Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

didnt see your reply my bad, is this fan oscillating?

was just thinking 2 or 3 much smaller ones that rotate, angled from intake slightly upward but not much could get the air moving better. if you diagrammed out the air flow could be helpful.
was thinking the other day an old mini fridge might serve as a stealth control room for the intake.


Hi sorry, I think I did not understand well your previous posts, I thought that I answered that.
That fan is handling :rofl: it is a small usb fan… Not very powerfull but helps to move air.
I have also some intakes and outtakes, with small pc fans that keep renewing air and medium humidity.

Those small pc fans extracts the humidity:
One upper putting air out and one in the down oposite corner pulling air in.

I have replaced now the usb fan for an bath fan… Some more air.

Anyway, in that tent, unless for some brown pistils, they all look very good:

In the other “tent” they started flowering about two weeks ago, and was where I find a pair of hermies. They could not drop pollen yet. And they died, “naturally”.

This is the other “tent”:

Air holes:
I don’t know if you could see it well, in the lower there is a small pc fan -inside- of tent.

And this is the opossite side.

It is like this (I tried to draw the best I can, without spending much time):

The intakes some have PC fan (normally the low one) and the others are with a G4 filter. If humidity is high or if there is some problem, add more fans in the empty holes. With the outtakes, the same, except I normally put the fan in the upper right corner.
I think that helps to renew and displace the air very well.
The tent in the right, have height adjustable shelves, that can also be removed if theres need of more room. If not, the tent can be divided, lower space for mothers, upper for clones.
Right side for growing/seedlings/clones. Left side for flowering.


thats perfect, if you know the CFM rating of each fan can start to calculate the air flow. a lot of those newer case fans tend to run around 60 CFM, that is without anything obstructing the airflow. it appears you lined the vent holes with carbon fiber or is the air coming in and out unobstructed. the good news is airflow is much easier to fix than bugs and mildew.


When there is fan, no filter. The filters are not carbon, are G4 foam.

And inside the tent, a “bigger” bath fan.

I think that theres no air problem. It is a reconstructed wardrobe, so where the doors are located, they are not hermetic.

The problems with temperature, is that they are under a non insulated roof, and the temps raise in all the room till 30-34º C. But I cannot do nothing against that. I am not going to put an air conditioner there for two months in the year.
Humidity here is pretty high, normally in the 80 % rh or more. Inside the tent now they are around 50% Rh.

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to me it doesnt seem like there is a solid exchange going on in there. generally you want all the intake at the bottom and the out at the top, would take some really ingenious positioning of fans to push the air in the perfect directions to create a solid exchange from that diagram (IMHO). i work in constructing light deprivation greenhouses but in no way claiming thats an expert opinion.
in the past when i got the dead pistils early i would immediately go check the fans (before everyone had smart hubs) and every time it was because some crappy old inline finally gave out or got unplugged. just my 2c.
hope you get it resolved though.

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I think that if it was that then it should happend to all. But is not the case.

Anyway. I have that same setup years ago, and worked well. But then the plants were smaller.

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its not a typical set up so the typical calculation is going to be meaningless. technically you should only need 20cfm to push that size room, id imagine since humidity has not spiked too much that you are pushing more than that even with the foam over the vents.
seems like the problem is the air might be spending too little time in the cab and not enough of it is reaching the opposite wall from where the ventilation is. placing tiny digital hygrometers in all areas of the room could give a sense of where the deadspots are.
wont bother you with this idea anymore, but if you have the time i think its worth a google/youtubing.

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Well bummer. Good catch though for sure.

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Will do some more research. Years ago I worked in an engineering centre (don’t know how to translate). And usually did the calcs for ventilation but not for plants. Bit interesting subject to look out.



22.6.23 - First flowering tent:

And second flowering tent: (started 12/12 the 1/6/23)

And a clone of the pink floyd is dying :cry: . It is the one that had the golden rain of pollen…

Tried to wash roots, but no t recovers. Feeding the same as the others (included the pink floyd mother)… And this is thr only one with that bad look.
:cry: :sob:

High temps here now… Around 35⁰C… I don’t have any way to drop that down.


26.6.23… Bad news… But first, the normal news…
The first flower tent… All good at 7 week

Now with the bad news… Yesterday I have a personal compromise and could not came to water the littles, have watered the saturday morning, and I tought it will suffice. Well, for the ones in big pots, it was enough, but for others… Another one bites the dust… Two days with temps of 40⁰C take care of some… :cry:

Second flowering tent… One casualty… Or two.

The first is a Wild thai clone. Were two clones in the same pot… One died, almost dried… Like the Pink Floyd deceased the last week, but in two days. The strange is that on the same pot is another wild thai clone, and it is doing almost well.

It is one of the last plants with were destinated for seeds… Hope she survives.
The one behind is the Cookies cream… Root rot? I don’t know, and not know how to work that.
The other plants in this flowerind tent are surviving…

(The one on the right is the cookies cream…)

And in the clone room… Many dry plants… Hope they recover, but … Leda Uno male, did not survive.

Dried to the bone.
And some other clones was totally wilting (I don’t know for sure if it is said so)

Well, for now nothing died that not has a clone surviving.

The 88HPxABC from @middleman survived the big june dry.

The bgxLPC from. … Ñeeeee … is fighting for life…

The green olive from @PioneerValleyOG … Still alive

The LPC 75 from @Maddawg (for the london PC challenge). Survived too.

Well, bad for loosing some plants (have clones) good for having some space… :rofl: (I need to be optimist)


Cannabis is pretty resilient and they should bounce back. Positive vibes!


Oh I forgot, I think that I found the cause of the hermies… a failing light, or not failing…
Well, what happened was that I had a return or something in the earthing cable, and when the lights were off, the leds were slightly on. Not much light, but perhaps suffice for making those plants hermie.
I have to check the lights or replace it with something, because for now I just remove the grounding cable, and I don’t like it… not secure.


I think that I have encountered the problem with the dying plants. (I’m not referring to those that was dried)… pH!!!
I measure pH when I fill the bottles and nutrients… and they were good (5,5 pH for growing, and between 6-6,3 for flowering, I’m in cocoa coir). Buuuuuuut, after two days the water fluctuates… and the flowering solution dropped to 5,15 pH… bad for my part for not taking that fluctuations into account. Well, so I adjusted the pH with some silica (Top Barrier), and watering till drain all of the suffering plants.

Also, I think that the browning pistils case was due to accidental pollination the day I was playing mamas and papas. Today I was taking a close look to the Bubblegum, and thought that the base of the pistils (calyxs?) (don’t remember name now) was fattening due to normal end cicle of plant but after taking a peel off, I could see a seed, and not a hollow calyx. So… perhaps a fault on my side,… you know… pollen flies :sweat_smile:

Not a mayor problem for me, I smoke little, and seeds always come in handy. Also I have plenty of clones of them to try another sinsemilla grow.


8.7.23- today chopped the first space. Probably could wait a little more, but I don’t like it couchlocking. Anyway I feel that they were almost ready, not clear not amber, cloudy tricomes.
Only remains the seeded wild thai, that seeds are not matured…
So I will put in this space the flowering females of the other tent, (here are some more light around 140-150w).


17.7.23 - definitively, the csk dogs hermied.
The clon that was put to flower after the previous herm, confirm that.

Well, things happend.
Now I must check the GG#4 that is a possible hermie too…


Well… bummer on the herm, but thank you for reporting your findings.

This is the cross named Kristi OG in my threads. It is the first herm reported for this cross.

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Yeah, sorry to have to tell you this. I had to check with the clone, this has not any light disturbs, and hermied too.

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Well, the same with the GG4, so confirmed with mother and with clones taken previously.
Well, a little more space!

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Ummm… a little forgiven this… will try to put some notes:
The Green Olive was a male, and now he is playing in the big fields of sky. R.I.P.
Due to extreme heat, I have many casualities… but still have some good clones saved.
I cut a small Wild Thai that I had crossed with Critical Skunk (#1), and I don’t know if I am very bad painter, but still only saw a couple seeds. It is hanging, so hope when it is dry some more seeds could be found when trimming.
Tomorrow will try to upload some nugget pics and how it is the tent right now.
The 88hpABC are very slowly growing… slooooooowlyyyyyyyyy…