JOTI Black Cookies / Candyland Pollen - FREE TO GOOD HOMES (USA) <CLOSED>

what grade fine mesh did you use? Curious for my (all of our) own future pollen gathering endeavours!

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@SquirtleSquad, yours will go out today or possibly tomorrow. Today is quickly getting away from me and itā€™s a long drive to the PO.

Keep in mind, itā€™s a fine mesh strainer. I have other fine mesh for other purposes, but you donā€™t need anything microscopic. I believe itā€™s 200 micron.


Black Candyland arrived safe and sound! Thanks again @Purple-N-Hairy !

@DougDawson ; shoot me a DM with your addy, I gotā€™s half of this pollen for you kind sir! :smiley:


Thanks very much for letting me know @Pigeonman.

lolā€¦I hope I sent enough for both of you


Doesnā€™t matter. Anything is appreciated! :smiley:

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I just got my holy mail, safe n sound, thanks brother. Iā€™ll b sending u seeds soon enough with which u help me create with this pollen. Thanks again!


Yes Sir @Purple-N-Hairy mine arrived today as well brother. Thanks a ton. Stupid excited to put this to uesā€¦:grin::v::call_me_hand:


I appreciate you guys confirming the arrival, @MTL and @Bow4Buck.

@MTL, please donā€™t worry about sending me anything back. However, I would LOVE to see what you and Bow4Buck makes with it, so please tag me when you get your projects off the ground! And good luck!


Mineā€™s getting dusted on: UK Cheese, Gelato, Kosher Kush, & Pink Cookies.

Stoopid names will follow.


That sounds like a tasty selection of stoooopid munchies! :yum:


Hey bud, thatā€™s awesome but you donā€™t need to do that. It sounds like you got a bunch of crosses planned for @Purple-N-Hairy 's magic dust. As much as I would have liked to get some of his pollen I donā€™t want to short you on your projects.

No shorting whatsoever! From everything Iā€™ve read a dab will do it and Iā€™m gonna dab a makeup brush and then ā€œpaintā€ all the little wonders as iā€™m growing the plants in no larger than a .75 gallon pot.

Iā€™m planning on opening up the seal and foil tomorrow to scoop out 1/2 into a baggie for myself and then send you the remainder folded back up in the foil.


If you donā€™t mind, I have a suggestion for youā€¦If you have parchment, or even wax paper, use that instead. The static that youā€™ll inevitably have to deal with using a plastic baggie will waste (and spread) some of that pollen.

But youā€™re right - you donā€™t need a lot! If you live near a dollar store, grab yourself a makeup brush. Those things are perfect for the job!


Got the pollen! Thank you so much. Iā€™m glad you forewarned us about the church letter as I had to look at for a second before I knew of itā€™s valuable contents!


Thanks for confirming, @Greasy! lolā€¦I know - that church address would make me wonder, too. I have someone from a Jehovahā€™s Witness church send me a handwritten letter several times a year. I have no idea where he got my info, but now I donā€™t even bother to open them. Maybe if he sent me pollen or seeds, Iā€™d feel different!


Got that black cookies pollen from the church group you run, thank you. Iā€™ll tag u when it flies.

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Perfect! Thanks for the confirmation, @Qtip! My flock will pray for a wicked cross to be yours to bear!


A share of any demon spawn that result from the unholy union will find ita way to you. :japanese_ogre::two_hearts::mailbox_with_mail:


Just got the pollen you sent me in the mail box today. Thank you again @Purple-N-Hairy

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Black cookies pollen landed on 9# hammer and engine red one day after arrival.