Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

Yes, it is a good producer also.


yeah the size of the bud i nice! i wish i had more space. i could sow a few ssh beanz myself.
but the sour d is still taking much space .
but one thing after the other ! :slight_smile: yesterday i pollinated my flc with some BMR- pollen. i hope everything turns out fine!!


Hope you have better luck than me.
I am still waiting for the Wild thai trim to see if it has any seeds. The others was a total disaster.
WT x Bog Blue (Doug).
But anyway, In almost no time I will do a full pollination, with a live male, hope this time all go well.
Today I was taking some pollen from the SSH male, I will give it some days more to take a little more and then throw it away, clean, clean, clean, and start!


that sucks than. but we sure will get better with the whole process . collecting pollen storing ect.
something that sure needs some practice :slight_smile:

i`ll push my thumbs for your pollen collecting and the wt :slight_smile:

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8/10/23 - Trimmed the wild thai. No seeds. So I am probably the worst pollen storer in the world. Or I would see when I crush the buds. Anyway I keep some of DougPollen in freezer so will try someday.

Another bad new, the main cola of the WildThai had some particles brown dots. I saw them when breaking the bud to manicure. I think that perhaps could be bud rot, but no web, no brown bud, no damage to bud… nothing… only some brown dots as it they were put there inside. Perhaps some acari?
I searched google and OG for pictures of bud rot or botritys, and that is not what I have.
I forget to take a picture… but probably when it will be dry again, if there are still that dots, I will take a photo.
Anyway… I swimmed it in H2O2 and water… and will use it for making some butter.

Today taken another 0,3ml of pollen from the SSH, and, after storing it in eppendorfs of 0,2ml with some cotton separating it from a pair of balls of silica gel, I throw 2 of them in the freezer and the other is in the fridge, in a couple days I will look if need to change the small silica gel before storing in the freeze.

I will try to take a look with the microscope.


I don’t know if I said this before, so sorry if repeat.

I was fighting with the gnats all grow.
A month ago, I tried the Hypoaspis miles (scimitus) acarii to combat them, but very poor count on live acarii… the gnats.persisted and multiplied…
Today I tried to spray them with BTI (Bacillus thurgiensis Israeliensis) (or something alike :sweat_smile: ), so I hope that this works and get rid of gnats.
Tomorrow I will collect some more pollen of the SSH and plan to cut it. I have to organize the space for all the plants to pollinate.


Ummm… I think that I am going to have some troubles fitting them in the wardrobe… :rofl:

I will try to put a net to limit it a little in height… and prune… Jajaja

Starting to prune:


Almost fitted a PFloyd, WThai and Early Haze…
I will let them a couple days so they organize itselfs and them prune a little more…
I think that theres is some space for a small CookiesCream :sweat:

Now , with the otherside of tent…


Well, In a couple days will have to rearrange something… Or prune a lot more…
I am not very worried about them being so, well ummm… Short on space? :sweat_smile: … As this grow is only for seeds…
Left side :

The cookies cream, in the aeropot is suffering from the gravity disease… (It fell to floor and cracked a little)

Right side: also prepared for flowering, with the PF male here…
SSH is a little sad after changing it here, it is the one who stretches like hell, so I will have to bend it in some weeks…

Prune needed … But not today…

And… The vegetative annex…!
Here are some small clones, a little big mothers that could not fit for flowering this time, and some new incorporations…

These are 10th planetx Bloodcake from @ABushOfKush . Some seeds came slighly open, some I put in water a couple and …voilá!.
The one in the left is going to die, but was my fault. They were in the floor, and I water till drain the others… And the littles take all the water drained…

I need to make a little more room to put the BBD from anonymous4289, but I don’t want to chop them.

Also, I am trying to root a mother… Hahhahahaha… Well, if it works at least it will be smaller…

(It is a 1 liter cup)

And if it dies… Well, it died for the cause.:rofl:


Sweet! I haven’t started any of those yet, should be quick finishing.


Well, I fucked it somehow … SSH didn’t like to move…
Perhaps my fault, I can remember if I handled it by the stem when carrying, so perhaps with the weight of the pot it broke some roots…
Anyway, I have another SSH in reserve…

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Bro what Am I looking at ?! how did the cup happen

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I think that I take him by the stem, and with the pot full, so with the weight probably some damage to roots. I think that she will recover, but meanwhile, another clone of it take his place, this time I handled with more care :sweat_smile:

So today I changed to 15/9… And in the next days progress to the 12/12 or 11/13 cicle.

So… The fun starts!!


Oh sorry, I think you refer to my last post… Jajjaja

Well the cup (one liter, not small) is an experiment to try to make roots there, without cutting the stem (yet).
My idea is to let it root there, and then cut the bottom, so I have a smaller plant. Doing the cup, so I think that she will stress less and more probably to root.

As you can see, all plants have grown a lot while waiting for free space, but they have a large stem, with nothing, that is what I intend to short/cut


Give it time, it will bounce back.


18.10.23 - After decreasing one hour each day, finally they are in the 12/12 cicle… Lets gooooo seedfest!

And, after a big delay, finally dropped some BBD from @anonymous4289 in water.
Not a good moment, because temps have dropped to 17⁰C … But I hope they show roots soon…


26.10.23 - The plants in the flowering tents are looking fine.
I can prune a lot more, but as I never done it very extremely then I feeling coward to do more.
The fungus gnats appear to be dissapearing with the BTI, still has some, but not as infested.
This week we started the winter with lots of rain and with >95 %rH. Today the sun appear for a moment with winds, so I could ventilate and drop the rH to 89%.

The male is starting to show his eggs:

And the ladies starting with little buds…

I hope this time have a good seedfest!!

The new incorporations are doing well, the BBD from @anonymous4289 :

And the 10th planet from @ABushOfKush

Clones of the PF, WT, MW, CC, EH, CS and SSH growing and waiting for space in the flowering tent… When they time came, they will be crossed with a feminized WThai. But still a pair of months to that.
Don’t worry by the wilthening ones, they were cut from the flowering mothers when pruning and only went to cocoa in a try those who survive, survive.

And I think that I will cut these others to make small clones:… They are about 5 feet tall… Those were mothers that could not fit to flower this time.

And more clones… Those are a little bigger… I am topping then to try to keep small, but don’t work. (Bigger than the other clones, not as the mothers) about 50cm ):see_no_evil:



29.10.23. 10 days since 12/12.
I have to rearrange the bubblegum… She was falling so today I put a little “order”.

Pink Floyd Male:

Some branches will flower late, because they don’t reach the light. I know, I know… I let them grow too much, but now nothing could be made, only try to let them grow the best that I can under this circunstances.

Note: this time for the flowering stage I changed from “Top crop” nutes to “Hesi Coco”. I have already used hesi in the past, and they worked well.
The reason is, if I remember well, that with hesi I didn’t have big fluctuations in pH. Perhaps it is less organic than the TopCrop, but as this is for seedmaking I don’t worry for the taste. Also this way I can compare the two nutes.

Perhaps I said this before, but as I earn for words written, I will repeat :rofl: :
My grows are not under “intense” or powerfull light.
The tent is composed of two modules of: 88cm*55cm x 190cm tall (more or less).
In the male side there are 4 panel leds of 20w each.
In the other module, there is 2 panel leds of 70w each… More or less.
All chinesse. Well the 70w ones are from amazon but they were born in china too. :rofl:
Not many light, but they produce enough for me and I can have the electric bill controlled.
There is also another improvised space, but it is only for vegetative stage and only for now.
This is not my definitive grow space, so I don’t care too much if it is not very good looking.


This is " Air Layering" where a containment of medium is placed on the stem until it makes roots. Then it can be cut and planted as a clone. GL


31.10.23 - Another fallen soldier… Early Haze…hermie…I have to chop he/she/it…
This is the first time that flowers and… Well…RIP
Lucky I saw this soon.