Journal of the Grow #1

So a foot or two is the measuring stick I should apply prior to looking for sex? Cause I’m good to relax and stop looking if that’s the “line in the sand”!
I’m doing this with a roommate who is a bit of a tit and has left all the “think” work to me. My brain hurts with all the overthinking I’ve likely been doing.
I don’t want to do more harm to the plants than good by mucking around with them unnecessarily.
I appreciate your advice and time. Very much. :blush:


I’m not sure there’s a real line in the sand, but I’ve never been able to tell before that with the naked eye… if you want to get down there with a microscope on a regular basis it’ll probably show sooner, but if you want it that much it’s better to just switch them for a week and wait another week imo. :stuck_out_tongue: They’ll be right back in veg, but showing some preflowers that should be a bit more obvious than what usually shows in late veg.

Since this is your first grow, you’re anxious about messing things up… just remember, the plants know how to grow. :slight_smile: The best way to mess them up is to do too much to them unnecessarily; if you don’t see the leaves showing any abnormalities, they’re probably fine. Pretty much the same thing with sexing them, it’s much easier to change your mind and throw them out later than to change your mind and bring them back to life!


Thank you. :relaxed:

There is a lot riding on this for me. :slightly_smiling_face:


Girls got a home at your house. Congratulations , but I wasn’t invited to a shower or anything…


completely agree and unless you’re running out of room and u need to cull the heard to make space you have plenty of time to sex them

your tent looks pretty big if you only have those 3 plants and if ur going to get a new light tomorrow then that wont be an issue either for a while.

youre doing good, relax and enjoy the grow!


Relaxing….I promise. :slightly_smiling_face:

Also enjoying, just feeling the pressure too. :flushed:

If only the plants could talk, with words, mucho easier! I’d like my cat a LOT better if she would just talk to me too though. :smirk:


A foot is probably too early, btw. :slight_smile: I just went and grabbed a picture with my USB microscope of my oldest plant this grow, roughly 2 months from germ (minus two weeks of stunted growth) and this is what I came up with. This is at about a foot tall:


I can clearly see the preflower growing, but nowhere near enough detail to actually figure out the sex yet.


This helps tons! Thanks. :grin:

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So I’ve gone back on the pics I have and technically these 3 are only 32 days from germination. (I’m counting from the pic I have where there is green peeping through the medium. :eyes:)
I’ve also, sort of, measured the tallest of the 3, as all can see. :+1:t2:

Thanks for all the advice, those of you’s that are giving it. :grin: It is truly, truly appreciated. :purple_heart:


Looking good @KanehB :grinning: can’t wait to see what these plants from an “old hippies” seeds produce. Could be some real gems! :gem:

I find 6 weeks from seed to be the sweet spot for most plants to reveal themselves, as long as they’re not stunted at all during that time. Yours are looking healthy. Did the one on the right fall over? :thinking: or is that some training you did on it?


I don’t even look for sex till I flip, I just get em about half as tall as I want them flip then cull the males as they appear.


Yeah I usually sex them in 1 gal pots and transplant after sexing so I don’t waste time or effort transplanting a bunch of males.


It fell over when it was smaller so I’ve kind of manipulated it as best I could with the skewers to keep it upright and now it’s in training to just live and grow up big and strong and healthy. :grin:

I’m good if “she” pokes out in all kinds of different directions and looks all weird too as long as she is a she too. :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::wink:


Trip to my local Hydro store was informative and I did pick up a few smaller things.

I didn’t buy a new light…I was given a few suggestions about where to go online to purchase.

Am looking for any suggestions from anyone here willing or wanting to put their 2cents worth in. :grin:

I have about $500CDN to spend!

Would like to stay in the LED arena. :slightly_smiling_face:

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What direction were you leaning to led ? Or hps / cmh ?


It looks good, like it fell over cause it wanted to be trained :joy:

I hope she stays a she too. Is that the same one from the earlier close ups? I noticed it has some really big preflowers for only being at 32 days.
I wonder if it’s already starting to flower, maybe some autoflowering going on? :thinking:

Hope this doesn’t turn into a banana too


No, the one that fell over (right side) is not the one in this close up.

I thought auto flowering too, but then I thought if I don’t say it out loud it won’t happen.

If it does, I’m going to go with the flow though. :woman_shrugging:t3:


:joy: that gave me a good laugh.

When everyone else goes with the flow

When I try to go with the flow



Ha! :joy:

That looks about right for me too! :relaxed:

Have the USB Camera Microscope “thingie” on order and am still researching LED lights. :thinking:

Was given Fish Shit sample today. :fish::poop:


And a thought on identifying males… the pollen sacs don’t instantly grow and open… you will have days to notice the growth of the balls… no pressure to identify at the moment they form. If you look at your plants daily you WILL be able to see em and do something long before they drop any pollen…