Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

Things look pretty good in there :+1:. The bb has been coming out nice. Last year my keeper reeked of gum, but this years does not has that aroma. I’d be curious to how yours cures up. Have a nice night amigo :wave:


Nice plants @Piter!

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Wow what a difference from last run on the 10th Planet bloodcake! Looking good!

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17.7.24- A couple pics before a trip… I hope they survive the heat


22.7.24 - I was out of home for some days, and today as a hot wave is burning us, I decided to drive home to check them…
They were ok, but something happend and they was in the dark. I don’t know how many time it was… but… well they looked healthy. I hope that they not get stressed this final weeks.

So I turned again the lights, and let the analogic timers with the wrong time… things of being in a hurry. I am out of home again, and only will be back in another three or 4 days.

Almost all the plants look near finish… but I will check better and with more detail when back at home.



I just caught up! What a journey my friend. I’m glad you decided to grow again and even more so you decided to share!
Sending good vibes to you and yours. I hope the plant are all okay!

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25.7.24- Back home. The plants survived by a hair.
So, lets make a report again:

Left side: (bog bubble F2, SSH, wmbk and cookies cream)

Bog bubble f2 (@Cartwright) :


Cookies cream:

WMBK (Thceed)

Right side ( ssh, BBD#1, BBD #2, 10thplanet):

The one in the front left is SSH, front right 10thplanet)

BBD #1(@anonymous4289 ):

BBD #2:

10thplanet (@ABushOfKush ):

Well,I have to play with the plants to take pictures… NowI have a sticky phone :rofl:


3.8.24- oh no!!! Sudden death!
The plants look very poor… They look like if they are drying. Very high temps this days, but I think that it is due other reasons.
Some do not “drink”, I think the pH is OK, and I was feeding the almlst same since start flower.

But they look like they are dying. Well it is near time… So I can save something… But I don’t know the cause to prevent it.

I can’t figure what could I have done wrong…


20.8.24 - Finally ended chopped them all. I think that besides some nutrient problem (to be determined), possibly was some kind of fungus/disease.
It affected some buds and leaves drying them a lot, and the reason I suspect that was some disease is that if not affected the whole bud, bud one side of them.
Probably temps over 40ºC and rH varying from 45 to 90% doesn’t help with the VPD also.

Anyway, I am trying to reveg the WMBK, BBD and the BogBubble.
Also new buying new coco substrate to throw away the current and give the wardrobe a big clean.

Ah, one thing that I noticed, and this could be from the nutrients problem, was that some new leafs around the buds looked like they were wet and very shiny, I don’t know if someone has experienced this before, but any information could help to prevent this on future grows.

I am almost ready to do a new start…

Sorry for not posting more pictures, but the last one that I upped explains it, they didn’t go better but waaay worse.

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10.9.24 - Reveg failed :sob:

So this week I am cleaning the room to make a clean start.

Also I tried to make an aerocloner and currently cloning the WTxPF and the last Pink floyd female that remains.
So in a couple weeks will start flowering the cross. I know some other OGr was growing it also, but I think he obtained 3/3 males. For now the WTxPF female looks pretty: thin leaves, short internodes. I forgot to take a picture before cutting into clones, as usual. :face_in_clouds:

I will try to grow some of the other crosses, but this time will try to keep it small, perhaps 12/12 since beginning.

And again will try to make fem seeds. I hope to have more success than with the Wild Thai…

Well, many plans, but all subject to change, and almost no free time don’t help much.


Do you need some fem seeds? I can send a couple packs.

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Hi and thanks for your offer.
I want to make them. The last time I was in a hurry and when STSing the WT finally I forgot to keep a clone and ended bad. So doing fem seeds is like a nail that I have to hammer.
NOTE: I feel like if using some Tween 20 or Tween 80 (a drop or two) with the STS, it worked best.
So this time I will try again but with the PF, I want to “keep” it by seeds before finally discarding that cut. Need space for new blood :rofl:

In reality I don’t need them… I WANT THEM… :rofl: :rofl:


Understood! And good luck with the fem process. It is definitely not as easy as using regular males. I’ve had failures and various levels of success.


The WT when finally throw male flowers, it didn’t open, and when opened by hand, I barely see any pollen (looking through microscope).
But well, trial and error. I have enough STS to keep trying a couple years :rofl:

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I found that attempts when the humidity was low had the best success for me. Normal male flowers I haven’t had an issue dropping pollen in high humidity but these may react different. I also had better success with a couple extra sprays after I saw male parts forming. Most advice I have seen says to stop spraying once you see male parts develop.

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I will have a hard time to find “humidity low” here… :rofl:

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16.9.24 - I tried to clean the “not-tents” the best that I could.
As the clones are still without roots and will take some time to grow a little, I am waiting for one Pink Floyd to recover and will pit into flower with the WTxPF. I will try to reverse again the Pink Floyd, I want to get rid of it to test new strains.

This is the WTx PF. I cut some clones and looks like:

This is the “el cheapo” aerocloner:

And this will be some of the new family members. Must add 4 or 5 Twin Floyds that has throw roots but will be put in coco tomorrow.

One SSHxPF (mine), Rotten Pineapple ( Cartwright), Caramel (EG), Santa Marta C.G. Red (YoBigdaddy).
I miss some haze… but I think I have some haze cross from Mr.Nice in the fridge… Will have to take a look.

EDIT: the pictures are not of the “not tents” that is an improvised annex. :rofl:
I am also popping some of the crosses that I made before, just to show and the people that got it from me see what to expect.


18.9.24 - Good and bad news…
The Santa Marta has wilted. Today it appear with the “thinned stem” issue. I buried it till cotiledons, but I think is lost.
And… Sweeet and sour cindy from cartwright is growing also…
Also two TF showing
And… I changed my phone and now the OG app doesn’t allow me to take pictures, it takes me direct to gallery… Grrrrrrr