JOTI Black Cookies / Candyland Pollen - FREE TO GOOD HOMES (USA) <CLOSED>

is this still open??

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Looks like @Kingkush312 got the last spot

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well if you have more pollen some other time then

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This is really cool and hope to see more members giving pollen away. This is especially good for the ones who donā€™t have room for males.


Oh sweet. Didnā€™t notice the edited post and didnā€™t realize it was a running count.

Will use on one of my joti strains. If I find a sweet female off my gods critical maybe off that. Never have bred anything before in my decade of growing so should be fun

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OK - weā€™re closed.

Something tells me youā€™re going to be a good father, @SquirtleSquad! Godā€™s Critical Cookies sounds good!

To the following members, unless youā€™ve sent me your address via PM in the past 24 hours (and have not deleted it), I will need your safe shipping address:

@darkillusion, @anon93244739, @Pigeonman, @ShiskaberrySavior, @Berserker7205 @Judsbuds, @vaportrail, @other_barry, @repins12, @TestOfOath, @Seamonkey84, @Qtip, @Greasy, @anon16977489, @Bow4Buck, @Soonami, @Eagles009, @MTL, @CADMAN, @SquirtleSquad and @Kingkush312


If anyone lucky enough to get some of this wants to pass a little of this pollen to a Canadian drooling over the thought, let me know!


Baddass bro. Thanks a billion.


I cant say dibs
Im from south america

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Plusā€¦itā€™s closed. Everything has been claimed. I was thinking about doing a Server Fund pollen run in the future. Say, something like $10US donation to overgrow and I will provide the pollen and shipping for anyone, anywhere. Weā€™ll seeā€¦


It ll be a great opportunity to me get this pollenā€¦
Amazing strain.
I ll be love participate and donate.
I ll get some trust level in a couple of days.

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Very cool man. I opted to stay out as you said USA only but it looks like you are sending to Canadians after all. Oh well, will keep an eye out for your new drop :slight_smile:

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Very very cool. This is much appreciated. Iā€™m on a mission to give back to all :grin::grin::call_me_hand::v:

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If such a signup happens, feel free to put me at #1 on the list.

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I would be very interested as well :+1:t4: :v:t4:

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Hey @anon16977489 & @Qtip, perhaps you missed the call for safe addresses, so hereā€™s a friendly (and last) reminder. If youā€™re still interested, please PM me. Thanks!


@Qtip that wasnā€™t a dm my friend


Thanks @Cratix


With the intense heat that most of the US has been going through, Iā€™ve delayed the shipping of the pollen for a few days. I hate the thought of it losing its viability due to excessive heat, but I also want to get it out to everyone.

Iā€™m tagging everyone whoā€™s getting some so you know what youā€™re getting. Those are vacuum sealed packets, which contain parchment paper packets wrapped in foil packets.

@darkillusion, @anon93244739, @Pigeonman @ShiskaberrySavior, @Berserker7205 @Judsbuds @vaportrail, @other_barry, @repins12, @TestOfOath, @Seamonkey84, @Qtip, @Greasy, @anon16977489, @Bow4Buck, @repins12, @Soonami, @Eagles009, @MTL, @CADMAN, @misterbee, @SquirtleSquad, @KingKush312


Thatā€™s badass man. Love it. Thank you.