Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

Ditto and made. :rofl:
Today I was walking with the box of pollen in the petri and silica when I slipped and send all blowing in the wind, the floor, broken glass… Well… Everything. :rofl:
Well this is for having a total disorder of things everywhere and having to make slalom to drift it.
Anyway, I was organizing the clones, and see that I still have a clone of the male. But I’m collecting at least about 0,5ml of pollen each day that is enough for a lifetime of seeds.
I can collect many more, but I like to spray it all the days between the two tents… Just to be sure every pistil tastes the sin. :sweat_smile:


16.11.23- News Today
Taken some clones, just in case and for having things ready for the next round.
The ladies are pretty well, I think that I can see seeds forming (if I’m not wrong again :sweat_smile: )


I can see the seed pods! I’d say you were successful


I notice also that the plants doesn’t develop much… I suppose that is thing of being seeded.
Or should I blame the change in nutrients?

Well, hope that nothing bad happens and I could have something to share and to work with.

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18.11.23 - Welcome to the pH Calibration Awards 11.23 :rofl:
pH meter calibration time!!.
Time to time is good to calibrate the meters. I have a couple and normally check with more than one, if I see notable differences… Calibration time!
I have some cheap ones, and some more expensive ones…

I use two cups of each calibration solution. One for clean and the other for calibrate. I do: clean in RO or distilled water, then wash in calibration b.e. 6.86, and measure in final calibration b.e. 6.86. So the final calibration solution is less prone to be altered.
The thing white you see in the background is my laminar flowhood closed Hepa 14, 30x60cm… To play with in vitro cultures :sweat_smile:


And… I feel them pretty seeded, some buds biggest than others.
I am thinking in starting to cut some branches of the male. So probably could fit another fem there. Mostly because I see the SSH with not big buds, when other times they was pretty big, so probably the one that was removed and now is more healthy could find a little space.
RH is too high, but next week I will have a dehumidifier here…


Just coming from closing the tent, and find another possibly problem… For now it seems corrected, but tomorrow will check again.
The problem in question is that in one side of the tent, the low power led panels was with a little tenue light. They were not fully off.
That is another reason why I want to make the time controller with arduino, so I have two relays or a DPDT relay to switch off the phase and the neutral, because is possible to have some returns by the neutral that are enought to light dimmly the leds.

(@stiffy … this is the diary)


21.11.23 - Four days ago (17.11.23) I put the other WT with the male, today I put the other SSH.
I don’t know if it is caused by the nutrient change or the cold or someother thing that I’m not aware, but the current flowering SSH does not show that big buds … Nor even close.
The others are doing pretty well, with some exception.
The PF is starting to eat herself, I don’t know if watering with some more N could help.

Next rounders are doing well…

Today the sun appears, and a little wind also, so I opened the tents to try to down the rH.
Anyway, the dehumidifier has arrived.


22.11.23 - Seeded plants go well. One of the Pink Floyd females is eating herself, but there it goes:

PInk Floyd seeded female:

Wild Thai seeded female:

Mango widow, seeded:

Bubblegum, seeded:

The SSH has very few seeds, was later to the party due to replacing the one that got “ill”

This time it didn’t grow as I expected, very, very little buds… Probably nutrient change or coming late to the party and pollinized very early.
I added the “ill” now, in hopes of obtaining a few more seeds.

The WMBK from @THCeed : one of them feel like is not going to survive, anyway cares applied.

The Blueberry Diesel from @anonymous4289 , doing pretty well:

The 10thPlanet from @ABushOfKush , needing a repotting:

The Kristy kush from @Tracker … Is recovering. It growed a little deformed and was very near the substrate when opening the cotiledons, so the humid cocoa not helped and started to grow some fungus. I dropped some trichoderma above it, and fungus gone. Now I feel that it will survive. This was a seed that came damaged and opened in the travel… But I don’t like to discard anything. It he/she wants to survive I will not stop it.

And last, BogBubble F2, from @Cartwright , three days and above dirt:

Also trying to root some PF female, that my old stoner head thought that had still some vegeting clones, but only the plant of the experiment.
Some plants waiting for the next seedrun with the wild thai:

And the seeded mommas_not-tent_:

I have to apologyze for not being able to put more of your seeds to grow, overgrowers, but as you can see, the space is limited…

Happy thanksgiving overgrowers!


Nice garden @Piter!


It is a bit disorganized, but things get out of control when growing :rofl:

Also, this is a temporary space, if all go well, in a year they will have a basement more organized.


Try this to combat humidity:

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I have some of that, but the “underroof” is near 280m2 …
The plants are in a “small division”, around 100m2, but is shared with the CNC, electronics and “minilab”… and other things.
With the strong winds of yesterday and today rh dropped to 65%. And now the dehumidifier arrived, so will try to maintain it around 65 and I will be happy. Anyway it is a vented roof, so it will renew air also with the window closed.

Then forget my idea, you would need a ton of them for that big space :laughing:

You have all the toys together, plants, CNC, electronics… the vice room, nice!

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28.11.23… A minute of silence for three fallen soldiers.

The kristy did not make it.
WMBKs thinned the stem and almost died. I have two more in water… But only one show a little root…
Going to put in fresh coco.


29.11.23. The feared day has come.
Today I found some mold, so I have to cut some seeded buds.
The dehumidifier is working night and day, each day I took 15liters of water out… But not suffice.
And I check them all days … But…


Bummer! How far along are the seeds?

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Well, Is the first time that I do seeds, so I think two or three weeks more to finish well.
The plants have many seeds, so go a little slower.
They started flowering 6 weeks ago.
Seeds are near… But not done.

I must say that this fungus was located just under the male. They had a white covering of pollen that I could not take away because got stuck to the trichs.
The other side of the tent is fine.

Anyway … If from these little buds I have counted around 50 seeds… Then if this finish:

Now I am making a live trimming, taking away all the leaves with lots of pollen. I have taken more before, but the male is still here waiting for two girls late to the party.
The other side:

I am pretty sure the mold was due to the pollen. The last winter, with this humidity (or more) and without dehumidifier… And nothing happend.


Taking out a lot of leaves is a good idea. You’ll have thousands of seeds from those plants. Pollen can definitely be problematic where mold is concerned.


Yes … Now I know :sweat_smile: .
But I hope to control it this remaining weeks, or at least not have much loss.
Spraying with H2O2 could help?
Anyway… If this days I see another spot of mold, probably will use some chemicals… I have enough weed and I want to save the seeds.
Or cut the male and let it with a couple branches to the late ladies…

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