Journal of the Grow #1

Yup, they get looked at, and adored on the daily. :white_check_mark:


Give that a shot the next time you feed. I believe you’ll like the results. I was put onto it with a sample also. Every plant I’ve given it to (houseplants included) have exploded.


Okie dokie folks! :hugs:

I have 3 Auto’s and I’m pretty sure all of them are hermaphroditic. :confused:
Not what I was hoping for but what can one expect from bag seed. :woman_shrugging:t3:
I did a clean out of my seed “vault”, such that it is; and I’m going to be (a little more carefully) choosing :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2: some fresh seeds to germ and try on some additional new equipment I have on order which I will be needing to test soon enough.
Will be keeping y’all posted.

G’night, grow happy! :purple_heart:


Bum Deal, they were pretty though!

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Awww shitty, that sucks :cry:

Always fun popping new seeds though!!

What did you end up ordering?

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Yes, they are real pretty. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not going into trash too quickly, if I can convince my partner not to flip out and go into “destroy” mode, perhaps I will have the chance to watch one of these babies grow. :smirk:

Any advice, or should I just trash bin them and start again? :grimacing:


I’ll be showing and telling soon enough. :grin:

Since no one wants to come right out and post a review on LED lights, that I could find, (on OG) without it becoming a conversation about other shit, I just ordered “a” :bulb: light….hope it works. :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2:

I’ll post a grow journal and a proper review of my purchase when the time is right, I hope you pull up a chair for the show. :slightly_smiling_face::popcorn::clapper:

Also, was thinking of grabbing some seed from this bank…(Canuck Seeds )anyone have any thoughts???


I personally enjoy the challenge of removing the male pods with an x acto blade, it’s not to hard when they are like this. If you want to try and get it to fruition, I clean xacto after each cut with alcohol, put aloe or clone gel on cut branches ends. If you have time and smoke available then its fun.

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I’m more of a DC seeeds kinda guy, just got some TigerStripeGenetics for Granola though and they are fire.If you want something from US, I can get it and send it on, it will make it in one of my creative pkgs./


Canuck seeds has a good reputation as far as I know.

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This is what I would do…:sob:

Tough love. Clean break and get back to it!


Thanks for the offer but @Bobgrows set me up with some of her seeds from down beyond the ‘Merican border.

I’ll participate in some of the OG site wide contests to get “free” seeds.

You also put me onto the “free seed Tuesday” thread and after sitting on that for a full day a few weeks ago…yay DIBS! Just waiting on them to arrive. :slightly_smiling_face:

Looking to put Canuck on my wish list for Christmas! I’m tired of getting stuff I have to dust from my kids! :grimacing: Give me the gift that keeps on giving. :grin:


Yeah hermies are pot, but not the right pot to start with, I guess I would move on too.

Hate to see anybody struggle when it should be fun.


You should jump on my subcool f2 wiki. Some quality genetics on the cheap…to be clear im not trying to sell you anything. It’s a site wide co op effort to preserve and get beans into hands cheap.


Link please, so I can check into it. Thanks.

Still new enough here to be “new”. :hugs:

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I’ll get you some more, did you get what I sent, I can’t remember?

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Thank you! :smiling_face:
I don’t want to struggle, I’m starting to get frustrated.
I know myself well enough to know where the threshold for asinine lies, and that’s well into the spring…but honestly I don’t want to get anywhere close to that line in my head. :crazy_face:


Uuuhhhh you haven’t sent me anything. :joy:

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Why do I have your Address?
And now I’m going too, damn burnout I am.

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Cause you were maybe going to but haven’t yet. :woman_shrugging:t3:

If you have sent me something, I haven’t received it. If/when I do…you’ll be the first to know. :relaxed:

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