JOTI Black Cookies / Candyland Pollen - FREE TO GOOD HOMES (USA) <CLOSED>

Wow, that’s amazing. I am in Canada so not able to take advantage but still really cool of you to spread this around.


That is pretty awesome. Some of that Black Candyland would mean I would be able to make some beans without having to let a male take a slot from a female, when I run mine :slight_smile:

Updated Count Remaining should be
Black Candyland: 2

Black Cookies: 9


I’m very interested in either one or both. If anymore is available. Like I said, I would be interested in either, I’m not picky, when it comes to good pollen :+1:t4: :v:t4:


@Purple-N-Hairy hey man this is awesome :ok_hand:
I’d love some Black Cookies pollen please and thanks :blush:


I would very much like either or both of these pollens if you still have any! Guarantee I get seeds back your way on the back end of that breeding, got some REALLY interesting stuff I could cross with outdoors right now; gorilla breath, green Rose, bubba’s breath, Acapulco gold, supernova, jagg kush, kens GDP(could be a male)

The ones that flowered out look fantastic man, genuinely hope I made it in time and thanks for your time and effort spreading the love


I would absolutely put some of that pollen to use! I have 15+ JOTI strains in seed form after the last group buy for potential breeding. I’m not set up to keep males in my garden, but could definitely apply pollen to select plants to produce seeds to get back to you. My first choice would be the Black Candyland, but if those are spoken for I’d gladly try the Black Cookies. Thanks for your generous offer!


I would like some of your Black Candyland pollen if possible. I will send you whatever seeds result with pleasure.

I’ll take either or looks like Black Cookies is what’s left though. This would make getting into pollen chucking very easy so I really do appreciate you doing this @Purple-N-Hairy

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@BarefootAndBlazed & @GreenBhoy, it looks like @TestOfOath got the last of the Candyland. If I have enough left over, you will the be next 2 on the list.


Black Candyland: 0
Black Cookies: 0


I have just received a few JOTI Black Candy Land seeds. Would like some of the Candy land pollen if possible. So I don’t have to worry about getting a nice boy. If it’s gone that’s ok.

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I’ll take you up on the black cookies pollen. Think that might go nicely with some stuff coming down the pipeline. Thanks for the offer. Seems crazy, but I’ll be putting my babies into flower in ~3 weeks.

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I would definitely love some of that black Cookies pollen if possible

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Sorry @BigMike55, you might have been signing up as I posted the update just above your post, but there is no more Candyland. If you want some Black Cookies, please let me know.


Do you happen to be in Michigan by any chance? I could possibly split the Candy land pollen I get with you

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No. But thanks. I’m way down here in Oklahoma.


No problem. Can’t get, if ya don’t ask, right? I’m good!

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I’ll take some black candyland, if still available.

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Ill take some black cookies pollen from the home of our lord and savior

Nevermind. Looks like MTL and Eagles beat me to the last 2

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Sorry, @Kingkush312…Black Candyland is no longer available.

@SquirtleSquad - you got it! MTL and Eagles request was counted in the previous tally showing 2 left.


I’ll take the black cookies then.