Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

good morning @Piter ,

hope you are doing well ,my friend! Sorry to hear that you have some problems. Fungus gnats can be verry disturbing.

Use more sticky traps, .maybe removing the first 2 cm substrat helps to control them.
and this litlles helpers could also do a great job . they are eating the eggs as far as i know.
did you try to spray neem oil?

plants looking nice have a great day ! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Hope youre doing well and enjoying some dank smoke! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


12.5.24… Cutting some plants… So a final picture…
This last week I have them a little abandoned, no time at all free, so there are some leafs problems…
Also only water this last week…

The 10thPlanet started developi g some buds, but they were veeeeeery late (also considerong that it was a Fast version.). Perhaps were some fault on my side, blocked nutients… Who knows.
It looks pretty, with leaves coated with resin…

This other is my bubblegum…

Critical skunk, cracked the stem one week ago…

And some Wild thais:

I have to take pictures of the vegetative plants… But my food is goong to be carbonized …so … later


Sorry about the 10th planet. Untested beans. Not sure if they’re actually fast finishing. The seeds are from a photoperiod plant hit with autoflower pollen. She does look covered in frost though!


Yea, man nice work, especially in a small space! :star_struck:


I can’t blame the plant. Many personal troubles keeped me away to spend time on them, so perhaps there was something bad on my side. I have a clone of her so I will give another try, she looks very promising.
For example, the bubblegum in the picture looks fine, but I have a clone of her in the other side of the tent that not developed like that, it was slow as the 10th planet. So perhaps blocked nutrients or the fucking gnats affected them more than the others.

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Well, I had the plants abandoned this last months… No free time and very occupied. Some has gone through severe dry outs but they are still alive… And a little oversized :rofl:
This weekend will change to 12/12
The WMBK @THCeed for the 1st errr 2nd WMBK contest… I have to bend it to keep in place…:sweat_smile:

The small metal rule at the left is 50cm long…

Bog bubble f2 from @Cartwright …the look today is nothing compared to pre-dry… It is a shame for me… I made it suffer a lot… But on the otherside… Stress tested! :rofl:

It is the same size as the wmbk.

One of the BBD from @anonymous4289

And still have to arrange the remaining…

:sweat_smile: :sweat:


No worries man the contest don’t start til October/November :rofl: @THCeed let’s just roll those prizes over and go again? haha If everyone’s up for it

Piter your area is looking very very lush, considering the absence! Thankful for your updates, my friend.


Well, I tried to arrange as best as I could…

That is the left side

And this is the right side

I will let a couple days to organize themselves.

Yes, I know they are very tight, very big, little dpace and everything else… But things happend.

I’ve been in a hurry and could not clean the space as I wanted… But I feel that my days need to be of 48 hours at last so I can stay to date.


12.6.24- Today I tried to make some ice hash or bubble … call it as you want … and I think I ended throwing away many trichs and not washing well the weed.
Why? Because it is better to buy once well that buy twice.
Once ago I picked the 1 gallon bags… I only planned on clean trimmings for a little hash and that was enough. Well, today I tried to wash the weed that was crushed to take away seeds… and… 1 gallon is very little. :sweat_smile:

I will pick 5 gallon bags someday… hahaha
Anyway I think that obtained some hash to squish and make rosin…
(Sorry no pictures, I went without phone…)


Good morning brotha :coffee:

The plants still look good. Some bubble hash is better than no bubble hash. I have to get new bags as well because I suck at cleaning them haha. Hope youre having a great week!:sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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18.6.24… all are doing pretty well crowded :sweat_smile:
Left side: bog bubble f2 (Cartwright), wmbk (Thceed) and a mango widow,ssh and cookies cream, all starting to show flowers

On the right side: BBD (Anonymous), SSH and 10th planet bloodcake (abushofkush), this time doing waaay better

Yes, I need to clean some foliage


25.6.24- Today was trying to rearrange something and also trim yellow leaves… All ladies doing fine despite lacking of space.

This 10thplanet x bloodcake from @ABushOfKush is going well and fast, this makes me think that the previous one could have some nutrient lock or anything…

My SSH, always reaching the skies…

From @anonymous4289 the BBD… Is competing with the SSH to rech the lights…

Sorry for not uploading to the BBD thread, I will try later when at the computer.

The BogBubble from @Cartwright

And the WMBK from @THCeed for the WMBK contest 2026 :rofl:

Sorry, some plants are crossing their buds and possibly some bud for another plant is in the middle, but… Saturated space you know.

This is the left side, there are the Bog, WMBK, one little SSH a cookies cream and some other.

And this is the right side, Two BBD, one SSH and the 10thplanet

That’s all for now…


looks like you have a whole mess of things going on. keep those BBD updates going. :+1:


Hope the 10th Planet fills in better this time. Looks like a great start

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You are going to love that BBD :+1:

The bogbubble looks totally sick too, nice double serrations on that one.


i’m also curious to see that SSH and how it smokes.

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That SSH is one that I am growing since the start, almost 20 months. Is the third or the fourth time that I put it to flower.
Was from a “no brand” gift from a store. It has very good growth and it survived all the stresses possible without any harm (drys, very high and low temps, high humiditys…), it has some pink in late flowering.
Is a good daytime smoke… at least for me, but you know, what pleasures one to another could be meh.
This time I was thinking in not keeping more clones of it to leave space to new blood, but… “only one more time”… :rofl:

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Yesterday I was trying to make some rosin again.
I used some kief from the WT and some bubble hash of it mixed.
Used a 25 micron bag, qnubu paper and 85ºC in a 4ton electric/hidraulic press and about 4 minutes… and well… what a mess… hahaha
Little return, the parchment paper broke on one ply and when I took it off I saw all the rosin on the plates.
Some lessons learned: Put double parchment paper. And use a cooling mat or some metal stored in the fridge.
With this paper was easy to collect the rosin, but I keep the rosin stick to the collection tool. I have to find a better way to take it off the tool.
Probably today I will give another messy try. :rofl:


8.7.24- Some news and a bad one, only one.

The ladies are growing pretty well. I think, viewing the results of the SSH with the Top Crop nutrients, that they are better than the Hesi ones.
Lets see the ladies…

Bog bubble F2 from @Cartwright:

WMBK from @thceed


Another SSH

One BBD from @anonymous4289

The other BBD from anonymous (*). This had One problem. She throws ONE male flower, ONLY ONE. I can’t blame the plant at all, I am pretty sure it was my fault: many dryouts, hight temps with high humidity, low temps with a LOT of humidity, some light when in dark, etc… I have little time this grow, and they are pretty crowded and can’t take care of them as they need. Anyway, I take out that male flower and she is doing pretty well with no problems.

And last the 10th planet bloodcake from @ABushOfKush , that this time was flawless and I think that is showing that is a fast one.

Sorry for the pictures, it is pretty crowded.
I cant talk about aromas … Because as I open the tent it is a tutti frutti and saturate my fool nose and I can’t tell much. I will try other day that I not play with wood and have the nose a more clean.