the cover crop it looks better. Plants have more airflow.

What are your temps and humidity like atm, my plants normally wilt more at the top of the plant when thirsty, but could be just that, stick a finger in the soil down to where the soil feels moist, it will give you an idea of how dry the soil is at the top layer.


Soil actually feels somewhat moist still surprisingly thats pretty cool seeing its been almost 3 weeks maybe I should run smaller batches of tea more often?

EDIT: Idk why it keeps not tagging people after i hit reply @Shadey


I get that often.

Nice read out of the temps and RH, all looks good there.

I would not add anything except water atm, your right on the limit for your N by the colour of some of those leaves.

They may be starting to develop N tox which will cause the leaves to claw and fold down like this. Similar to some of the leaves in your last pic.


Well I’m wondering should I give them some aact? Im waiting to order the 15 gallon version to run smaller batch and i havent given them anything except that agsil 16h and aloe foliar a week ago and man idk if its the agsil or what but those stems turn hard as nails they were really flexible when I went to bend them under the net just prior to the foliar coincidence?


Yeah silica will definitely strengthen the stems and branches up, also if they are pumped up with water they are a lot firmer and will crack when trying to bend if not done carefully, I try and do mine when they are thirsty, they bend a lot easier.

I think if you give them anything that increases N uptake its going to increase the N toxicity.

Your new soil is like a new car, there is nothing to do with it, except use it and run it in.

When the gas tank is nearly empty you can fill her up. At the moment the gas tank is still full and it’s 5,000k before the oil needs changing :wink:


Thought the plants kinda take what they want through the fungal network of mycorrhizae? Maybe I should give them another dose since they’re going into flower now i bet?

Mycorrhizae are only effective if they come in direct contact with a root. It is best saved for transplants when you can apply it directly to the plant. :+1::seedling:


Day 34


This is true to some extent, in nature the plant will release carbohydrates and enzymes to attract beneficial bacteria and fungi depending on its stage of growth, to produce what it requires.

Kind of like going into a restaurant and ordering a meal. You have created an almost endless all you can eat Chinese buffet on a conveyor belt, and sat them at the end of it :wink:

Normally they would not be in such a nutrient rich soil like you have created, and why it’s referred to as a super soil. So they don’t really need to be signalling to bacteria at this stage of your soils life as it’s already there ready to go.

If the bacteria are producing a lot of food the plant will uptake it in the water, whether it needs it or not unfortunately. Which is why they will get nutrient burn, if over fed with micro nutrients, or the bacteria is over populated and or not having to work very hard to make the macro nutrients, into micro nutrients. If they could regulate what and when they absorb nutrients, growing these plants would be so much more easy :slightly_smiling_face:

Probably all new growers fall into this trap, myself included, you think if they are doing well as they are now, they will do better with a bit more, but there is an optimal amount, and more than that is usually counter productive.

Patience and litfa was one of the hardest things for me to learn, the more I interfere, thinking I can make it better, the greater the chance I have of messing it all up :upside_down_face:


:clap:t2: well put ima just leave it the fuck alone :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Looking good in there some beautiful purple flowers starting.


Exactly what I was thinking. It’s only day 34 and looking gorgeous. Nice job man. Heavy on the litfa and they will do awesome.


@Sincy @Badger love hearing that its getting me excited ive never actually had good purple weed so if I grew some good purple weed that’d make me proud lol


Back when I was growing gorilla style, I grew out a purple beauty from bagseed. It wasn’t a large yielder at all, but the flavor made it the most prized part of my stash. She was a potent little thing too.


Me either I have tried but they never turned out purple. I really want that purple unicorn f5 that came out this year but the Rona has got my $ situation all screwed up.