Journal of the Grow #1

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Yes, wife said I did, but more coming now, tomorrow.


@Astrogirl Thank you!
I appreciate you both. :grin:


No reason to get frustrated. Hermies and males are a part of the experience, though hopefully only a minimal part :wink:

Your plants looked very healthy, so clearly you have a good grasp on growing em… Just pop a few more beans and hope for the best… I think by spring you’ll be doing just fine having a successful grow under your belt by then :smiley:


Kind words of encouragement and indeed just as I needed them.
Throwing things out has never been easy for me. :put_litter_in_its_place:
Going to keep going and growing because heck :woman_shrugging:t3:… I can’t and don’t want to stop.
The entire process, I think is more addictive than the properties of the :seedling: plant that have most folks wrapped around the axel. :crazy_face: Ridiculous! :joy:
It’ll all come together, the last time I did this indoors was in 2017 and I’ve been “thrown” into it again crash course style. It’s all coming back though….like riding a bike. :mountain_biking_woman:t3:
Thanks for the help from everyone, I so appreciate all of it. :relaxed:


I look forward to seeing what you ordered, I’m sure you picked something nice :grin:

I didn’t recommend any leds cause my experience with them is pretty limited :sleepy: mainly to cheap/free leds from amazon :sweat_smile:

I’ll definitely be there for when you show it off though.

I never tried canuck seeds, but I’ve heard some good things. Can’t hurt to try. I know @Jinglepot made some crosses with their stuff that I’m really looking forward to growing.


I’m looking forward to showing off what I bought too. :grin:

I’ll do an “unveiling” video :clapper: for everyone once I’ve gotten some few new beans into earth, :seedling: and they’re ready for their closeups. :sunglasses:

I want this to be as fun for all of you as it is going to be for me. :wink:

PS. I have seeds from Canuck on my Christmas wish list. :christmas_tree::mrs_claus:t2:


Alright, here’s a question for the day…(there may be more to follow, it’s 5:03am, the day is young!) :relieved:

I’ve ditched the hermies, how crazy nuts cleaning my tent do I have to go, to avoid any of their potential pollen from affecting future grows! :thinking: (For now, “Nanners” just aren’t my thing)

Bam!!! 🥸 Working smarter, not harder. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m looking for threads relating to this because it’s early, I’m up for it. :yawning_face::drooling_face:


Not too nuts… Its not like its bugs who TRY to find hiding spots and can replicate themselves / preserve themselves while waiting for the next plant victim. And pollen in an open environment like that is only viable for so long, strong light and moisture kills pollens viability after a little while. If none of the plants going in immediately have flowers, or you are planting a new batch, the pollen will be long “dead” before seeds become a plant with flowers that could be affected. A good solid wipedown of all surfaces in the tent should be plenty fine really… like running a dustcloth in the livingroom really… (and pollen will act kinda like dust in that case)…

Pollen viability, when dried and kept in cool, dark and dry place, can be several months. Frozen can last years. But in a grow tent generally only a few days…

Do note for the future, pollen is SUPER airborne! Did some pollenation here, and despite trying to keep it to a few lower branches per plant, managed to make a LOT more seeds than anticipated, including the main colas…


Thanks for taking your time to write this out for me. :grin:

It has been bookmarked for my future use. :+1:t2:

This community is so great! I’m so thankful for all the wonderful people here who’ve taken the time and have the patience to help out newbs like moi. :relaxed:


Hey, we all been there, none of us were born with this knowledge :smiley: Some had better teachers than others, some figured things out the hard way (me!). I learned a lot from the old anarchists cookbook, wish I had a forum and the ability to ask questions to other growers back then. But its all good, I still have questions from time to time, and a place like OG has tons of people with answers :smiley:

Can’t say that enough! I been on a variety of forums for different hobbies, and find the better ones to be helpful people, not competitive ones. OG is definitely full of helpful individuals!


how this guy didnt break his neck amazes me,

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What do you mean?

I just woke up, it is unclear.

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