Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

I tought the north is doing a bit better! The Heat is incredible.
I figure out that small plants (obviously;) produce less seeds
and if it’s there as humid as here, then it’s not good for the pollen neither :thinking:


For the size of the plant and the buds, If I made the polinization correctly there should be around 50 seeds minimum. I was playing with the small brush in the little buds… But only done one time.
The next time that I try to make seeds will be a bukkake :rofl:

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Yeah! I just put them next to each other and turn the air circulation on. Normally there is not much to smoke left :rofl:
But Wild ThaixCSkunk sounds nice :+1:t3: :+1:t3:


Do you want to make a F3 with the SugarBelts from teh auction or just looking for the girs?

Possibly make F3, but not for now.
Still have some males… (SSH, BG*LPC, Pink Floyd LT…). Will try to flower then and store pollen.
So next time will be a bukake of the Pink Floyd Male with the Pink Floyd Female, Wild Thai, Bubblegum, Mango Widow, … well, at least one fem of what I have now. But I think that the only good ones will be from Pink Floyd, WT, and BG. The Mango is giving big buds, but not very frosty. The BG is very, very frosty… . The PF male is very narrow leaves, so I think that has many hazey in… (PF is 50%haze)
Smoked the PF almost 4 hours ago and I’m now putting feet on the floor… :rofl: But now I’m not a big smoker.

But my very first and important proyect is to check the PF F1…


Sounds great!!
The PF i had years ago as my favourite weed in Amsterdam. Great Daytime smoke if you catch the right pheno!
PFxWildThai could be very interesting :fire: :fire:

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7.8.23… almost 25 days since change 12/12:

And in thr other side, the WT, Cookies Cream and mango widow almost ready to chop

Yes, some problems can be seen in the leaves, but in two or three days they are going to be sacrificed. Watering only water final stage.


11/8/23- This morning, well… middle day almost :rofl: , I played again mammas and papas…
A branch of the SSH (EG) was pollinated with SSH (FSE).
Another branch of the Critical Skunk #2 (MrNice) was pollinated with Critical Skunk #1 (Mr.Nice)…

The pollen was collected from small clones that I put to flower two months ago, hope it still viable.

The plants were taken off the tent and put away, tent closed, and rest of the plant aisled in a bag during pollination. After that I covered the pollinated branched with kitchen paper making a closed cone.
I didn’t take pictures, I was too occupied hanging breath :rofl:

Possibly there appear some more seed elsewhere, but I don’t care, welcome be.

In another side of things, the White widow clones, that I was not very pleased with the mother, are flowering, but I think that they will be a confirmed shitty, as the mother was. I had to try just to be sure that wasn’t me who fucked previously. I do this “two test” also with hermies, just to be sure that they hermie alone and not by my negligence. But I am not liking how the WW clones are doing. Will let them go, if they are shitty then will be with the trims to ice hash and their other clones will be cut without misericordy.
Need space, and only keepers, shitty not allowed.
For now, the only “keepers” that I found was the BubbleGum, the Pink Floyd, SSH (EG), Wild Thai, and cookies cream… all frosty. The WT and CC are almost ready to chop, and the WT nuggets are pretty dense and hard.
The Mango Widow (MrNice) not seeing as good as it should be… she is dancing on a tightrope . Good buds, but not as frosty as others. Smoke will tell.

And when I say keepers, I mean “keepers” while no other outtake them… ahahaha… survival is not guaranteed :rofl:


12.8.23- Well, the two “pollinated” branches, with the plant sustaining it were put again in the tent. Hope this time results better than last time, where I only could obtain 3 Wild Thai x Critical Skunk good seeds(If I remember correctly, have to check notes)… The rest of the seeds were white and dry or aborted.

I chopped the Wild Thai and the Mango Widow. Hanging.
The Cookies cream is to be left a couple more days, I could not see many cloudy or amber trichs.

Tomorrow, probably, will take away the other Wild thai (1 month since 12/12) and try to pollinate with BOG Blue Kush pollen from Dougdawson. (Thanks Doug!!)


13.8.23 So… There it goes. Wild Thai x BOG Blue Kush. Thanks @DougDawson .

I hope that this time I reach better results than with the previous pollination.

I dropped pollen in all branches except the main cola. That sure will get pollen also, hahha, but I am still drying the previous WT, so… I have enought.
Edit : image deleted …

And this is the Wild Thai “mother”: Despite the bag in the head, she is very pretty :rofl:

Well, second try running…


looking forward to the results man. everything seems to run smoothly. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

you are still beeing watched my friend ! :innocent:

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Thanks. I hope this time could obtain seeds to share. The last time was a disaster, all white, dry and without ending developping. And were in the plant almost 7 or 8 weeks since pollinization. I looked at them and they “stalled”…
But trial and error… Hope this time have more luck.
If not, in a month and a half I will do a full tent pollinization with the PF male…

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yeah i know what you mean! i also tried to pollinate a branch. still waiting and hoping ! :rofl: :joy:

the small tent is now at day 75 of flowering. iḿ taking out a few twigs every day to get to day 80 to give them a little more time to rippen. but for me this a first timer so i m not expecting anything!

stalling sucks like hell ! i had that myself for a couple of weeks do nutrient problems. never had anything like that before! so i feel your pain and push my thumbs that it turns out fine for you!

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16.8.23 - Today I am suffering for the sticky fingers disease.
Trimming some of the Wild Thai… Pretty dense buds…


I’m lovin your journal/journey… thanks for sharing everything with us. You are Jammin, keep it up BRO-SKI

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Many thanks!

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18.8.23. Today I decided to throw away all the white widow clones.
The ones that are flowering, after about one month and a week are looking like this:
The WWidow shitty:

In comparison with same time in flowering :
The wild thai:

The Pink Floyd:

Another Pink Floyd but this with 48days:

Yhe critical skunk #2 (38days): this has brown pistils since playing mamas and papas and changed tent:

And finally the SSH:

Well, all of them, are pretty frosty… But the widow is… Fuuuuuuuu…
So… i don’t want it, it doesn’t made the cut.


22.8.23 - Another heat wave… full irrigation to the plants, hope they support this heat wave without casualities.
Now are 23.15 h. and the temperature inside the house is 30º with 60º Rh. Where the plants are there is some more degrees…

man that sucks !!! i would melt away… i guess you do too!
not a nice weather to chill. this years weather is so crazy. hope you and your family is doing well!!

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Hi, we are fine… but this night I have to TRY to sleep hugging a fan.
In the outside there is no breeze, not a minimum flow of wind. And today it is going to be worse…
Here we not have that high temperatures (normally, but from some years till now, it raised), and we have many humidity, so the heat perception is worse.

I think that if I go and stand near the plants, that I could work as a sticky paper for the bugs. :rofl: