Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

man sorry to hear that ! it always sucks when you need to cut them down :frowning:

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The worst is that is from a “reputed” seedbank.
I think that Mr.Nice has lost his way, in his forums some people also with hermies, but the fanboys burn them… always blame the grower.
I don’t know, perhaps my fault,… perhaps low light, or the temperatures and rH oscilations… but in the nature there are those temps and rH oscillations.

I will try them in a year or so, when in the new grow space, there the temps and rH will be more regular, and then will see what happens.

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i think that happens quite often these days. i had hermies from GHS sucked alot.

members are doing such a great job breeding seeds. so why not try a few trains of those`?

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4.11.23 - All are doing well.
I have been raising the nutes , now they are what Hesi recomends for flowering.
I am using a 3-4-5 Hesi Coco… But probably will be raising a little more than recommended just to be sure seeds gets right.

And, as my Early haze hermed so crazy, I still have a pair of clones of her. I am going to make a test and try them to flower with a LEC/CMH… Just to be sure that my leds are not the problem.


Love seeing tents packed. :mechanical_arm::sunglasses:
Healthy plants all around too!


They are as the Honk Kong subway in rush hour :sweat_smile:

And three more of that big ones didn’t fit… I am currently making clones of them… Wild thai, SSH, Bubblegum…
In a couple months, when this round will end, I will try a feminized round with the Wild thai…

So many ambition and too little room… :rofl:

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What a beauty! Is this the Fem SSH from Guitarzan?

Nice frost lady you have here, How many weeks to finish on this?
I hope it all goes smoothly!

Haha I can relate. I keep counting down the days before I can pop more seeds. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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No, not the one from Guitarzan, but I have that in the way, just for testing one against the other.
Mine end with some purple tones in the calyxs. Stretches a lot and has good production. The Buds are not as dense/tight as the Wild Thai, but the WT are rock solid. The problem with the WT is that is the humidity is high, that density could end in budrot. Anyway I am in a very humid site, and she went flawless.

This time I chopped the WT with almost 12 weeks, but it needed more time. The thc glands were all transparent, not milky nor yellow. The reason to cut it as soon was that I put a male to flower to take pollen, and thought that the WT would be ready, but the male start flowering and the Wild Thai was asking for a prorrogue :rofl:

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Thanks. That one sounds like real nice plant. It’s my first time running SSH, I’ve heard SSH are notorious stretchers. Stoked to see them in a couple weeks.

Awesome, I wondered if the WT has already acclimated to high humidity environments. I haven’t been to Thailand, but I imagine it a very humid place. Sounds like a 14-16 week finisher based off that trich description at 12 weeks.

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I smoked it and no paranoia nor heart race… so perhaps 14 weeks would suffice. And the buds couldn’t be any denser with more time… When I cut the main cola I feel the weight… if the buds can get denser then it can be used to kill Goliat :rofl:

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6.11.23 - The PF male has started to spread his love

Go go go!!!


8.11.23- The pollen fest continues…

They are a little… Well I need to water them.

Also, some pollen to 0.2ml eppendort tubes, now drying before storage…
Will be saving some each day…

Let the party continue!!!

Some pictures of the ladies now…

Pink Floyd fem:

Wild thai, …

Mango widow:



They started about 20 days the 12/12 cicle… (Not sure, I think it was the 19.10.23)


8.11.23 - Continuing with the update:
The BBD from @anonymous4289 … I should have started them some months ago, but my bad predictions and some personal drawbacks (enfasis in backs) did not allow me. I only can excuse and beg for pardon, but it was my fault.
They are not going too fast, but when they were planted the climatology here dropped from 25°C to 13-15ºC and extreme humidity in a couple days.

And these others are the 10ThPlanet from @ABushOfKush … Remember some seeds came slighly open and then I decided to sow it, to test viability… And well, they got luck and started with better temperatures…

Sorry for the jail pictures… They are good plants and not deserve being jailed :rofl:

Now, also a Kristy Kush, from @Tracker came also little opened. So, who am I to not let grow a plant with so many impetu for sprouting :rofl: … A night in water and a 5mm root was showing, so I don’t wait more to sow it.
Side by side, some WMBK from @THCeed for the contest. One of them was showing also a little root, so I pit in in dirt. The other still not, but he/she is not less than the other and went to dirt also.

The 88g13HPABC from @middleman. After 6 months is still a feet tall. I can’t blame the plant. It was transplanted to a big pot very soon, and when watered, almost drown… Anyway it is alive…

And … I continue with the space problems.
Life not always go as is planned. At this time I was counting with be living in my ranchito but that trade went to shit. So the big space that I was counting to have, went down the drain. Now starting with another land, much smaller, and here the house is still to be constructed… But well… never worse.

Thanks for watching…


They look happy in jail! I hope you have a girl between the 2. I’d love to see what type of plants are in there.


glad you got the BBD going. best of luck on your grow.

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12.11.23 - If this time I can’t obtain any seeds, then I surrender. :sweat_smile:

The Pink floyds buds after a month: (Edit, not yet, still a week for a month. They started 12/12 the 19.10.23).

I think that this time I can accomplish my goal.


15.11.23- Continue with pollen storing…
I clean it. Make a thin layer in petri dish, and store with plenty of silica gel for a day.
Later put in eppendorfs with some cotton and a couple beads of silica. If silica changes color, still some humidity…
Edit: If there is still humidity, i place the eppendorf open in another small container, closed with silica and a %10rh for another day (or two). Then… A small plastic sip bag, with some silica again and to the freezer for long storage.


Perhaps I will not use it… But I have plenty of eppendorfs to fill, so no worries. And I prefer to have it… Who knows what could grow from there…
And I plan on working the pink floyd…(Someday…) so I want to save some if in need of back cross.
For sharing I use a small quantity (around 0,1-0,2ml)… For personal use it could give hundreds of seeds.
When this run ends, I will do another but feminizing the Wild Thai…


your way of collecting pollen is a way more proffesional than mine ! I like it great work!

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Thanks, as my father taugh me: If you are going to do something, try to do it well. And I add because trying to do it well, something can go wrong anyway :rofl:

And for a example:
The air layering was a success.!.. But when I try to put in a pot I fucked all the new and fresh roots.
So I take some clones, and tomorrow will take some more, because… I find that I have put all the Pink Floyd Females to flowering, except this. :rofl:
Well, things happen. Anyway, I think that I will have plenty of F1s…