Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

the weather became crazy the last decades.

and hell yeah huging fan is best with 85 % humidity! i brought 3 fans for the plants. and i have to admit it turned out like this 2 fan for plants and one for me! otherwise on some days sleeping would be imposiblle.

the weather became crazy the last decades.

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24.8.23 - Today I wake up after another day sleeping very bad, so I am a little on the “clouds”.
So as I smoke not much, I decided to put the buds in sealed bags with a little bag of “oxygen remover” thingy and go to the fridge. (Or should better go to the freezer?). The room temperature is too high to store it for some months in the jars, I suppose.

And, as in about two or three weeks will be ending the current grow, and the next will be for making a cross of the Pink Floyd male with the rest of females (Wild Thai, Pink Floyd, Bubblegum, Mango Widow and Cookies Cream). The Critical Skunk #2 female clone is still very little to play sex. :rofl: .
A big doubt invades me.
Should I start flowering (12/12) all at the same time, male and females, or should I start male one or two weeks before the females?
Can anyone with experience making seeds give me some advice? @George , @upstate, @tracker, @PioneerValleyOG, @shag …anyone have some indication?



If it’s going to be a totally seeded crop with the male flowering in the same area as the female, I would start the male on 12/12 a week or two before the female, so it will be dropping pollen when the females start throwing pistils.


Yes… I want a totally seeded crop, and want the seeds to be completely matured.
From pollination branches as I made before, only obtained 3 or four fully matured seeds, the rest was “aborts” white and dry, so this time I want to do it better…

Many thanks!

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I agree, maybe even 3 weeks before the female, but 2 weeks should be enough.
If the male drops pollen before the females are ready it is not an issue, the male will continue to drop for several weeks.


I’d consider starting to flower the males a bit after the ladies( 2 weeks maybe) so the females are a bit developed before pollen interrupts flower formation. Females make flowers to reproduce, and if there is no hanky panky, they react by improving their odds…which means making more flowers to catch pollen. Once pollination is occurring, the plant starts concentrating on growing seed( to an extent) rather than 100% of its energy going towards floral production. This is why I allow the females a head start. Bigger flowers at the start of pollination means more seed ime. I like pollinating pinky nail size flowers. If you fully pollinate too late( thumbnail size flowers) the plant will be trying to make too many seeds at once. And the result will be that it will abort some, or make small seeds.
What you don’t want is your males petering out before the females are properly flowering. If you flower males early I’d plan to collect pollen for later…just in case.
Of course, there’s lots of ways to do this and there are no wrong answers.


Many thanks!!

I will probably turn the male one week before, and collect pollen also.

The last time I put that females to flower, in two weeks they had lots of pistils, and I fear doing a little late and causing undeveloped seeds.
I don’t know if it is by the age of the clones or by the leds, but them flowered very fast, faster than the male clone…

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26.8.23 - Another two casualities due to extreme heat… And probably low ventilation…

No worries, one was a SSH clone (still have more) and the other was the last clone of the Critical Skunk #1 male. I have many pollen in the freezer from him.

Two days ago also ended of dying aone 88HPABC from @middleman , probably due to being tansplanted too early to a big pot. Other 88HPABC is still going…

Not very well, but this summer has extreme heat waves and well… Many plants went to the big garden in the sky.

One Pink Floyd at 8 weeks:

And the rest are at 6 weeks more or less:

Critical skunk#2:

More PF, Mango Widow, Cookies Cream:

And the other tent (very low light 20w x4 led … 6 weeks also… The taller is SSH, right front Wild thai, a pinkFloyd rear left (the one with the birned leave, crossing falling), and some shitty widows…they were flowering so I killed the remainin clones and let this end.

Seems that the WT x Bog Blue Kush is throwing some seed?

Well the picture is a shit… But there appear to be some seed growing, so probably not all the pollen was inviable.

Despite me having almost no taste, the Pink Floyd is the best, I cannot describe it (will try later).


The only time you will get some undeveloped seeds is if you flower at the very very end of the flowering cycle, just before senescence, or if you try to make too many seeds at once…for instance pollinating a whole plant of full size buds that still have white stigmas. I pollinate late all the time. Even pollination at harvest time, seeds will finish…with some duds, depending on how many you try to make. The more seeds you try to make ( late flowering) the more duds you get
I understand your caution…but it’s unnecessary this time.


5.5.23 - 49 years!..
And another casualty… the BGxLPC died, possible root rot or wtf. I have it for many time in a 1 liter pot.
And, was a female. I didn’t notice the pistils till now.
I take a cut of the upper branch that was still alive, hope it survives.
If I had the mini-lab ready, I would try to do some TC with it. But perhaps is too late.

Ah! And the e"early haze" (mr nice) a female. I have to take cuttings, but I don’t have where to put them.
I’m impaciently waiting for end flowering in about a week or two to have some space, make some seeds from this femmes, and renew with other genetics.


Today I was trying to make some ice hash…
Trying because I purchased the 1gallon bags… and not have any recipient to put them… anyway… after making a mess :sweat_smile: I obtained a very little hash.
Could obtain more doing more washing to the trimmings (they appear to have more to drop) but it was only a test. Next time I will make the things otherway… and perhaps pick a bigger bags.
The reason was because I want to make some canna butter, and I think that starting from hash I could calculate better the mg that it contain…


13-9-23 - Started watering only all the plants from 12/7/23. To make a partial flush…
The Pink Floyd (BT) female from 30/6/23 was chopped two days ago.
And bad news for it, perhaps by the heat, it throw some nanners at the end. This was a clone, the mother was fine, but I chopped it earlier.

Ummm, Mr. Nice genetics… ummm… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Anyway I will try to f2 it, and will feed differently, now temps are not as high, so I will look at it to see what happens.
I know that people throws hermies away, that is normal, and I also do, but as I will do a full pollinization with almost all females I got, this will be in the lot also. But keep in notes what that clone did. If in winter it not throws nanners, I know for sure it was heat stress, because as I said, mother was fine, and very good smoke.
It was some nanners, not full balls.


20.9.23… Almost all ready to chop, except the wild tha. But not today, tomorrow :rofl:

The SSH with a good purple tones:

Pink Floyd:

Mango widow:

Cookies cream:

Well, sorry for the black bands…
Also, I saw the roots of the previous PF that throw some nanners at the end, they not appear very healthy. I find gnats, so probably another source for the possibly hermiing?. Anyway I obtained some accarus (scimites) and throw in all the plants substrate. Hope this help with gnats.


Ummm… I think that the 88g13HPxABC has some fungus infestation… :rofl:

Does anyone know what mushroom is it?
I saw it many times growing with coco…


Could be this one:

but just in case I wouldn’t cook it … ejem|nullxnull


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It looks like a macrolepiota, but small.

I don’t know if it came between the trichoderma powders or with the substrate.
Anyway, I will not taste it :rofl: , but just curious about it.


30.9.23 - Yesterday chopped the SSH, it was flowering since 12-7-23, but it was still throwing some white pistils.
Aaaaand… fucked some plants, hope they will recover. pH tester failure, and watering very acidic… around 4. I have suspected when it throws above 6… because the water is from a mountain fountain that I have lab tested and is about pH 5.5.
So today I tried another pH meter that I have on hand, anddddd… yes… the other fails. So I have to buy a new probe and hope that I didn’t fucked the ladies. This probe lasted 6 months… the average that is recommended before replacing it.
Double check…


3.10.23 - Today my back pain gived me a small release. So I went and chopped a Wild Thai, 11 weeks and 6 days. But it needed more time.
The reason to chop was that I put a SSH male to flower two weeks ago, and is ready to throw pollen, so I must chop the WT.
I plan to store some of this pollen for later use, and then give him a one way ticket to the big field in the skies.
And after that, I will have one space free, so ready for the Pink Floyd Male crosses. For now females available are PF female, Wild thai, Early Haze, Bubblegum, SSH, Mango Widow, and perhaps a Cookies cream. The Critical Skunk female clone is very little to play dirty :rofl: .
The problem is that I will have to crunch/bend almost all females, because they are almost as tall as me… :rofl: … well, that means that if all go well this time, with no stored pollen and fresh male throwing love plenty of seeds will be available to share.
The other times with stored pollen was a failure, only a couple seeds. No way. Still have to see if this Wild Thai has any seed from the BOG Blue Kush pollen from DougDawson.

I will have to clean well the space to not have cross contaminations. But a good clean, and two weeks for starting to flower the females would suffice.


Another trim day… SSH… purple tones…

And final nugget …I could trim it better, But feeling lazy :sweat_smile:


looking great my friend! :innocent: :innocent:

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