JOTI Black Cookies / Candyland Pollen - FREE TO GOOD HOMES (USA) <CLOSED>

This was mentioned a few posts above


@darkillusion, @anon93244739, @Pigeonman @ShiskaberrySavior, @Berserker7205 @Judsbuds @vaportrail, @other_barry, @repins12, @TestOfOath, @Seamonkey84, @Qtip, @Greasy, @anon16977489, @Bow4Buck, @Soonami, @Eagles009, @MTL, @CADMAN, @SquirtleSquad, @KingKush312

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that the last 8 or 9 envelopes will be mailed on 7/15 (Thursday). The rest of them were shipped last week or this past Monday.

Please keep an eye out for an all white envelope being mailed from a church :church: :pray: :raised_hands: :sunglasses:

@repins12, I know yours already arrived - and I appreciate your confirmation. :+1:


Oh sweet. I only just got half the pack of testers planted and 4 out of 5 are up.

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Thanks @Purple-N-Hairy you personify the Over grow spirit! ! :seedling:


Perfect timing! Well, actually - yours were shipped on Monday, so they should be there tomorrow.

For the :canada: Canadian :maple_leaf: recipients, yours were mailed last Friday. I donā€™t know when theyā€™ll arrive, but it shouldnā€™t be too much longer.

Edit - youā€™ve very welcome @Qtip! I saw your post b4 the edit - please donā€™t get the pollen wet and dirty! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lol, I thought I got itā€¦ but too quickā€¦when is too late in flower to toss pollen do you think? Just threw 2 kinds on 2 different females today, check my thread. Right around 4 weeks now but they are kind of stunted because the heat has been really bad.

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Well I have four clones that are grown and ready going into bloom, so maybe Iā€™ll do a little swabbing on the lower buds or a branch.


When you pollinate can vary depending on a lot of variables. It takes about a month for the seeds to form and mature, but you might want to add an additional week or two, just to be safe. So if you know how long your plant will take to finish, just subtract 5 or 6 weeks, and thatā€™s about the latest youā€™ll want to pollinate. Of course, you can always let your plant go WAY past the ideal harvest time to ensure most of your beans are mature. The bud will not be what youā€™d normally want, but these are exceptional situations.

BTW - you can also pollinate earlier in flowering, but I like to wait until I have more bud mass to pollinate so I can get the maximum number of mature seeds.

If you run out, let me know. I can send you more of both!


Long(er) term storage of pollen, freezer with desicant or fridge?


Keep it in the freezer with your desicant.

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What would viability window be, if kept like that?

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From my understanding if you keep it nice and dry and very cold, IE freezer it can last years.



Hey, this is great-

I got some of DougAwesomeā€™s pollen, and I think I have some beans on the wayā€¦

Karma timing-

If your pollen arrives in the next week or two, Iā€™ll have a real viney triple durban x Acapulco Gold young lady ready for breedingā€¦


Hey brother I got your letter yesterday. Was a little excited with other business! Sorry for not mentioning it. Thanks again


@Purple-N-Hairy mine came in a couple days ago I was just so busy at the time I popped the whole thing envelope and all in the freezer and was a forgetful dick and didnā€™t get back to you about it. My apologies, Iā€™ve been stretching myself increasingly thin lately with how busy I am between life and work and our shared hobby.

But YES, they DID make it, completely safe and sound! Now just waiting on my photos outside to be flowering or to be finished with this hydro auto run so I can get the photo run hiding and vegging underneath switched to flowerā€¦ Honestly wanna be real picky about what I use it on, Iā€™ve got a good handful of purple shit already and feel the cookies and/or candy land will accent them nicely.

Fuck, I gotta program my entire flower schedule into my analog LED controller šŸ„² like programming a damn sprinkler system

THANK YOU! For your time and energy doing this for the community and me specifically!


Thanks for checking in, everyone!

@vaportrail, Iā€™m sure the pollen will be there within the next week, if not the next few days. Iā€™ve just sent a package to the Toronto area (a large box of Harley parts), and it took about one week to make it all the way. Good luck with your project!

@Eagles009, youā€™re very welcome, and thereā€™s certainly no need for apologies. There was no requirement to confirm receipt, but I AM very happy you got it!

@TestOfOath, you are most welcome. And as I said toe Eagles009, no need to apologize. I know youā€™ve got a TON going on, including a brand new, very expensive and slightly mesmerizing new toy.


Iā€™ve seen more breeders talk about storing their pollen in a cool, dry environment or a refrigerator MUCH more often than Iā€™ve seen a freezer mentioned. I do, however, agree that a desiccant should be used.


Thanks so much!!!


I would think how well the pollen has been dried would be a factor as well for the longevity of it.


For sure. And not just dried - but processed, too. I put it through 2 fine mesh screens to remove as much of everything that isnā€™t pollen as I possibly could.

You can count on mine being dried properly. After all, it was still winter time, when the humidity is very low. And the pollen has been stored in Tupperware containers with desiccant packs inside (taped to the lid), and stored on the bottom shelf of my main fridge.


Did u send mine Monday or today? I dont live where its being sent and just wanna know when to expect them. Thank you!

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