Journal of the Grow #1

Here it is…this is the first time I’m trying to grow indoors in a controlled environment. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ive hesitated to post because I’m kinda shy. :blush:

Tent is 4x4x7
Current light is Mars Hydro TS1000 (2017edition) I’ve had to wait a while to do this. :woman_facepalming:t3:
Three (:crossed_fingers:t2:) ladies being grown are from an “old hippies” bagseed so I have no idea about genetics. Having fun just watching them grow.


Is that soil of coco?

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It is soil of promix. :rofl:

Very basic. :grimacing:


I’d scratch in some more perlite looks a bit heavy otherwise looking good.


Thanks, will grab some to amend what I have for use in future grows.

Field trip to a local Hydro store planned for later on this week.:sunglasses: Looking into updating & increasing lighting to increase yield. :slightly_smiling_face:


Looking good so far, for a 4x4 you’re gonna want between 400-500w led come flower. They’ve gotten much better and cheaper since 2017 too.


Please don’t be! We all start somewhere and what better place than right here. Best of luck here. I’m wrapping up a grow using Promix for the first time and I’ve liked it.
Echo @ShiskaberrySavior— I’d throw some added perlite in next time, or if you up-pot. I wish I had done the same to promote better drainage.


Thank you for the heads up on that. :slightly_smiling_face:


Exactly! :+1:t2::grin:

Thanks for the advice.


If my first plants looked like that…
Great Start


I did that too. I read lots and lots first.


nice setup and they look real happy, looking forward to seeing more pics of them and to watch them grow. great start


Thank you, I’m looking forward to posting more pictures too.

I’m :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2: for green and upright when the lights go up each evening and so far so good.

I’ve started playing the radio for them too, classic rock; rather than a totally quiet house while everyone is sleeping. :crazy_face:

Edit: While my roommate sleeps…I toss and turn, insomnia sucks! :neutral_face:


well of course! i mean who doesnt? dont forget to read to them, mine love it!


That’s awesome! :smiley:


They are looking healthy good job! :+1:

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Uuuhhhhhh close up inspection this lookin a little like a boy, or do my eyes deceive?

Apologies for the lighting, pics super recent. :crazy_face::grimacing::joy:


Possibly a hermie, but there’s definitely a ball or two, yep.

edit: Either that, or it’s the beginning of the branch forming… it’s probably worth waiting a few more days. Are you on 12/12 yet?

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Fuuuudge! :thinking:

It was doing so well too!

Oh well back to the drawing board…I’m nowhere near ready to start with males, their pollen sacs and breeding for seed yet.

Thankfully I’m patient. :grin:

Any advice? Nope not on 12/12 yet.

I’m working within the limitations of a functional disability and as are most these days financial constraints as well just so ya know. :woman_shrugging:t3: I had a trip to the hydro shop planned for tomorrow to update my light fixture. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok, if you’re not on 12/12 I jumped to conclusions. That’s more likely the beginning of the branch forming, when the leaves are starting to separate they form what looks a lot like a ball. That’s a much closer-up photo than I thought on first glance, clearly… what I thought were pistils are actually the petioles, which don’t indicate sex one way or another with any real reliability.

You may be able to get hints from them once they’re a foot or two tall - I’ve been able to tell sex pretty reliably on vegging photos once they’re that mature - but the best way to be really certain is to switch them over to 12/12 and actually start them flowering, if not all the way. You can switch them over to 12/12 for a week, then switch them back with relatively little stress involved. After one more week, they should start to show pre-flowers. You could also just wait and read a good book and not bother them at all, of course. :stuck_out_tongue: Most of the time when I start looking for the sex on plants I’m not ready to start flowering, it’s just because I’m bored and need something to do - that might just be me, though! If you’re on a schedule and need to get this figured out, I’d switch them to 12/12 for a week to see.